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INXS two step
Was anyone else surprised how the contestents made the band back up last night. A couple of the singers confronted criticisms by the band and they ca
0 messages
08-25-05 11:47 AM
Rock Star Love List: week 7 [View All]
Week seven performances have come and gone. Have your feelings of admiration for some or loathing for others been changed? Time to fess up. Who are
33 messages
08-25-05 00:41 AM
Why JD will win
You have to go by the comments that INXS & Dave have been making. Passion He's obviously the most passionate and he generates the
19 messages
08-24-05 08:21 PM
Rock Star Website Videos
Hey guys --- I don't know if many of you have visited the Rock Star website, but up until last week they had videos of all the past performances o
shanana banana
3 messages
08-24-05 04:58 PM
Who would you (if any) like to see do a duet? I think Jordis and Marty would have a funky sound together.
3 messages
08-24-05 03:20 PM
INXYS - what's next after this show?
Hi everyone. I'm a newbie to the board. I've been reading several interesting threads and enjoy everyone's comments. If this has been a topic
11 messages
08-24-05 12:43 PM
Can't wait til tonight's show
Tonight should be beyond interesting with those song choices. Aww, I feel bad for Marty.. How can a guy sing that song w/ a straight face? I c
18 messages
08-24-05 10:10 AM
Ok I'm confused 1/2 the people absolutely adore and love JD? and I am seeing the other 1/2 not even mention him. I personally do not like him
24 messages
08-24-05 09:48 AM
Why is TY on this show? We all know that a few months ago, he was a club kid dancing in crobar. He doesn't like "rock" music. He's into te
7 messages
08-24-05 08:57 AM
Wednesday 8/24 Elim. Show 1 hour this week
Found this on Reality Reel. At least they didn't change the start time. ...................................... On Wednesday, August 24
2 messages
08-24-05 02:29 AM
9-23-05 Show Discussion [View All]
Some will be doing there own songs, others will not.
59 messages
08-24-05 00:10 AM
Next week's format (8/23)?
I saw the promo for next week and am confused - are the singers going to sing off their own songs?? I can see how this would help JD, as the oth
14 messages
08-23-05 01:38 PM
Request Songs
I was just at the MSN Rockstar site and was pleased to see the current results of the poll asking folks to select which song they would like to hear t
2 messages
08-21-05 03:32 PM
Deanna comment - east coast
She just butchered that song! My god!!!!! That is my ultimate favourite song in the whole INXS collection and I almost cried listening to
15 messages
08-19-05 09:56 AM
MMMwahs to MIG
Hope he does well tonight but we'll see.. He has yet to do a slow and passionate song.. I hope it'll reinforce his talent not scratch a record w%
9 messages
08-19-05 01:47 AM
Rock Star Love List: Week 6 [View All]
Week six performances have come and gone. Have your feelings of admiration for some or loathing for others been changed? Time to fess up. Who are yo
24 messages
08-18-05 02:03 PM
Results Show 8/16 - Thoughts
Just a couple a things I wanted to comment on how I perceived last night's results show. 1st, I thought Deanna was the worst & should
1 messages
08-18-05 02:03 PM
anyone else get a little emotional when dave complimented mig??
when mig performed yesterday night... the "baby i love your way" song....and how dave mentioned how it reminded him of his wife and stuff...was it
4 messages
08-18-05 10:25 AM
9-16-05 Show Discussion [View All]
It looks like there is going to be fireworks tonight.
65 messages
08-18-05 09:57 AM
The Final Eight ~ Departure Order Predictions? [View All]
The Final Eight ~ Departure Order Predictions? 8.) Jessica (It's just her time) 7.) suzie 6.) Ty 5.) Deann
Majic Mitch
27 messages
08-18-05 03:39 AM
update for tonights show 08-17-05
Hi all was unable to watch tonights show was wondering if someone could tell me who the bottum 3 were and who was booted out. Took me a while to get
2 messages
08-17-05 10:41 PM
JD's expression.... priceless!
Who caught JD's expression when he realized he was in the bottom 3 at some point during the voting?! :o I think he finally realized that the w
14 messages
08-17-05 03:37 PM
Mig and Dave made me CRY awww
Oh my gracious.. that was so great of Mig. I just started crying when Dave said "it made me think of how much I love my wife" awwwwwww that is s
3 messages
08-17-05 05:49 AM
Anyone see the VH1 show on 8-14? [View All]
Missed part of the show tonight...saw that there were two groups & apparently they'd been required to compose a song & perform it? All I saw
34 messages
08-16-05 10:52 PM
What would you like to see them sing?
Beloved Husband and I were talking about this last night... pick anything you want, what do YOU want to hear them each sing? Deann
19 messages
08-16-05 10:59 AM
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