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Conferences Rock Star (Protected)
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8/22 programming note.
CBS is putting a Concert for kids on at 8 pm so the programming is pushed back. Big Bother will be in Rock Star's usual 9 pm slot and Rock Star wil
5 messages
08-23-06 11:01 AM
Webisode 8/20 - Week 8 [View All]
Part one: Lots of media interviews. Everybody but one handle themselves very well. Who is that one? For those of you that haven't seen i
26 messages
08-21-06 11:17 PM
[font color="maroon"]Have ya seen the [ r-backstage.asp|"photo essay"] on
12 messages
08-19-06 01:11 PM
Patrice is getting a huge benefit from RockStar & other Comments
Patrice has now survived four? trips to the bottom three, and there is certainly one more in her future....probably next week. However, she wil
mocha madness
8 messages
08-18-06 01:22 PM
I will never vote for Dilana again.
Ever. I mean it. Really, Truely and Seriously. I can't stand the mere idea of her fronting for SuperNova. Here's why ...%
17 messages
08-18-06 11:26 AM
8/16 Elimination Episode (spoiler for West coasters) [View All]
I soooooo did not want them to pick Dilana when they said they were playing. I didn't even enjoy the
31 messages
08-17-06 06:36 PM
Stripped Down
Is it just me, or do you get the impression that Dave and Tommy use any old excuse to take off their shirts??? LOL....
4 messages
08-17-06 01:13 PM
8/15 performance show [View All]
Let's talk it up here!
161 messages
08-17-06 10:48 AM
Supernova Love List: week 7 [View All]
So what did you think of the week seven performances by these eight rockers? Have new favorites emerged, did old favorites make your heart beat fa
53 messages
08-17-06 09:50 AM
News about Dave and Brooke
I just read that Brooke is going to have a baby and Dave is dating Ron Jeremy's former costar Jenna Jameson. Wonder if they will say anything a
6 messages
08-17-06 06:07 AM
Ryan Star...Ryan Starr
Haven't seen any comment on this elsewhere, but there is just NO WAY Ryan Star could win. I highly doubt that is his real name, though I don'
13 messages
08-17-06 06:01 AM
Should Be/Will Be/Anchor [View All]
So I won't get to see this until tomarrow, I just got home from a tupperware party and thought I'd get this up now before I crash and burn.%0
26 messages
08-16-06 05:33 PM
Webisode 8/14
OK, Loree has posted the song selections for your perusal, but what do we think about the Webisode. Who's personality struck you most,
19 messages
08-15-06 08:20 PM
Mansion REALLY haunted???
hey guys...i dont know if you remember Jessica Robinson. She was one of the finalist from the first season. I just wanted to share this with you guys.
1 messages
08-15-06 06:47 PM
Rockstar: U2 - Bono: I think your song lacked an overall sensitivity to world issues. But I liked your imitation of a hump-back whal
9 messages
08-15-06 05:35 PM
Song Selections for this week [View All]
It is the stripped down week... Zayra – Lluvia De Mar (original song) Magni – Starman (David Bowie) Patrice – Messa
26 messages
08-15-06 03:20 PM
My thoughts on Josh, Dilanna
Hi everyone. Newbie here....been lurking for years and finally took the plunge to speak up. I've been a fan of Rock Star for the last two seasons a
12 messages
08-12-06 01:48 PM
Original Songs
I'm surprised that no one has started a thread for this yet, and I realize the performance show is about to start but quickly my ranking and
15 messages
08-12-06 01:42 PM
Results Show - 8/9/2006 [View All]
For tonight's show. First thing taht needs to be said is that Lukas' encore performance of "Creep" was 100x better than his perform
42 messages
08-11-06 10:28 PM
Double standards
I told my wife before the show started, "I'll bet they have two encores tonight." Not because there were two good songs (although there were
6 messages
08-11-06 09:03 PM
Dilana's Video: pre: RockStar I must admit, the song grew on me after the first 3 minutes or so. I think she looks
8 messages
08-11-06 05:13 PM
Ideas for Rock Star workshops
[ul] [li] How to get out of a contract that you signed drunk [li] Name all the STDs [li] Talk up the new album that you
5 messages
08-11-06 12:29 PM
Supernova Love List: week 6 [View All]
So what did you think of the week six performances by these ten rockers? Have new favorites emerged, did old favorites make your heart beat faster
55 messages
08-10-06 05:08 PM
Should Be/Will Be [View All]
The bottom three this week. It isn't as obvious for me this week other than whoever doesn't have much fan base. I thought even the peo
31 messages
08-10-06 01:27 PM
House Band Is Awesome!
I can't say enough about how the House Band ROCKS! These guys are great musicians and their sound together is so TIGHT! Anyone else share
8 messages
08-10-06 03:55 AM
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