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"Rock Star Love List: week 9"
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dreamerbeliever 3377 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

09-07-05, 00:32 AM (EST)
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"Rock Star Love List: week 9"
Week nine performances have come and gone. Have your feelings of admiration for some or loathing for others been changed? Time to fess up. Who are you diggin’ and whom would like to help show the door too?

1. Marty Casey (6,4,2,4,1,3,6,2) – After tonight’s performances, I think Marty may indeed be the frontrunner to win the gig. Loved his slowdown version of Everlong and his original was outstanding. In my week three or four love list, I referred to Marty as Mr. Consistency. Aside from the psycho eyed and mad conductor thing that some don’t like, has Marty ever given a rotten performance? To me, no.

2. J.D. Fortune (13,3,7,2,7,7,2,6) – Well the JD fans should either be drunk or ready to pee from drinking their JD Kool-Aid after that set. Still don’t like the guy but I give credit where it is due.

3. Suzie McNeil (14,8,12,8,6,4,3,3) – Was okay but nothing spectacular. The Raitt song was hit and miss at times. Found myself thinking how much better Bonnie sung it. The original was in the bottom of the pack for me. If I heard it on the radio, would change the channel immediately.

4. Jordis Unga (2,1,1,1,2,1,7,1) – Yep, my sweet Jordis has been set up as the boot this week and that’s okay. Ole Mark Burnett seems to give fair warning when one of his hero edits is about to take the fall. Wanted her in the finals for my own selfish reasons. To hear more of her! With that said, I’ve heard and seen enough to know that I love the girl and will be purchasing any CD she releases. Clearly her age and inexperience is showing. For raw talent and who has the highest potential ceiling, it’s Jordis. I’m sure there are some heavy hitter producers out there who are aching to get their hands on her thoroughbred of a voice. Jordis is a star and I’m thankful to have spent part of my summer watching her talent. Loved the rock-out portion of her original, that was the Jordis I love! We are the Champions was hit and miss. Still holding out hope she won’t be leaving however

5. Mig Ayesa (12,11,4,3,5,2,4,4) – Hard to Handle is a great way to describe his performance of it. Such an upbeat song and yet so flat. Second week in a row that his vocals have been exposed. Should have been in the final three last week, will he get it this week? Did enjoy the original and could hear it being played on an adult contemporary radio station. Still shaking my head that some members of INXS gaving praise for Hard to Handle. Are they to close to the speakers and can’t hear clearly?

Booted: Ty Taylor (5,7,3,7,3,6,1,5) – From my previous rankings, I’ve liked Ty from the start. He seems like a wonderful spirit and genuinely loved by all the contestants. Wish Ty the best in his career.

As always … I showed you mine, now you show me yours.

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  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9 queenbee 09-07-05 1
 RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9 grit 09-07-05 2
 RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9 Breezy 09-07-05 3
 RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9 CattyChat 09-07-05 4
 RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9 LaLaLisa 09-07-05 5
   RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9 Wacko Jacko 09-07-05 6
 RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9 geg6 09-07-05 7
   RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9 leianawd 09-07-05 14
 No Love List For Me This Week toddE 09-07-05 8
 RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9 Glow 09-07-05 9
 RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9 weltek 09-07-05 10
 RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9 cheesybread 09-07-05 11
   RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9 LaLaLisa 09-07-05 17
       RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9 cheesybread 09-07-05 18
 RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9 zombiebaby 09-07-05 12
   RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9 weltek 09-07-05 13
 RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9 EnglProf 09-07-05 15
   RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9 fedcamper 09-08-05 23
 RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9 AndrewTN 09-07-05 16
 RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9 me144 09-07-05 19
   RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9 LaLaLisa 09-08-05 20
       RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9 Moother 09-08-05 21
       RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9 dreamerbeliever 09-08-05 22
 RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9 djandy 09-08-05 24
 RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9 tinybubs 09-08-05 25
   RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9 goldie1000 09-09-05 26
 RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9 cycles2k 09-09-05 27

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queenbee 27 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

09-07-05, 02:03 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9"
Marty: Wow! What a stellar rise he has made in my rankings. That guy rocks. And watching him tonight, I could totally see him fronting INXS. He's still alittle pitchy, but I love watching him perform. And I don't think rock singers should be so perfect all the time.

