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Conferences American Idol Individual Contestant and Judge Discussion Forum (Protected)
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Ace's Song
What was the name of the song Ace sang tonight? Who is the artist? Thanks.
0 messages
03-01-06 09:13 PM
David Radford
Hey Guys, This the first time I ever posted in here so be patient with me. I can't disagree with the comments I am seeing in here about David
8 messages
03-01-06 03:32 PM
Paula and Randy trade places at judges table
I liked last night when Simon told Paula she was annoying, so she switched places at the judges table with Randy. The show flowed much better after
4 messages
03-01-06 11:35 AM
Good for Jennifer Hudson.
I liked Jennifer Hudson. I can't even remember Carrie's last name anymore. 7
5 messages
02-28-06 04:52 PM
What was up with that chick?!!! I just don't understand why they follow these people and let them rant on and on and curse and throw stuff.
9 messages
02-27-06 05:03 PM
"Your smile bothers me"
Simon often comes up with some pretty good put-downs, but every once in a while he comes up with a real gem that can be applied in everyday life. I%
9 messages
02-27-06 10:10 AM
Any Constantine Fans here
heyy i'm greekboy i'm a huge fan of constantine and just wanted 2 kno if their wer any con fans here. I'm i wannabe rocker 2 so if u wanna talk
2 messages
02-23-06 06:50 PM
Twins pose for MAXIM....
not the brothers.... [img] .com/p/ap/20060223/capt.la11202230100.american_idol_twins_
3 messages
02-23-06 03:59 PM
Simon's Favorite?
I recalled the following article and dug it up. -cowell-already-has-favorite-american-ido
7 messages
02-22-06 05:31 PM
kelly who?
let's face it--if it weren't for american idol would we even know who kelly clarkson is? i wonder what would have happened to her if motown or a
12 messages
02-22-06 11:17 AM
Isn't anyone interested this year?
Where is everyone tonight? I wanted to discuss the fave performances after the show and no one's around! Hope you all start commenting as the we
5 messages
02-22-06 10:31 AM
Hollywood bound Memphis twins may be prison bound, too. [View All]
I can't remember which set of twins this was, but I think it was the two guys who sang Superstar to Paula. I hope it wasn't the first set of tw
23 messages
02-19-06 08:13 PM
Kelly Clarkson
Did not watch AI lasr night (boo hoo) watched the grammys instead. All I can say is that Kelly Clarkson is an ungrateful beotch. She won her gramm
20 messages
02-16-06 07:17 PM
Batts! Jason Horn didn't make it!
They must have cut him pretty early on cause I reviewed my tape from the 14th and he wasn't in any of the rooms. Bummer! http://
1 messages
02-16-06 02:05 PM
Brittenum twins need to "Say Goodbye to Hollywood"
The Brittenum twins are typical of people who take no responsibility for their own irresponsible actions -- and then try to wriggle out of a bad situa
1 messages
02-15-06 02:32 PM
Kelly Clarkson--Grammy snub
How weird was it that Kelly didn't acknowledge or thank American Idol in her Grammy speeches? Without AI, she would have been home still trying
5 messages
02-13-06 11:00 AM
Nadia Turner now has an official site.. It's a beautiful site with video clips, pics, event calandar
2 messages
01-27-06 04:11 PM
AI3's LaToya London
She has a new single out and you can download it free this week only on iTunes. Just thought I'd pass this along for the LaToya fans!
4 messages
01-30-06 06:44 PM
Happy Birthday, Simon!
[font color = purple]During last nights auditions, we were told Simon celebrated his 50th birthday. He recieved what was possibly the best gi
16 messages
02-12-06 03:50 AM
Paula makes me laugh!
I'm sorry but whenever I hear her tell someone "your voice isn't as strong" "you may be one dementional" "you have a powerful voice but
8 messages
02-12-06 03:31 AM
AF's Annual AI5 Auditions thread
A nice place to keep track of auditioners and discuss, praise or criticize them or the judges. This year, all my audition reports wil
8 messages
02-12-06 03:25 AM
Paula Dancing With Married Man
I thought it was so funny when Paula was dancing with that guy in the service and she was blushing and getting so excited! Probably thinking to hers
1 messages
02-12-06 03:17 AM
Who is the most successful american idol both with awards and earnings?
3 messages
02-12-06 03:12 AM
Fantasia Book News
I have read several articles here and there about Fantasia and a book about her life. Here is one article from MSN
5 messages
01-26-06 07:02 AM
Too tan girl
Wasn't she on both Tuesday and Wednesday? On Tuesday she had some hair "add-on" and we just had to meet her mother. On W
6 messages
01-23-06 09:46 AM
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