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Conferences Rock Star (Protected)
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Burnett in the Cutting Room [View All]
Any longtime Survivor fans who can comment on Burnett's editing style? Seems to me that JD has been cast as the villain and Suzie as the damsel i
21 messages
09-07-05 05:34 PM
VH1 - Sep 4 Ep [View All]
These eps just keep getting better and better. This one was the best one so far, IMO & we are going to see a great show on Tue that will determin
27 messages
09-06-05 10:17 PM
What was Suzie Eating ....
Did anyone catch the end of the preview show where Suzie ate a piece of cake off the kitchen table .... was that right after JD was sitting naked on t
0 messages
09-06-05 05:33 PM
What happened to Jordis?
She went from being the darling to a "downward spiral" according to her. And then this last episode could be called the, "Jordis is at Risk%2
2 messages
09-06-05 01:00 PM
Who deserves to go? [View All]
From those three songs? Jordis - agreed?
36 messages
09-04-05 03:32 PM
Voters vs Watchers vs Fans vs Buyers
So I'm curious about all these different groups. I think the number of Watchers is way smaller than actual Voters and a differnt demogr
0 messages
09-04-05 03:27 PM
It's getting too high school for me [View All]
Ok, I know a lot of people have it in for JD, but I think he was really mistreated tonight. He had an issue with Suzie. Which he spoke
30 messages
09-02-05 12:18 PM
Suzie [View All]
She has had some amazing performances and has been praised by the band. Why doesn't the audience like her? I love her...think she is the best wo
30 messages
09-01-05 06:11 PM
Ty went too far
I just wanted to say that I am very disappointed, insulted and disgusted with what Ty had to say at the end of Wednesday's show. I was one of
1 messages
09-01-05 12:58 PM
Dave & INXS's comments
Am I the only one getting a cheap thrill every time Dave & INXS hit the contestants with hard questions? }> I think it's hysterical when Da
8 messages
09-01-05 12:05 PM
Interesting ROckStar info from
ROCKSTAR: INXS: I've had a lot of e-mails regarding Rockstar: Inxs. Some love it, some loathe it! I can see it both ways as I'm kin
Wacko Jacko
11 messages
09-01-05 08:21 AM
8/30 performance show [View All]
Ty - You can't always get what you want JD - Suspicious Minds Marty - Wish You Were Here? (Pink Floyd Song) Jordis - Imagine%0
35 messages
08-31-05 05:28 PM
Rock Star Love List: week 8
Week eight performances have come and gone. Have your feelings of admiration for some or loathing for others been changed? Time to fess up. Who are
18 messages
08-31-05 03:28 PM
Did you see VH1 on 8-28?
Anyone else catch the VH1 tonight? I was astonished at J.D.'s 'unwillingness'--or is it his gigantic ego???--to learn and/or practice
11 messages
08-30-05 05:16 PM
Why would you want to win? A look at the facts...
Really, *why* would you want to win?? What's *really* in it for the winner?? *They have not done anything serious in
3 messages
08-30-05 04:51 PM
What is that I smell? Oh it must be this show... It Stinks! [View All]
Folks, I tell you this is a grade "A" example on how to ruin a show. I think that if anyone is overrated it is Mark Burnett and his
Darth Sarcastic
34 messages
08-30-05 12:07 PM
marty [View All]
last night... inxs comment to Marty was bang on. That guy doesn't need inxs to be sucessful. We will hear more from him I am sure.
21 messages
08-30-05 09:07 AM
Completely changed your mind?
Day one of this show seems so long ago. Which rockers have you changed your mind about since the first few weeks? Unchanged: JD & J
16 messages
08-29-05 06:26 PM
Jordis & Deanna: Speculation & Other Nonsense
I think Jordis is an amazing talent, and after two weeks in a row of lackluster performances I wonder if she is not deliberately tanking. Could it
mocha madness
14 messages
08-29-05 12:45 PM
From the Horses' mouth
Someone referenced a live chat INXS (Tim & Kirk) did (sorry I forget who to give credit.) I found the link finally. http:/%2
2 messages
08-27-05 06:37 AM
Results Show August 24 [View All]
Tonight's show is an hour long. What are they going to do to pass that much time when it could be over in 5 minutes.
59 messages
08-26-05 06:16 PM
Don't Understand INXS [View All]
Usually INXS voices the same opinions that I do about the rockers performances but I was a bit confused about the comment they made to J.D and by the
34 messages
08-26-05 09:25 AM
Rock Star: Other Bands?
TriGirl got me wondering if this show could become a recurring show (ie with more seasons). Which bands would you like to see Rock Star:ed?%0
18 messages
08-25-05 04:13 PM
I smell a rat!
Do any of you think it is peculiar that Suzie was the only one not in the bottom three? Here she is the ‘queen of the bottom three’ and all of
Wacko Jacko
10 messages
08-25-05 02:55 PM
Why does INXS complain about song choice.?
One thing has been bothering me about the band's comments on the contestants singing songs that are not right for INXS. The songs that
4 messages
08-25-05 01:03 PM
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