Suzie: Speaking of being perfect all the time, this girl has an amazing voice. I still don't see her as being a true rock star though and I certainly don't see her winning. But I do enjoy listening to her sing.

JD. Still can't stand the guy. Now that I know he was an Elvis impersonator, I can't get that out of my head. I hear Elvis in everything he does. He needs to kill some of that vibrato. I wasn't feeling either of his songs tonight. I thought he ruined Come As You Are. Am I crazy?

Jordis: Man, I can just see the pressure getting to her. Her lack of confidence is definitely going to be her downfall. I just want her to forget everything, relax and do what she does best. She's overthinking it at this point. But I still love her voice and if a woman could win this thing,I think it should be her.

Mig: Mig has been my favorite all along. But I don't think he really did that well tonight. And they were right, his song was a bit too poppy/musical theatre to be INXS's style. But I think he is really talented and I hope he gets it together because I'd like it to be a showdown between him and Marty for all the marbles.

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grit 4866 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

09-07-05, 08:07 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9"
1. Marty Casey - I loved his version of Everlong. It's good to see he's finally listening to INXS about the screaming. He gave the song a lot of intensity without screaming and his control was phenomenal. His original song was good too.

2. JD Fortune - I'm not a JD fan but, like dreambeliever, I have to give props where props are due. His performance was great. Of course, it will take a lot to remove the memory of his stinky performances so he better keep up the good work.

3. Suzie McNeil - She sings in tune, but there's nothing else there. She's very forgettable.

4. Mig Ayesa - Lately, he seems to be having some intonation problems, but almost all of the other singers have had intonation problems at one time or another. However, this is not the time in the competition to be struggling like this. I still love the tone of his voice, but thanks to peeps on this board I see David Cassidy and Davy Jones when I watch him perform.

5. Jordis Unga - She's got a great voice but she doesn't seem to be using it as well as she did earlier in the competition. As much as I enjoy her voice, I don't think it's a good fit for INXS.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

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Breezy 18379 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-07-05, 08:21 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9"
1. JD- he rocked. He still seems to be the best fit.

2. Suzie- loved her voice and delivery. Not right for INXS but I would like to see her get her own band or contract.

3. Marty- was ok, but all I could think about the whole time he was on stage was... how the hell could a man wear those pants? He had to have his package tucked down under... there was no other way... none... Ick.

4. Mig- wasn't impressed with either song. His ballad was too cheesy.

5. Jordis- my how she has fallen. Bye bye Jordis.

Save a horse, ride a cowboy.

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CattyChat 3379 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

09-07-05, 08:22 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9"
1. J.D. – J.D. rocked the place out. Phenomenal performance. J.D. has the most fire in his performances & he knocked it out of the park. His original deserves the encore & to be put on INXS' album, it is ready for rotation on the radio. J.D. owns the stage & it looks so natural. J.D. IS IT!!

2. Marty – He has been growing on me. I still think he is vocally very inconsistent & offkey a lot, but Marty has great stage presence & with work with a vocal coach may get better.

3. Suzie – I love Suzie. She has a great voice & range. She is not the fit for INXS, but she is the "best of the rest" in this group.

4. MiG – MiG could have done really well on American Idol.

5. Jordis – Jordis began her decline after Man who Sold the World. She has a unique voice & talent. I think, with a few more years under her belt, working with the right people, Jordis is going to hit it BIG. She is just not ready yet. She needs to experience life a little more & toughen up. She'll be going home tonight.

