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"SCAM: INXS... MIG already chosen as lead singer !!!"
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Lightening_Odd 3 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

08-18-05, 06:36 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Lightening_Odd Click to send private message to Lightening_Odd Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
"SCAM: INXS... MIG already chosen as lead singer !!!"
I have been holding back for a while, but I can't take it anymore!!

I was one of the final 50 selected to go to LA for the final round for the INXS:Rockstar show. I wrote a journal about my experience and described all 50 contestants I saw when I was there. From day one we were told 14 people make it to the show...14...14...14...14!!! I have contracts to prove this. Anyway, all of sudden the show airs and there are 15 contestants...go figure! I recognize all of them, except one...MIG! He WAS NOT at the audtions. I promise you!!

So I came to realize, Mig is the mole..the plant if you will. INXS probably recorded the album with him already, though that I can't prove.

Check this out: One of the songs we were given to learn was "We Are The Champions"...then it was pulled. They changed it. Could it be because MIG was the lead in the London production of 'Queen: We Will Rock You'? A Broadway type show. And isn't the TV show supposed to be about guys and gir! ls who are struggling to make a career out of singing?? MIG has a career...go figure!!

The icing on the cake was tonight. Great reality setup. One guy slaughters a Queen tune last week..then Mig comes in to show he can save the day and really sing a Queen song...go figure!!
He has been singing them for a living!!!

Anyway, if you are a betting Vegas and get the odds on Mig. You walk away a rich man/ me!!

It's just disapponiting to know the band is using this program to just to market themselves and a singer they have already selected. The auditions were really to surround MIG. Pretty sad...

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already cho... riverrocker 08-18-05 1
   RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already cho... CAGirl 08-24-05 17
       RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already cho... Cathy the Canadian 08-30-05 19
 RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already cho... Dorian 08-18-05 2
 RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already cho... calichica 08-18-05 3
 RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already cho... toddE 08-18-05 4
   RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already cho... cycles2k 08-18-05 5
       RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already cho... Wacko Jacko 08-18-05 7
   RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already cho... weltek 08-19-05 9
       RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already cho... dreamerbeliever 08-19-05 12
 RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already cho... Cassandra 08-18-05 6
 No you are the scam! dreamerbeliever 08-19-05 8
   RE: No you are the scam! weltek 08-19-05 10
   RE: No you are the scam! seahorse 08-21-05 13
 RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already cho... me144 08-19-05 11
   RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already cho... Cathy the Canadian 08-21-05 14
       RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already cho... seahorse 08-22-05 15
           RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already cho... pinay_racer 08-23-05 16
               RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already cho... LoriandDan 08-29-05 18
 RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already cho... brainerd 09-01-05 20
   But votes don't really matter... Cathy the Canadian 09-01-05 21
 Not Fixed trigirl 09-02-05 22
 RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already cho... Scarlett O Hara 09-04-05 23
 RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already cho... jpl68 09-09-05 24

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riverrocker 298 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

08-18-05, 06:45 PM (EST)
Click to EMail riverrocker Click to send private message to riverrocker Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
1. "RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already chosen as lead singer !!!"
Well, I can see where you would reach the conclusion...and we, the viewers, would have no way of knowing whether there was a 'plant' or not. In fact, ANY reality show runs that risk.

Let's face it, INXS had (has) fallen on hard times; they needed a 'lightning rod' to set them in front of the public again. This gimmick certainly gives them 'exposure'--and the 'eye candy' they have on the show gives viewers a reason to watch and hope their 'pick' is chosen.

Personally, I'm rooting for Mig anyway, so it would be just fine with me!

I'd be willing to guess, though, that several of the contestants will be offered contracts w/others or independently, and it wouldn't surprise me if INXS or Dave or Mark Burnett weren't the ones behind all of it!

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CAGirl 1 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

08-24-05, 02:20 AM (EST)
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17. "RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already chosen as lead singer !!!"
Don't know about Mig but I was in Las Vegas this weekend and Ty is starring in the Queen musical there right now!
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Cathy the Canadian 599 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

08-30-05, 04:55 PM (EST)
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19. "RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already chosen as lead singer !!!"
Welcome to the boards CAGirl.

I don't see how Tai can be in a Vegas show right now, when the INXS performances are live.

Maybe they're taped a few days before or something, but the whole show can't be pre-taped, because the voting IS live.

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Dorian 15 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

08-18-05, 07:32 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already chosen as lead singer !!!"
This is really cool! In the span of just a few minutes we have someone come in and post that they were one of the final 50 contestants and know of a scam, and another post where I guy was at the last show and heard evil comments by JD that no one else knows about. I'm impressed with this forum! It outscoops The Smoking Gun!

And folks think that the rockstars are the ones seeking the lime-light.

