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Conferences Rock Star (Protected)
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Jason resembles Beavis?
Oh my god, so I was watching last night, happened to capture this still of Jason, and knew he reminded me of someone. I grabbed a Beavis and Bu
7 messages
09-05-06 04:35 AM
8/30 Elimination Episode Discussion Thread [View All]
Lets keep discussion about tonights show here.
87 messages
09-02-06 10:29 AM
Mig gets record deal
Signs deal for a [ ar-inxs-finalist-mig-gets-signed-1009677.php|Cover CD]? Huh? Why w
0 messages
09-01-06 04:49 PM
Magni is soo hott!!! I hope he wins!!
0 messages
09-01-06 02:08 AM
Was it just me, or was the house band too loud?
Maybe I am just getting old, but I found the sound quality on last night's show very garbled sounding, and the house band seemed to overpower ma
8 messages
08-31-06 04:33 PM
Supernova Love List: week 9 [View All]
So what did you think of the week nine performances by these six rockers? Have new favorites emerged, did old favorites make your heart beat faste
52 messages
08-31-06 10:28 AM
should be / will be / SN song?
I don't want to ruin it for the west coast but I would love to see if others are finding this a tough choice as well tonight?
20 messages
08-30-06 07:53 PM
8/29 East Coast Discussion Thread (Spoiler) [View All]
Lets keep all discussion about the 8/29 episode here. PS: Nobody else created it and I was tired of hitting refresh so I decided to st
94 messages
08-30-06 08:31 AM
Please help!
It's driving us crazy! What was the insult that Tommy said to Storm after her "I Will Survive" performance? Something about, "...and I
3 messages
08-29-06 11:27 PM
Song Selections....
This week was the viewer's choice: Lukas - Lithium - Nirvana Magni - I, Alone - Live Ryan - Clocks - Coldplay Storm -
18 messages
08-29-06 05:58 PM
Week 9 Reality Show Recap [View All]
from [i]Wow. So much drama occurred on "Rock Star's" last elimination episode that the residual effects
21 messages
08-29-06 02:49 PM
Pictures and Links from City Walk
[b]UNIVERSAL CITYWALK - AUG 25/06[/b] ds/User_files/44f2cb9469becb5b.jpg -
3 messages
08-28-06 07:11 PM
8/23 Result show [View All]
Let's keep discussion of tonight's show here.
103 messages
08-28-06 03:27 PM
Then and Now, Your Final 3 [View All]
Who were originally your hope for the final 3? Who are they now? Originally: Dilana, Lukas, Magni (with a Dilana w
28 messages
08-25-06 08:31 PM
Zayra's pithc problems [View All]
[font color="maroon"]I pulled this from WackoJacko's love list this week: [i]8. Zayra Alvarez – David Bowie “All the
22 messages
08-25-06 04:01 PM
Thoughts on Supernova song #2 [View All]
Over on the Rockstar message board there were a lot of people complaining that both SN songs sucked. This surprised me. I didn't enjoy the first son
23 messages
08-25-06 12:33 PM
Moving up, moving down
Which contestants improved their standing with you this week? Which ones hurt themselves? Moving UP Magni +++ - tha
4 messages
08-25-06 00:24 AM
Supernova Love List: week 8 [View All]
So what did you think of the week eight performances by these seven rockers? Have new favorites emerged, did old favorites make your heart beat fa
60 messages
08-24-06 10:23 PM
Did anyone watch Reality Remix last night?
Did anyone watch Reality Remix last night on Fox's reality channel? They interviewed a producer from Rockstar regarding the faux publicity interv
1 messages
08-24-06 03:29 PM
I just have to say this, as I was watching this performance all I could think was Kylie Minogue on crack! I did not mind the song but SO not for S
3 messages
08-24-06 02:10 PM
Dave's blog [View All]
[font color="maroon"]Interesting stuff from [|Dave's blog]: Someone Is Going Home Yeah, I
23 messages
08-24-06 12:27 PM
Song choices for this week [View All]
Patrice - Beautiful Thing - Original song Magni - Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana Ryan - Back of your Car - Original song Storm - Cry
35 messages
08-24-06 02:28 AM
Should Go/Will Go /Anchor [View All]
I am so not a RockStar....I couldn't stay up to watch the show at it's later time, so I'll catch it on the TIVO tonight. Enought ab
22 messages
08-23-06 04:59 PM
Enough with the "Fight for the Song" stuff.
Is anyone else sick to death of the band & Dave harping on them to fight for songs? Why don't they fight for songs? I don't know
Cathy the Canadian
17 messages
08-23-06 04:47 PM
Toby Rand is a 28 year-old surfer from Australia and the (former) lead singer of a band called [|Juke Kartel].
15 messages
08-23-06 02:13 PM
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