It ain't pretty when the pretty leaves you, with no place to go. And if you think you need it, here's the place to feed it. It ain't pretty

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LaLaLisa 296 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

09-07-05, 08:53 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9"
JD - Mostly agree with what everyone has said - he was smoking. I think what he does better than anyone is put the whole package together. A slowed down "Come As You Are" better suited his voice, ramped it up at the end to take him to the next one. Totally rocked it out with the second, got the crowd going, it showed a different style. As Dave said, he put a SET together. A rock set. A set for INXS. And he takes chances and pushes himself - and sometimes fails. I think that's why I love him even when he misses.

Marty - He has consistently gotten better. Finally stopped playing it safe in his comfort zone. I did keep watching to see if he was gonna scream. I wonder if he had gone 1st in the evening would he have done, as well? He got to follow Davy Jones, Cutie Pie & Choker.

Jordis - While not as polished as MiG & Suzie who wants polished in a rocker?

MiG - Nice voice. No rock

Suzie - Great voice. No rock. Go back to kids music (

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Wacko Jacko 2434 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

09-07-05, 09:15 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9"
The Best – the awesome

JD – He was the best last night. His original was awesome. Where can I buy it? He shows creativity. And he also shows that he can adopt to the style of INXs

Marty – Was very good last night. I liked his original a lot. He showed nice stage presence and could take INXS in a new direction. He rose from the aches. I almost buried him. In my opinion if it aint JD or Marty INXs are nuts.

The Rest – all bad

Suzie – Sure she showed that she has a nice voice. But for INXs. If you people like her buy her cd after this show is complete, but please don’t vote for her. Her original song after she made that big stink of how bad she wanted to do it and how she would knock the socks off INXs was lame. It was a terrible fit for INXs. Suzie you are competing to be INXS’s new singer not some lounge act.

MiG – He deserves to be last. His original song was CHEESY. How he thinks that that song is right for INXS is beyond me. This was his second original song and both stunk. Looking back on his performances, have any of them been good? He is very mediocre. If he wins this contest INXS is making a mistake.

Jordis – Dave said what I have been thinking for weeks - She seems defeated. I hear her voice crack. When it aint cracking it sounds sing songy. She seems defeated. Even the last couple of weeks she keeps telling the cameras she should be the one going home. HELLO Jordis???? Do you have jello for brains? You are attracting attention to yourself. Then she writes a song about how she is being overwhelmed by the experience. Jordis, why don’t you just volunteer to go home. BYE BYE! I am sick of her

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geg6 14941 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-07-05, 09:26 AM (EST)
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7. "RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9"
Home run. No question about it. My number one is heads and shoulders above all the rest. Completely proven. The JD haters will disagree or only grudgingly give this one props, but I have seen the new lead singer of INXS and he is JD.

1) JD - that was sizzling. In every possible way. Dave was very correct in noting JD's shrewd choice in the staging and performance. Seamless and perfect, as if he's done this a million times. Release the new INXS single, right now please.

Big gap>>>>>>>>>>>>

2) Marty - I would be voting for him if JD wasn't dazzling me. I still see some real weaknesses in his vocals, but he does have a presence and an interesting style.

3) Jordis - she only gets this because of the original song. I found it quite interesting. Not INXS in any way, but she could work on it some more and I might buy it.

4) Suzie - her voice is wonderful. But she did nothing to make me not miss Bonnie Raitt's singing on that first song. And that second song? Well, she sang it real well. I'm being as polite as I can here.

5) MiG - horrible. Just horrible. Showed every possible vocal weakness in "Hard to Handle." As if that wasn't bad enough, the orginal was the cheesiest thing I've heard in ages. Sounds like a really bad version (and what could be worse?) of an early '80s Starship song. Embarrassingly bad.

I'm such a slut for the blues.

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leianawd 471 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

09-07-05, 11:59 AM (EST)
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14. "RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9"
1.) I love J.D.!!!! This week he has shown alot more potential then the other musicians. Not only did J.D. go up on stage and sing two songs really well but his stage presence rocked! J.D. doesn't act like an amatuer trying to make it...he already has and it shows everytime he is up on that stage. In a big way I would rather see J.D. go off on his own because he could definately make it.

