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Conferences Rock Star (Protected)
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It's Time to Vote!!!
Taking a queue from the Survivor Threads here, put the name of the singer you think will win tonight's Rock Star: Supernova in your subject lin
Scarlett O Hara
2 messages
09-13-06 10:17 PM
Supernova Love List: week 11 [View All]
Guess I spoke a little too soon last week because EPMB tossed a curveball with another performance night. If only we could squeeze out a few more week
35 messages
09-13-06 05:41 PM
Should Win/Will Win
So who should win in your opinion, and who will win the competition. Should we start the over/under on when Supernova will break up now
15 messages
09-13-06 04:23 PM
Delana's "injury"?
Have a bit of a problem with her "injury". Haven't seen much about it, but last week - when she came out on crutches - they said she had torn
9 messages
09-13-06 03:10 PM
9/12 Performance Show [View All]
Hi Gang, Lets keep discussion about the September 12th peformance show in this thread.
31 messages
09-13-06 02:46 PM
Anyone else disappointed with the SN songs so far?
Gotta say a couple of the tunes they've revealed so far seemed pretty daggy to me. Can't remember the names but the one Toby sang was ordinary and
Aussie Dave
1 messages
09-12-06 11:45 PM
Who's best for SN?
After pondering this for several days (and forcing myself to step away from my Dilana bias), i think the final four all have traits and styles t
13 messages
09-12-06 11:25 PM
Dilana Has Issues....
I am so surprised that I haven't seen any threads posted here regarding Dilana's "bizarre" out-bursts! Well, I guess I am the first.... I
6 messages
09-12-06 11:11 PM
Season 3
So what's it gonna be? Is there anywhere to go now? Done a reformed band, done a new rock band full of superstars. What
Aussie Dave
2 messages
09-12-06 10:22 PM
Song Selections for the last performance show of the season [View All]
Toby – Karma Police (Radiohead) Throw It Away (original) Lukas – Fix You (Coldplay) Headspin (origi
25 messages
09-12-06 08:01 PM
Which RockStar fits...matching game.
This comes from the trend who is best for SuperNova. We really don't know SuperNova's music that well. Last season we knew INXS's music and co
Wacko Jacko
2 messages
09-12-06 06:03 PM
Instyle pictures
[font color="maroon"]Oooh, ohh, look what I found!!! [ star_supernova_ins
14 messages
09-12-06 02:57 PM
I was so excited when rock star came back this summer I loved rockstar inxs and went to see them in concert and they rocked and I have been to m
5 messages
09-12-06 01:24 PM
My thoughts heading into the Final 4
My wife said something to me last night and she was absolutely right. She said that only Toby and Dilana ignite excitement in the crowd. I think man
Wacko Jacko
13 messages
09-10-06 09:04 PM
Bring Back The Dark Horse
Hi everyone, I was a Ryan fan before the show begin and I continue to be one. I'm asking everyone to vote him for the returning r
5 messages
09-09-06 00:35 AM
9/6 Result show [View All]
Let's keep discussion of tonight's result show here, please.
73 messages
09-08-06 09:48 AM
Possible Spoiler Information
I was listening to a local radio station and they mentioned some information they read on the internet of unaired footage. Apparently this is out the
Wacko Jacko
13 messages
09-07-06 12:23 PM
Isn't 'Taking Risks' Overrated?
A thing I’d like to bring up: The general consensus with Magni is how he’s competent, consistent but ‘sounds the same.’ I get
8 messages
09-07-06 09:53 AM
question about RYAN
hi! i was reading some of the posts earlier and i think cattychat (sorry to be psycho and remember who said eyes just light up when any
1 messages
09-07-06 09:00 AM
What are they looking for?
[font color="maroon"]From [i]I agree it will be down to Toby and Lucas. [b]The real question
8 messages
09-07-06 07:54 AM
Should Go/Will Go/ SN song/ Anchor [View All]
Preditions, make your predictions here.
24 messages
09-06-06 06:02 PM
Supernova Love List: week 10 [View All]
So what did you think of the week ten performances by these five rockers? Have new favorites emerged, did old favorites make your heart beat faste
37 messages
09-06-06 05:08 PM
An Alterna-Supergroup?
Did anyelse catch the VH1: Rock Honors show last night on MHD? There was a KISS tribute song performed by Tommy Lee, Gilby Clark, Slash
5 messages
09-06-06 04:46 PM
9/05 Episode Discussion [View All]
Lets keep discussion about the September 5 episode here. (I really think somebody with a higher DAW level should be creating these, bu
53 messages
09-06-06 03:17 PM
Song Selections for the week
They all sing 2 songs this week: Dilana – Behind Blue Eyes (The Who) Supersoul (original) Magni – %0
19 messages
09-05-06 09:25 PM
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