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Conferences Rock Star (Protected)
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Top 5
[font color="maroon"]Well, thew wheat is starting to separate from the chaff. I predict right now that the final 5 will be%0
9 messages
07-19-06 10:46 AM
Supernova Love List Week 2 [View All]
Magni "My Generation" - Very good. Much improved. I liked it. Jenny "Tainted Love" - Hated her voice. Hated the arrangement. The en
50 messages
07-18-06 03:56 PM
This week's song selections
Patrice – Helter Skelter (The Beatles) Josh – Come As You Are (Nirvana) Storm – Just What I Needed (The Cars) Lukas %
11 messages
07-17-06 09:24 PM
Tainted Love
I felt oblidged to comment on everyone ripping Tainted Love as a song choice. Yes, Tainted Love by Soft Cell does not seem on the surface to be a g
Wacko Jacko
5 messages
07-17-06 01:45 PM
Rockstar [View All]
Who got kicked off tonight?
26 messages
07-13-06 11:18 PM
Should Be./Will Be Bottom Three Week #2 [View All]
I ended up running this for AI last season and I thought I'd see if there was enough interest to run it for Rock Star. Since we have the
27 messages
07-13-06 12:25 PM
Question About Tommy Lee
I really want to like him. But I'm haunted by some alledged wife abuse talk some time ago. I know I could Google this but the truth coul
12 messages
07-13-06 11:12 AM
Rock Star Sued
A previous band called "Supernova" is suing Rock Star:Supernova. v_eo/19477%0
3 messages
07-12-06 03:01 PM
Song Choices for this week [View All]
Here is a list of what everyone is singing this week for those that want to know: Magni – My Generation (The Who) Jenny Galt %
35 messages
07-12-06 02:34 PM
Week 2 - Reality Show
So I watched the Week 2 reality show last night (on-line) and here are my thoughts: - No challenge? What's up with that?
8 messages
07-12-06 02:28 PM
myspace links
Because I think every fan of the show should know some background. Zayra - Toby -
11 messages
07-11-06 02:09 PM
Rock Star - How many eps per week?
Remind me how this worked last season?? Last night on Canadian TV there were 3 RockStar shows (the first 2 were on Global, the latt
6 messages
07-11-06 08:42 AM
Supernova Love List: week 1 [View All]
Rock Star: Supernova is upon us and in board tradition, so is the Love List. All I can say after the premier is a big … WOW! I am so excited f
44 messages
07-10-06 02:21 PM
Matt Hoffer's interview ?mode=1& The only thing interesting in the inte
2 messages
07-10-06 08:02 AM
Elimination Episode Discussion Thread 7/6/06 [View All]
Who's the first one to go? Who's in the bottom three? We're about to find out. The episode starts out by telling us that Chris%
36 messages
07-07-06 03:27 PM
East Coast Discussion Thread - 7/5/06 [View All]
For those of us who want to chat about the show before the westies have a chance to see it. Two singers so far --- and I am already left wo
34 messages
07-06-06 05:08 PM
Countdown to Supernova
Well we’re now about 2 weeks away from the premier of Rockstar: Supernova and I must admit that I’m completely pumped. Season one fans should be
18 messages
07-05-06 04:14 PM
The answer everyone has been waiting for.......
The 'Band' for the next Rockstar has been announced. I must say I am disappointed. Not even sure I will watch. But the new band is (from Melo
Wacko Jacko
20 messages
06-14-06 04:24 PM
INXS Greedy Guys
What is it with them charging to access information on there website? I used to view the website and haven't been to it in a month or so. The fo
Wacko Jacko
8 messages
06-05-06 11:32 AM
another way RS kicks AI's butt
[|B- ooke Burke 53, Kellie Pickler 10.] Biggest blow-out of the tournament so far. :)
4 messages
05-28-06 11:12 PM
INXS - Weekend Today Concert Series
What a fantastic way to start the morning today with INXS and JD rocking the Plaza. The only way it would have been better is if I had the time for t
3 messages
05-18-06 10:41 AM
Need your help...
For all you Rock Star lovers.... if you haven't ventured over to the Off-topic forum lately, there is a battle of the Reality TV shows going on.%0
3 messages
03-28-06 03:01 PM
Inxs contestants on Supernova????
I have heard rumors on many message boards and the Rock Star site that there will be a couple Rock Star Inxs rockers on the new Rock Star Supernova. T
4 messages
03-22-06 06:24 PM
Marty Rocks On .... For Marty Fans
I found this online and thought others might be interested. Marty rocks on Chicago's Casey not INXS' pick
10 messages
03-17-06 08:15 PM
New Season... [View All]
Been off the board for a while but I thought I would drop in to see what, if anything, or anyone (Loree?) knows about the new season o
27 messages
03-04-06 10:21 PM
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