2.) Marty would be my second love in the house. I find him intriguing with his shy quiet personality shifting to the crazy composer on the stage. His original song last night was awesome and it was catchy as hell. I really don't want him to join INXS because I fear they will drown out his style to have him conform with theirs and Marty doesn't need to do that to become big in the music biz.

3.)Suzie and Mig are pretty much neck to neck for me. Suzie is a great singer but I just don't see her becoming this great big rockstar. As for Mig, well I don't know I just don't see it.

4.)Jordis used to be my top favorite but after her performance singing "Man Who Sold the World" she has been on the downward spiral just dragging her behind along. I did love her performance singing "Imagine" but everything else has been pretty blah. I agree with Dave, Jordis has lost her fire. I wonder if she really was committed to becoming a possible lead singer for INXS.

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toddE 1433 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

09-07-05, 09:52 AM (EST)
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8. "No Love List For Me This Week"
I have seen every episode except the first one, and last night was the second week I felt everyone was lackluster.

I don't even know who to pick because I didn't really like anyone.

I guess Marty was the best, but he wasn't all that great. He was way better last week singing Pink Floyd.

Then I suppose JD, but his strength is more in his performance. I think his voice is weak, thin, and he doesn't do anything for me. But by JD standards, he was good last night.

I love Jordis, but geez--her talent with JD's desire would be awesome. She doesn't seem to want it anymore.

Mig-well, he might actually be a surprise boot if Jordis can rock an INXS song. If he doesn't go after this blahfest, he'll probably win.

Suzie-she is just not a rocker. No look, no 'tude, no star quality. I really can't believe she is still here, and will apparently survive another week. I prefer JD to her, and I don't like JD at all.

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Glow 14353 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-07-05, 09:54 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9"
1. Marty Casey - Oh my. I love him more and more every performance. He is amazing. I get goosebumps the second he starts to sing and looks at the camera. *swoon* (No, he still hasn't replaced my Neal.)
2. JD Fortune - I could watch this boy for hours. His original song sounded very INXS-y to me. I think he's a great fit for them. And he's amazingly entertaining.
3. Suzie McNeil - She has such a beautiful voice. I really hope she does well.
4. Mig Ayesa - Ummm. Hey nice chest and stomach. Show that more!
5. Jordis Unga - That song to me was very telling. Let the poor girl go. Bigger and better things are in her future anyway (after lots of lessons to showcase that fabulous voice). I hope to not see her there next week.

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weltek 16933 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-07-05, 09:58 AM (EST)
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10. "RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9"
1. Marty.
I'm converted. He is suited as a band frontman, rather than a solo act. That's important, I think, to consider for the remaining contestants. He can sing the old INXS stuff, yet add new, modern edge to new INXS songs. I loved Trees, but he's been performing it for a long time, so of course it should have been great.

2. J.D.
I've been a JD fan since the begining, but I think his talents are close to Marty's, but J.D. lacks maturity that Marty seems to have. However, I love that J.D. pushed the envelope with the megapone in his song. Brilliant.

3. Mig
I enjoy his professionalism & tonight he showed diversity. His original song showed me that Mig is meant to be a solo performer and would really do best in that forum.

4. Jordis
I still love the originallity in her vocals, but she has lost that drive & spark. It's disappointing.

5. Suzie
She has pipes, but this genere, nor this band is suited for her. I hope she goes solo in another genere (country, perhaps?). I think she'd then be a star. Her personality is continuing to grate on me. She's that high-maintenance best friend that thrives on drama & attention.

That being said, I absolutely think it's time for Jordis to go. I'd toss Suzie, but she's fighting for it more at this point & it shows. I can at least respect that.