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calichica 5 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

08-18-05, 08:58 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already chosen as lead singer !!!"
I so hope that's not true, L_O! I had read about Mig singing Queen stuff and wondered how he felt seeing JD go down in flames a few weeks back. Thought that was ironic, but maybe it's more??!!

Well, INXS is an established band that went from int'l stars to relative unknown. In any case, I know they're dying for a comeback and they're savvy enough to possibly not take a chance on someone unseasoned enough to naively think that this show will get them a jetsetting lifestyle. They need a singer more than the singer will need them. INXS wants back in the game. Bad.

I kind of like Jordis and JD. Mig is OK. But if this show was rigged around him, I would have little interest in following INXS+Mig in the future.

Think about the show's format (we pick the bottom 3, INXS eliminates 1 or 2). Basically it gives us the *illusion* of picking the singer on the way through. Note that INXS NEVER cedes control to the viewers under this system. I'm sure they and/or Burnett orchestrated this to give drama to the PR that passes for a show.

The real victims are the singers who think they have a chance but really don't, the house band who is no worse than INXS at this point and us, the viewers (some ex-fans included) whose intelligence and taste is insulted if INXS has already gone and picked Mig.

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toddE 1433 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

08-18-05, 09:39 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already chosen as lead singer !!!"
This all sounds quite believable, but I have two questions:

1. The Queen setup doesn't exactly work, because I believe Mig sang "Baby I Love Your Way," which is by Peter Frampton.

2. There were originally 8 women and 7 men. If there were originally 14 contestants, I find it hard to believe they were not divided 7 men/7 women.

And Ty also already has some sort of career because he was a featured singer in a Vegas show (the exact name escapes me, but I saw a promo for it starring Ty).

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cycles2k 538 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

08-18-05, 11:06 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already chosen as lead singer !!!"
Anything is believable but most of us are reluctant to believe anything just because someone says it on the Internet I am not sure I really care all that much anyway since this is a win win all around. These contestants are launching some pretty good careers, INXS is getting publicity and viewers can enjoy some incredible performances.

They could certainly do worse than MIG.

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Wacko Jacko 2434 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

08-18-05, 11:15 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already chosen as lead singer !!!"
It could very well be because MiG is from Australia. Maybe they just wanted to add an Australian singer. The other 14 contestants would alos cry foul if MiG was infact a ringer. I just don't see any facts. or really anything in your write-up take says it is rigged. Although I believe MiG will be the's looking more and more obvisious every week.
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weltek 16933 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

08-19-05, 10:01 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already chosen as lead singer !!!"
I think the poster was referring to JD doing We are the Champions & Mig doing We Will Rock You...that was a few weeks ago.
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dreamerbeliever 3377 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

08-19-05, 01:04 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already chosen as lead singer !!!"
LAST EDITED ON 08-19-05 AT 01:08 PM (EST)

Actually Mig did do We Are the Champions. It never made it onto the show and was a special "never before seen" download on the RockStar MSN site that week. Also from folks in attendance of the booty show that week, they said that the band asked Mig to do it because JD butchered the song so bad lol

If you would like to know what songs will be sung for the performance show and an early assessment, checkout the boards. Several posters do attend and give up the dirt usually late Sunday night or Monday morning. My loyalty still remains here with boards however, just like to checkout the competition

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Cassandra 46 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

08-18-05, 11:07 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already chosen as lead singer !!!"
I have wondered if MiG was already their favorite and a lock to win but more because of the make up of the group auditioning. Fourteen contestants from North America and one Australian. They couldn't find one more decent Aussie singer or a single European? This just doesn't make any sense. Especially as INXS keeps talking about being an international band, wouldn't they want some Europeans in the competition to make sure there was exposure on that continent? However, if they have only one Aussie, he would garner most of the Asian vote and a lot of the anti-American vote (let's face it) and they wouldn't have to worry about him hitting the bottom three until close to the end of the series. This might not be true if there were several Aussies or other international people in the mix.

I hope this is not true but a MiG win wouldn't really surprise me. Is it possible that MiG won a European audition and therefore, you just never saw him while in L.A.?

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dreamerbeliever 3377 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

08-19-05, 02:11 AM (EST)
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8. "No you are the scam!"
This poster hasn't been holding back anything because he/she has been posting the exact samething word for word on several Rock Star boards for a few weeks. Here's a link to one ...

On page three of this thread, someone who was also in the top 50 saw Mig go threw the process like the others. Sorry Miggy fans, but if he's gonna win, he's gotta earn it

Lightening_Odd, time to go find another board. You've been exposed here.

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weltek 16933 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

08-19-05, 10:03 AM (EST)
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10. "RE: No you are the scam!"
Thanks for alerting us to this poster's story flaws. He/she probably is ticked & maybe never did see Mig. Then, he/she jumped to massive conclusions.

