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Conferences Rock Star (Protected)
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Where is Supernova?
I'm quite shocked at the lack of publicity/marketing/promotions/video/web presence of Rockstar:SuperNova now that the album is out and the
4 messages
01-24-07 11:19 AM
Supernova Show in LV
Since this was the big 'prize' I was hoping that someone would hae been there to give us the scoop. Nobody? Here is what I read:%0
1 messages
01-04-07 02:34 PM
Has anyone seen them in concert lately? I'm supposed to go tonight, but DH is ill. I have to give up the tickets :-(
2 messages
12-21-06 09:44 AM
Rock Stars in Ottawa!!!
I just saw Magni and Dilana at a bar in Ottawa called the Thirsty Toad ( And it was AWESOME!!! It was an afternoon s
Cathy the Canadian
12 messages
12-01-06 06:59 PM
Track listing
Here is the link. To be released 11/21 r/dp/B000J3FBQG/sr=1-1/qid=1163186300
13 messages
11-30-06 04:29 PM
Tommy Lee, still performing with Motley Crue
We went to the Motley Crue/Aerosmith concert in Vegas lastnight, awesome seats btw, and T-Lee was on drums. Not one word about RSN, thank the
2 messages
11-27-06 03:03 PM
Ryan [View All]
I said we needed some pictures of these people. I figured we should start with Mr. Star because... well, because these two pictures inspired me.
175 messages
11-11-06 04:19 PM
No More Jason
11 messages
11-03-06 03:43 PM
Supernova performs!
Enjoy. 9-20061017-?pvc=0 geekboy
6 messages
10-29-06 12:04 PM
Storm, Magni, & Houseband are out
Saw this over on the jordisonline site. Not sure of the original link but if anyone knows it, pass it on. Looks like Storm, Magni, and the House
6 messages
10-18-06 08:39 AM
Any Songs You Keep Hearing......
in you head?? I'm still hearing "You Make My Head Spin"...... I didn't think it was all that catchy.....but I'm th
13 messages
10-08-06 11:32 AM
Storm on the Contender!
She sang the National Anthem for the season finale. And sounded GREAT! ds/User_files/
4 messages
09-29-06 02:28 PM
"See you next summer"
That's what Brooke Burke said at the finale. So....... Has anyone heard any rumors as to what band will be on next season?
Cathy the Canadian
17 messages
09-26-06 10:12 AM
INXS dropped from record label?
Breaking news on last year's Rock Star band. It appears something strange is afoot at at Epic records. See article here: htt
4 messages
09-22-06 09:00 AM
RockStar SuperNova? [View All]
Did anyone catch this yet? Looks like some official announcement will be coming tonight.
Wacko Jacko
26 messages
09-21-06 07:58 PM
Comments on the Decision of 'SuperNova'.
First of I congradulate Lukas. He was the best person for the gig with SuperNova. SuperNova knows best what they want and if it is Lukas all power t
Wacko Jacko
19 messages
09-18-06 04:08 PM
Lukas [View All]
Do you think Lukas channels special powers with that huge ring?
64 messages
09-15-06 02:54 PM
9/13 Rockstar SuperNova Finale Discussion Thread. [View All]
Hi Gang, Lets keep discussion about the finale here. Oooh oooh, how exciting.
78 messages
09-15-06 02:53 PM
Fun fact!
1 messages
09-15-06 08:08 AM
Too Bad, Dilana...
Ahhhh what a shame. In a way a feel bad for Dilana because she "thought" that she was the "one"......-Quite the contrary.. I said to myself th
3 messages
09-14-06 10:17 PM
Storm Large [View All]
[font color="maroon"]I am *SO* crushin' on Storm now. Maybe even more that Kat. She's just amazing!! http://
67 messages
09-14-06 04:09 PM
Supernova Love List: season recap
Rockstar Supernova is now over and Lukas has become the rockstar or is it "our boy"? Good luck to him and really hope that Lukas can bring somet
10 messages
09-14-06 02:59 PM
Teaser regarding tonights finale
Got this off of another site. Does not tell who won. The site also suggests that the show will open with the bottom 2 being announced. One is then
1 messages
09-13-06 10:44 PM
Tonight's show
Does anyone know what time the show begins. Last year it was early afternoon, and news of the show started to trickle in at about 5:30 - 6:00 c
9 messages
09-13-06 10:43 PM
How come our newspapers here in Sydney have already revealed the winner at 9am when the show is apparently live at 10am? DON'T check ou
Aussie Dave
4 messages
09-13-06 10:38 PM
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