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cheesybread 198 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

09-07-05, 10:23 AM (EST)
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11. "RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9"

1 - JD. His song was a true original, written just a few weeks ago. He combined his songs into a complete performance. He was imaginitave using a megaphone. He worked the stage and crowd into a frenzy. His only drawback was going first. If he had gone last, after Marty there would be no doubt.

2 - Marty. Trees is a great song. He and his band have been playing it for some time. He looses points for that, little risk. Everlong was good but his timing seemed way off. Was it just me?

3 - Jordis. Again gets points for a truely original song (Marty helped her with it.) We are the champions wasn't too bad, I think that would be extremely difficult to sing for most anyone. If she can get out of the personal funk she is in, it would be refreshing.

4 - Suzie. As others have said, great voice. No rock. Points for an original. I think she hooked up with Ty. There seems more there then professional admiration. I didn't listen to the Bonnie Rait song. No offense to Bonnie Rait or Country but this is a Rock contest.

5 - Mig. Lousy. Hard to handle was not even comparible to Brandon's version let alone the Black Crows' or Otis Redding (whom many seem to forget did the original, if memory serves me.) His original will be featured in John Tesh's next Red Rocks concert.

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LaLaLisa 296 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

09-07-05, 05:18 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9"
"I didn't listen to the Bonnie Rait song. No offense to Bonnie Rait or Country but this is a Rock contest."

Like The Mamas & The Papas and Britney Spears? It's not the song; it's the singer.

Except for Bohemian Rhapsody - and then it's the band.

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cheesybread 198 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

09-07-05, 06:35 PM (EST)
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18. "RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9"

Good point!

...on both counts!

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zombiebaby 7355 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-07-05, 10:26 AM (EST)
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12. "RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9"
1. Marty...loved his original song. However still can't see INXS performing that.

2. JD...He is my favorite and I thought his original was great too! Too bad he was overshadowed by Marty's this week. JD's song is a perfect fit for INXS.

3. Jordis...I actually did not think she did so bad this week. Her orignal had potential. I could even see INXS performing it. However I think Dave is right and her heart is not in it anymore. It is her week to go.

4. Susie...bleh, I really just don't get her. She does have a great voice but she is a little boring.

5. Mig...I liked him in the beginning but I just feel he is one big cliche.

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weltek 16933 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-07-05, 11:37 AM (EST)
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13. "RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9"
Good quote for Mig. I think you are right on.

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EnglProf 888 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

09-07-05, 12:30 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9"
These rankings are based on a combo of last night’s performances and an overall assessment of their skills

#1 Marty Casey—I think his pitch has been almost spot-on ever since INXS got him to stop screaming his performances. It seems his pitchy-ness came from the lack of control that goes along with screaming a note. Who really can scream a good note? I loved what he did with Everlong, and I thought his original was fantastic. Can’t wait for my Verizon phone (which happens to be coming today) so that I can download that one.

#2 Suzie McNeil—Technically, I agree that Suzie would be better in her own band, singing the types of songs she sang last night, but I really like her and want her to do as well as she can in this contest. I don’t agree that she has poor stage presence or is boring—I think she’s always just herself, and I love her performances because she never seems like she’s putting on an act (hello, JD). I think she’s comported herself really well so far, and I’m awed by her ability to rebound so wonderfully. Plus, I thought her original last night was lovely---even if it wasn't INXS. I think Suzie could be effectively molded by the group to be more INXS (if she wants) but I can also see why Marty would be a better choice all around. In any case, I still think: go Suzie!

#3 As far as last night goes, J.D. was better than Jordis or MiG, but all in all, I can’t stand J.D. as a singer or performer. To quote T.V. Guide’s discussion of last night’s show: “Overall... J.D.’s set seemed as contrived as that cake fight back at the mansion.” My thoughts exactly! I can’t believe J.D.’s got so many of you snowed! There’s hardly a sincere second in any of his performances! That whole grab-my-temple and look “into it” b.s. is so transparent (not to mention that incredibly silly thing he does with his hands while singing—that weird point-to-the-sky-spiral-thingy that makes me cringe) . I can’t stand watching him—ugg. Yes, he kicked off the show last night with rousing performance, but it was just that—a hollow performance—from start to finish.