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seahorse 14337 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

08-21-05, 07:49 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: No you are the scam!"
Good find dreambeliever.

Slice & Dice Sigpic Chop Shop 2005

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me144 45 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

08-19-05, 12:02 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already chosen as lead singer !!!"
If there were that many people auditioning, I would think that more people would have noticed Mig's absence there, including the finalists on TV. If there were any credence to this I don't see how it would be out of the media for so long.
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Cathy the Canadian 599 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

08-21-05, 10:36 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already chosen as lead singer !!!"
Also, they've never hidden the fact that Mig gave up a role in a popular stage show to come do this. It's been mentioned several times. I remember Mig saying he had the most to lose of anyone there, because he left that behind.

I don't think they ever mentioned it was a Queen show, but so what?

Maybe Mig purposely avoided doing We are the Champions that week, to avoid the "unfair advantage" label.

Anyway, nothing compelling as far as the posters "evidence". Just sour grapes.

Mig may win, but it will have nothing to do with what this guy is saying. Like others said, if it was true, it would have come out by now, by a more legit source. You couldn't keep that a secret for long.

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seahorse 14337 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

08-22-05, 00:09 AM (EST)
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15. "RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already chosen as lead singer !!!"
Mig has been a favorite of mine since day one.

Slice & Dice Sigpic Chop Shop 2005

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pinay_racer 122 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

08-23-05, 11:38 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already chosen as lead singer !!!"
mine too...

he is awesome!

with fab abs too!

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LoriandDan 1 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

08-29-05, 11:45 PM (EST)
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18. "RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already chosen as lead singer !!!"
We figured that out on the second show. It is so obvious.
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brainerd 41 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

09-01-05, 02:24 AM (EST)
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20. "RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already chosen as lead singer !!!"
I do believe Mig is going to win... but for a different reason and this may be a method to their madness.

True... he is the only NON North American singer. Everyone else is from Canada or the USA.

Voting is worldwide. Including... Europe, Asia, Australia.

Mig... was born in the Philippines... Manila. He grew up in Australia and is/was currently working in Europe.

We know that everyone votes for their regional favorites. So Mig will get the majority of the votes from Asia.... the Philippines connection, he will get most if not all of the votes from Australia... he grew up there and will/should get most of the European votes as he was working in the UK.

The other contestants votes?... will be split amongst the North American voters in Canada and the USA and limited votes offshore.

Mig will win in a *ahem* fixed landslide.
Good thing I watch for the music and not the politics.

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Cathy the Canadian 599 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

09-01-05, 06:19 PM (EST)
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21. "But votes don't really matter..."
You're forgetting that INXS will ultimatley pick the winner, not the voters.

The voters may put Mig into the top three, but it's still down to INXS whether he actually wins.

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trigirl 2844 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

09-02-05, 09:52 AM (EST)
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22. "Not Fixed"
If it's fixed then MiG is a great actor too. Did you see his face on Aug.31st. He was shytting bricks and really, truly thought he was in the bottom 3.

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Scarlett O Hara 3259 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

09-04-05, 04:18 PM (EST)
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23. "RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already chosen as lead singer !!!"
LAST EDITED ON 09-04-05 AT 04:18 PM (EST)

If MIG wins, it's because he is the best man for the job!! Personally, I think he deserves to win -- I think he is a talented singer and showman!

As for the rest of the contestants ... this show will take them so much farther than they ever could have possibly gone on their own. It is giving them national exposure and a national audience. When this show is over and the band has their singer, I don't think we'll have seen the last of some of these other singers. They are really talented as well. And if there is one thing I know about EPMB, he finds a way of rewarding the popular contestants with cash or by finding another way to bring them back. Time will tell.

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jpl68 72 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

09-09-05, 05:43 PM (EST)
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24. "RE: SCAM: INXS... MIG already chosen as lead singer !!!"
So I'm hung up on this whole Mig is a plant conspiracy, as I can't see Mig as the lead singer of INXS at all. Admittingly, I like J.D. and can only see J.D. as the lead singer. So, I can't get this Mig thing out because in theory there is some credence that INXS would not just completely pick some unknown based in part on audience voting. Nevertheless, one of the parts to the "conspiracy" is that Mig went out and killed a Queen song after another performer (J.D.) butchered a Queen song. Well, I just went back and watched Mig's performance of We Will Rock You at the I have to tell you, first of all, J.D.'s version of We are the Champions was bad. However, Mig's performance was bad as well, and considering that he was a stage performer singing Queen songs, I would say his performance was worse than J.D. Therefore, I am starting to feel better that the Mig is a plant rumor is false. If its not, I'm sure INXS is feeling pretty sick to their stomachs right now as "Pretty Vegas" would be a great first single.
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