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How .... (East coast spoiler warning) [View All]
...does Mig beat out JD? Explain to me how on God's freakin' good earth did anyone think that Mig performed better then JD, let alo
55 messages
09-13-05 11:44 PM
Super Bummed - J.D. Doomed [View All]
I was just getting over the Mig is a plant rumor, and beginning to feel pretty confident that J.D. would win, and then tonight's show had to air
29 messages
09-13-05 07:18 PM
For Marty Fans
I have serious questions about Marty, I'm not tryin to be snarky. I think he is a good singer/performer and find him really interesting in this
9 messages
09-13-05 05:29 PM
New INXS Album - Done Deal?
According to his blog, Andrew has been busy writing the new album in collaboration with other writers (details below.) And it sounds like it'
3 messages
09-13-05 01:21 PM
J.D. Wins . . . and Here is Why
After many agonizing nights of debating with myself about who is going to win this thing, after sorting through the rumors and giving consideration
5 messages
09-13-05 12:50 PM
Smoking & Other Stupid Moves [View All]
I know that rock n' roll is all about rebellion, but what the h**l is going on with some of the rockers and their smoking habits. Isn't you
mocha madness
30 messages
09-13-05 12:28 PM
Which songs have you purchased and downloaded?
So far I have purchased 9 songs from the series, most recently trees. How about the rest of you? I have these: Bohemian Rhapsod
3 messages
09-13-05 10:56 AM
Interesting tidbits from
Am I the only one who hasn't checked out There's a whole lot that never makes it on air. http://www.inxs.c
7 messages
09-12-05 04:35 PM
9/6 Show [View All]
OMG JD IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAS THAT TOTALLY HOT OR WHAT??????? I CAN%
43 messages
09-12-05 04:16 PM
celebrities who love the rock stars
In this week's issue of People magazine, it says that Quentin Tarantino REALLY likes Jordis, and that Hank Azaria is crazy about Suzie, and th
1 messages
09-12-05 10:55 AM
VH1 Ep 9/11
I had flipped the channel, so I missed seeing what songs they gave Susie for the perfomance show. Did anyone else catch it?
5 messages
09-11-05 10:06 PM
JD - Mystify
I must give kudos where they are due and say that JD did a great job with Mystify. It was almost as if he simply fit right in the song. I
14 messages
09-11-05 06:15 PM
Ty the Sore Loser [View All]
I used to enjoy Ty but he really killed it for me tonight by pulling the race card as the reason for getting kicked out. I was rooting for JD to leav
79 messages
09-11-05 10:06 AM
Regional Voting
Watching MiG survive and reading Braiderd's post made me wonder, are we watching regional voting? Any Aussie's out there who can comment?%0
5 messages
09-11-05 09:14 AM
Life after RockStar
1) What in the world am I going to do with all the free time on my hands when it's over?? 2) Saw this on the web; sounds plausi
7 messages
09-10-05 02:25 PM
SCAM: INXS... MIG already chosen as lead singer !!! [View All]
I have been holding back for a while, but I can't take it anymore!! I was one of the final 50 selected to go to LA for the final ro
24 messages
09-09-05 05:43 PM
Hey everyone whatz up? I saw that Brooke B. mentioned that there was a t-shirt available on the website but I didn't see anything to order. Does
6 messages
09-09-05 03:01 PM
Rock Star Love List: week 9 [View All]
Week nine performances have come and gone. Have your feelings of admiration for some or loathing for others been changed? Time to fess up. Who are y
27 messages
09-09-05 01:24 AM
US looked wierd to me
I don't know about anyone else but I found the group performance of the new INXS song wierd. INXS band members appeared old next to the younger perf
17 messages
09-08-05 07:16 PM
A Night @ The Mayan Theatre & Downloads
Last week, when Brooke mentioned the CD coming out I ran to the Web site to check it out -- what a disappointment, for my taste. The CD contains
5 messages
09-08-05 10:42 AM
TiVo / DVR issues
I've heard a lot of people saying that their DVR/TiVo didn't tape the whole thing. I don't have either of these devices but I did notic
1 messages
09-08-05 08:15 AM
Spoiler for Live Performance Show
Blah Blah Blah.... just filling in space. This is about the live show for Tuesday. But it was taped Sunday. I was not at the ta
12 messages
09-07-05 11:08 PM
Who Is Going Home? [View All]
With the final show approaching I am wondering if INXS will send 2 people home tomorrow night. I think that Jordis will be sent packing and
40 messages
09-07-05 10:30 PM
Who Wants to Dish on Clothes? [View All]
So, have at it. Was Suzie's skirt slit high enough? Anyone see if she was wearing underwear? What WAS Marty thinking - pedal pu
30 messages
09-07-05 08:44 PM
MARTY [View All]
I do not know why but i am totally mesmerized by marty dont know if i spelt that right lol i love him
22 messages
09-07-05 08:29 PM
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