#4 MiG, can you say Michael Bolton? That original was soooooo cheesy! I like MiG, and think he does great some weeks, but I still can’t shake the notion that he REALLY looks like he’s wearing a rock-star costume whenever he performs. His good-looks features & style are so exaggerated that it looks like he’s playing the role of a rock star in a broadway show. None of this is his fault (I couldn’t say the same about Ty), but it doesn’t help him those weeks when his singing falls flat.

#5 Jordis??? Sorry, but she’s fallen hard, and I agree with almost everything that’s been said about her here. I even think I like her personality less now than I did weeks ago—she doesn’t seem to have the talent to back up the attitude she gave J.D. during the songwriting clinic, and ever since then she’s seemed, as we can tell, bleh. The girl can CLEARLY sing, but this isn’t the time/place for Jordis’s star to rise any further.

I'm completely rooting for Marty and Suzie.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

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fedcamper 142 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

09-08-05, 05:26 PM (EST)
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23. "RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9"
Oh, come on- you didn't recognize that spirally reach thing? It was a modified version of the Elvis Arm Swing (aka- pitcher winding up to throw). Between that and the turned up collar, all I could think was "Welcome to Vegas, Baby- too bad what happens here doesn't always stay here!" Can it be just a coinkydink that he did a song with Vegas in the title? I think not! That boy has a serious complex, and yet, a serious amount of talent to go with it.
My list:
Marty- He has the best combo of talent and likeabilty
J.D- Very talented, but he must be irritating the band as much as he is the audience and his housemates, even as he impresses us.
Mig- He is just SO NICE! I love that guy, even though I would rank him 5th in talent here (which isn't bad because they are all impressive at this point). Still, he's more Barry Manilow than Michael Hutchence. (But REALLY nice! I want my daughter to marry him. She'll probably drag JD home instead!)
Suzie- She really showed me. I really like her vocal quality, but her stage presence is lacking.
Jordis- Like so many, she was my favorite from the beginning, but she cracked along the way and now it hurts to watch her. Good thing they put us all out of our misery.
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AndrewTN 13 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

09-07-05, 04:10 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9"
Ok here goes.

#1 JD - No doubt about it. He rocked for me. I hate that Nirvana song but he made it interesting. Pretty Vegas was a very good song to bring to the table at a time when he needed to show he has what it takes. The song rocked, it was catchy, sounded like it would fit in with a number of INXS songs. He worked the stage well, the crowd and showed he can perform. I thoroughly enjoyed it and would have liked to watch it again if I could. He has faults but they can be worked on by passing on the experience of the rest of the band. I would say drop the megaphone though…..been done before….most recently by Velvet Revolver and doesn't really add anything.

The rest:

Marty - I guess he'll be next because the others sucked so bad. Still don't see the fascination with him. His voice is too flat and bland for me. Trees was corny. Lifehouse anyone? It was much better than all the others but that wasn't difficult. For me doesn't come close to JD.

Suzie, Mig, Jordis - Oh dear. Jordis….bye bye. Some nice performances along the way but the fact that she felt compelled to write a song about being under too much stress through this whole gig just shows her inexperience. She sings well but brought nothing of interest to the table and apparantly she can't write songs or handle the pressures of being a rock star. Suzie…yawn…..after singing her praises last week I was totally bored last night. The Raitt song proved to be too powerful for someone with no charisma or sex appeal. Her vocals were pitchy throughout. Her original…heck I forgot it already. Was it one that sounded like a bad Sheryl Crow song? Mig….bad bad choice of original song….or was that a Richard Marx cover? I understand his reasons for writing the song but bad mistake to perform to keyboard. Maybe with a better arrangement and bringing the band in for some power and emotion might have helped him more but then again by that time he'd already butchered Hard to Handle and proved again that his vocals are weak. I wonder how he ever got the Queen gig and would love to see him perform in that.

