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Fun with the stars ds/User_files/44cd639a7adeb82c.jpg
0 messages
07-30-06 10:59 PM
Storm Large
I have watched the video of "Anything, Anything" about 100 times since Tuesday. It gives me chills. This is what I have been waiting for
10 messages
07-30-06 11:51 AM
Blogs are up [View All]
I thought this deserved it's own thread. I've a feeling there's some stuff in there worth discussing and there'll be more to discuss in the c
24 messages
07-30-06 11:47 AM
Results Show Week 4 Thread [View All]
Didn't look like anyone started one, yet so here it is.
57 messages
07-29-06 03:55 PM
Dave Navaro
I grew up with Eric Clapton, Dylan, Emerson lake and Palmer, Jethro Tull....Doors....etc... So I'm not real familiar with Dave Nava
18 messages
07-28-06 04:08 PM
Supernova Love List: week 4 [View All]
So what did you think of the week four performances by these twelve rockers? Have new favorites emerged, did old favorites make your heart beat fa
50 messages
07-28-06 02:27 AM
Should Be/Will Be [View All]
So who this week do you think should be the bottom three and who do you think will be voted into the bottom three. http://community.r
21 messages
07-27-06 08:35 PM
racial rock star [View All]
There are only Caucasians on rock star. It is this blantant racist attitude that is attempting to make rock a separtate entity. Even back in t
96 messages
07-27-06 01:05 PM
Who fits with Supernova?
This isn't to discuss who is the best singer, it's a thread about who fits with Gilby, Tommy and Jason. One issue is that it seems
17 messages
07-26-06 07:05 PM
Listen up, Supernova [View All]
Last night's ep kind of pissed me off. I'm a fan of snarky comments by the "band" if they have some substance, but Tommy Lee and Mr. Metall
43 messages
07-26-06 11:47 AM
East Coast Discussion Thread 7/25
Talk it up here. Gonna be some very interesting performances tonight, methinks, if the song list is any indication. http://commun
6 messages
07-26-06 08:01 AM
How Do I Watch Last Nights Performances?
I want to re-watch lasts nights performances and need some direction. Can anyone tell me how I go about doing this? Thanks in
1 messages
07-26-06 07:54 AM
Song Selections this week [View All]
Lukas – Bittersweet Symphony (The Verve) Zayra – Call Me (Blondie) Dana – About a Girl (Nirvana) Patrice – Remedy %
27 messages
07-25-06 06:04 PM
I know you dont want to hear it, but switch back and forth to THE ONE, it si tomorrow at 9pm and I swear it rocks just as hard but it is better,
6 messages
07-24-06 11:08 PM
Chris's interview
with ReX, from RockStar Go Home. It's a good one. My favorite part is when they asked him who would win (in his opinion, of course), he
5 messages
07-24-06 03:28 PM
These Contestants B.L.O.W. [View All]
Holy it me, or is this season's contestants completely subpar to the contestants for Rock Star INXS??? I don't even know
shanana banana
82 messages
07-23-06 10:02 PM
East Coast Discussion Thread - Results Show 7/19 [View All]
[font color="maroon"]Keep it all here until the LEft Coast gets to see the show.
27 messages
07-21-06 11:25 AM
why do they complain?
Why the F@#k do they complain about the competetors song selections when they give them such mellow pop s%$t to choose from??? Everybod
7 messages
07-21-06 09:26 AM
Suzie on Letterman tonight
Pink is performing tonight on The Late Show with David Letterman to kick off her worldwide tour. Suzie will be doing back-up vocals for Pink's North
4 messages
07-20-06 04:22 PM
Where's JD?
I [i]almost[/i] went to the show last week, because JD was rumored to be there, actually it was on the ticketing website. T
2 messages
07-20-06 03:42 PM
East Coast Discussion Thread 7/18 [View All]
Nobody started one last week and I really missed it. *sniffle* Of course, I'm on the west coast, so I don't chime in until much later, b
62 messages
07-20-06 01:03 PM
Who Gets the Anchor?? [View All]
I have no idea but I would really like the see Phil get it.
21 messages
07-20-06 09:38 AM
Should Be/Will be Week 3
Oops, I should have started this earlier even though I won't see it until tonight :( So who should be the Bottom 3 who will be the
9 messages
07-19-06 07:47 PM
Supernova Love List: week 3 [View All]
So what did you think of the week three performances by these thirteen rockers? Have new favorites emerged, did old favorites make your heart beat
39 messages
07-19-06 06:05 PM
[font color="maroon"]I can't take credit for this, but it CRACKED ME THE F' UP!! From [|t
12 messages
07-19-06 01:18 PM
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