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Who's your favorite, Who don't you like, and Who will win? [View All]
Hi Everyone! I just want to know your opinions about the rockers. Like who you do and don't like and who will win. My favorite was Heather,
46 messages
08-16-05 05:15 AM
JD evil genius
Wow that guy knows what he's doing and it's so evil. He gave that poor little Deanna a hangover then let Suzie mess up the "Religion song?"
4 messages
08-16-05 04:50 AM
Newbie Questions
I have read the back pages, but still have some questions. Just started watching this week and love the show!!! What does everyone
5 messages
08-15-05 03:13 PM
Question About Learning INXS Songs
So the losers have to sing an INXS song chosen by the band members. Does that mean that all the contestants have rehearsed all the INXS songs so the
6 messages
08-15-05 08:52 AM
Jessica [View All]
Was she worthy of saving last night? I think she does so well with INXS songs. I can see why the guys keep saving her. However, the
27 messages
08-12-05 03:10 PM
It has bee reported that Inxs...
It hads been reported that Inxs is looking for someone to front thier band that people can't take thier eyes off of. That this quality is even more
2 messages
08-12-05 02:07 PM
Rock Star Love List: Week 5
Week five performances have come and gone. Have your feelings of admiration for some or loathing for others been changed? Time to fess up. Who are y
17 messages
08-12-05 01:37 PM
OK I love this show, but....
Is it just me or does Tim Farriss need a little "freshening up"? Seriously he looks way worn out. On another note, I love the gu
Darth Sarcastic
8 messages
08-12-05 01:07 PM
Monday's Dropped by CBS
Brook just announced it, along with the least amount of fan fare possible. Bummer that Mondays were dropped by CBS. It's a shame that
20 messages
08-12-05 01:02 PM
Wow , to bad she won't win, but Navarro sure does " love " her can u blame him. She always give u chills when she sing. Best of the girls.
7 messages
08-11-05 08:17 PM
8-9-05 Show discussion [View All]
Let's get this show on the road.
93 messages
08-11-05 05:37 PM
The Encore for Wednesday night will be..................
.......................................- ........................................................... Ty. He so rocked "No Mama, no cry.
11 messages
08-11-05 11:03 AM
Need a spoiler!
I missed the elimination show tonite! Who got the boot? jessica? *fingers crossed*
7 messages
08-11-05 09:10 AM
Jordis Unga The Bungler
This woman is a pathetic excuse for a performer. She misses entire lines of songs, she drops the rythm 3 or 4 times in a song, she mumbles at the
1 messages
08-09-05 11:19 PM
8/7 EP on VH1
I think this was the best behind the scenes episide yet. I wish they would extend to an hour. So much going on last week. Happy B-day J
17 messages
08-09-05 05:00 PM
Which Rockers Would You Pay to See? [View All]
The "pay to see" factor seems to be big for INXS & Dave. So which of our contestants would you pay, oh, $20 to see with the house band?
31 messages
08-09-05 01:48 PM
The House Band
The house band rocks!! Their level of musicianship is simply outstanding. Does anyone else notice how the quality drops when a couple of the INX
duff beer
1 messages
08-08-05 10:57 PM
How did you EVOLVE?
First I was totally rooting for Jordis, Tara, and Brandon... Did not like Mig at all and thought Marty wud be gone by now and thought JD was ODD.
0 messages
08-08-05 06:15 PM
We Are NOT Family!
I've had it with all the boo-hooing when someone gets eliminated! It's a competition. These people are not your family. Somebody goes home every
15 messages
08-08-05 06:01 PM
Brandon/Ty vs Deanna/Suzie
After watching yesterday's elimination show I was kinda shocked to see Brandon and Ty in the bottom 3. I was wondering do you feel that Deanna and
Wacko Jacko
9 messages
08-08-05 05:57 PM
MIG IS A FILIPINO! I AM VOTING FOR HIM!!!!!! ds/User_files/42e06d89
2 messages
08-08-05 05:48 PM
Teaching Suzie
I thought last nights show was very revealing. The "VH1 Edit" seemed much more edgy. More partying and less sanitized for CBS. I liked the pres
0 messages
08-08-05 08:45 AM
12 step program for this addiction?
Okay, I am a 40 year old woman jumping off my couch screaming for JD. I have the internet at work so I watched his performance again at least 10 tim
9 messages
08-06-05 11:51 AM
ages of the singers
I seem to recall seeing the age of each singer on the MSN rockstar:inxs boards, and now they all say "undisclosed". I thought it was cool that
1 messages
08-05-05 01:58 PM
When is this show over?
How long is this show supposed to last? Let's talk ideal world, for a minute, as in great ratings. Were they planning to have this
6 messages
08-05-05 03:25 AM
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