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"Smoking & Other Stupid Moves"
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mocha madness 251 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

08-29-05, 02:31 PM (EST)
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"Smoking & Other Stupid Moves"
I know that rock n' roll is all about rebellion, but what the h**l is going on with some of the rockers and their smoking habits. Isn't your voice what makes you in the singing business? So why does Jordis have a cigarette in her hand every moment, as well as J.D., and some of the others. When you lose a parent because of their stupid habit of smoking two packs a day makes me a little cranky on the subject and maybe someone else has insight that I lack on this subject, but smoking is a stupid, disgusting, costly, unhealthy habit. Singers above all should be avoiding it like the plague that it is. Of course I am writing about smoking cigarettes, so please no comments about weed. J.D. is also so stupid, or is he merely so smart, he doesn't need to learn the lyrics for a new that's the guy I want fronting my band.

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Table of Contents
  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 Smoking & Other Stupid Moves   mocha madness     08-29-05       
   RE: Smoking & Other Stupid Moves   riverrocker     08-29-05     1  
   RE: Smoking & Other Stupid Moves   Snidget     08-29-05     2  
   Alot of singers smoke.   tamarama     08-29-05     3  
     RE: Alot of singers smoke.   okaychatt     08-30-05     11  
         a very late response to your query ...   tamarama     09-06-05     24  
   RE: Smoking & Other Stupid Moves   geg6     08-29-05     4  
     RE: Smoking & Other Stupid Moves   riverrocker     08-29-05     5  
     RE: Smoking & Other Stupid Moves   mocha madness     08-29-05     6  
         RE: Smoking & Other Stupid Moves   geg6     08-30-05     7  
     RE: Smoking & Other Stupid Moves   Tahj     08-31-05     12  
   RE: Smoking & Other Stupid Moves   Shypappy     08-30-05     8  
     RE: Smoking & Other Stupid Moves   youngatheart     08-30-05     9  
   RE: Smoking & Other Stupid Moves   Loree     08-30-05     10  
   RE: Smoking & Other Stupid Moves   Iam_Xtreme     09-01-05     13  
     RE: Smoking & Other Stupid Moves   Lisa0116     09-01-05     14  
         RE: Smoking & Other Stupid Moves   Tahj     09-01-05     15  
             RE: Smoking & Other Stupid Moves   Lisa0116     09-02-05     17  
                 RE: Smoking & Other Stupid Moves   youngatheart     09-02-05     18  
         RE: Smoking & Other Stupid Moves   trigirl     09-02-05     16  
             RE: Smoking & Other Stupid Moves   Lisa0116     09-02-05     19  
                 RE: Smoking & Other Stupid Moves   riverrocker     09-02-05     20  
                 RE: Smoking & Other Stupid Moves   trigirl     09-03-05     21  
                     RE: Smoking & Other Stupid Moves   riverrocker     09-04-05     23  
                 RE: Smoking & Other Stupid Moves   Tahj     09-03-05     22  
                     RE: Smoking & Other Stupid Moves   Lisa0116     09-09-05     28  
   RE: Smoking & Other Stupid Moves   Nootch     09-09-05     25  
     RE: Smoking & Other Stupid Moves   ginger     09-09-05     26  
         RE: Smoking & Other Stupid Moves - ...   LaLaLisa     09-09-05     27  
             RE: Smoking & Other Stupid Moves - ...   Lisa0116     09-09-05     29  
                 Ha Ha Lisa   trigirl     09-13-05     30  

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