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me144 45 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

09-07-05, 11:41 PM (EST)
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19. "RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9"
1. Mig
2. Marty


3./4. Suzie/JD

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LaLaLisa 296 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

09-08-05, 08:51 AM (EST)
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20. "RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9"
Please please explain your choices. I can't imagine how you could put them in that order. Not trying to be vengeful - I really do want to know your reasoning.
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Moother 132 desperate attention whore postings
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09-08-05, 11:38 AM (EST)
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21. "RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9"
My choices would be:

1. Marty
2. Suzie
3. Mig
4. J.D.

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dreamerbeliever 3377 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

09-08-05, 01:21 PM (EST)
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22. "RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9"
It's a love list LaLa. Never been said that a poster has to use the previous week’s performances as their guide. It can be based on the performances or an overview of the entire show. It can be based on who someone thinks is the sexiest to whom they think is the best dressed. Totally up to the individual on how they would like to rank their list. Most go with the performances but no criteria have ever been set. It's the way the love list threads have gone for any show on these boards.

At this point in the game, a great or rotten performance by a performer probably doesn't factor in much on who someone likes. Welcome to the love list thread me1444, hope you post again next week

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djandy 1711 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

09-08-05, 09:05 PM (EST)
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24. "RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9"
1.) Marty - Love his softer side.
2.) Suzie - Best singer.
3.) Mig - All of his performances are starting to look the same.
4.) J.D. - He's shot himself in the foot with his behavior.

S8 ABC Red Ink Champ, S7 ABPABC Red Ink Champ, CMY FOMO Red Ink Champ

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tinybubs 547 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

09-08-05, 10:30 PM (EST)
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25. "RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9"
Overall Rankings:

1. Suzie - Not a good week for her. Not a bad job on ICMYLM but not great either, "Soul Life" was a snoozer for me, and to top it off "Never Tear Us Apart" was as uninspired a performance as I've heard from her. I've heard her rock hard, she does it well, and she need to do a song with some life in it, enough of these silly ballads.

2. Marty - I can't get "Trees" out of my head, a catchy tune with a nice edge to it. Glad he toned it down a bit, good to see his melodic side. Screaming is allowed in rock & roll but not all the time, even Cobain toned it back once in a while.

3. MiG - like djandy said, everything sounds the same from him, its not a bad sound but I like more variety than he offers.

4. J.D. - Great week for him, a lot of energy in his performances and brought a lot of fun to the reality show. Too much baggage from previous weeks to move him up my list though.

Jordis - I never got her, hope she gets her confidence back and wish her well in whatever she does in the future.

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goldie1000 1087 desperate attention whore postings
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09-09-05, 00:19 AM (EST)
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26. "RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9"
1 J.D. -Based on being a front man for Inxs
2 Suzie -I still like her
3 Marty -Gets better every week
4 Mig -He is sinking
5 Jordis -She will be missed but with her own solo she will be
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cycles2k 538 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

09-09-05, 01:24 AM (EST)
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27. "RE: Rock Star Love List: week 9"
Based upon who I would pay to watch:

1. Marty - He saved the last show. I can imagine him filling a stadium.

2. Jordis - I will miss her beautiful voice and smile. I'm planning to buy tickets to her concert when she comes to town.

3. Suzie - My opinion of her is skyrocketing. She may not be a "rock-star" but she could be a Vegas headliner and I'd pay to see her.

4.Mig - I like him but I am still waiting for real Mig to come back. Right now I would pay to see him in a Queen Tribute show if I were in London.

5. Dave - If he brings his wife I'd pay to attend a relief concert.

6. Brooke - If she were participating in a charity Victoria Secret lingerie fashion show I would donate $20 and watch for a while.

7. JD - He may be the best choice for INXS because he is a singing actor who will play whatever role they choose for him (IMO of course). If I was given free tickets to watch him perform, I would pawn them off on someone else.

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