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Conferences American Idol Individual Contestant and Judge Discussion Forum (Protected)
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Will Chris win?? [View All]
Vote here. a thread to talk about all things chris, good or bad. Love him, or don't love him quite so much. I mean, does anyone
35 messages
03-27-06 09:38 AM
Kevin's parents
I read somewhere that Kevin's parents stayed in the room with him and Bucky. What's up with that? Do Paris & Lisa's families stay with them
1 messages
03-25-06 07:56 AM
Maybe it's time for America to vote on the judges. Paula has worn out her welcome. Simon can't speak without her jumping in, waving her arms a
3 messages
03-23-06 05:05 PM
Chicken Little Takes A Fall
America got it right last night on Idol when the dweeby Kevin was sent to do volunteer work singing at senior centers throughout America. I don't k
15 messages
03-23-06 07:59 PM
don't hate Kellie
I am from North Carolina, myself. I agree that she is playing her whole sweet-naive thing a little too far. But lets not be a hater, she actuall
4 messages
03-23-06 04:45 PM
Kevin [View All]
Anyone else ready for him to go? "Breaking up" with his girlfriend so the fans will find him more attractive. Hmmph.
43 messages
03-23-06 03:24 PM
Simon on Howard Stern Show - Picks Top 3
Simon was on Howard Stern's radio show this morning. He picked what he thought the Top 3 would be: 1) Chris Daughtry 2)
9 messages
03-23-06 08:25 AM
Ace Young-different ending in re-cap
Do you feel duped? I do. After watching Ace's not so great falsetto ending to his song, I was a bit diappointed. However, as I watched for
3 messages
03-22-06 11:21 AM
Thoughts on the 50's performances......
Who I loved tonight: Chris of course Mandisa Elliott Ace -Kellie was actually o.k. and Katherine too. -I can't even
1 messages
03-22-06 09:20 AM
Stop picking on Simon! He seems to be the only one there with eyes and ears!
1 messages
03-21-06 09:53 PM
It's about time there was a hopeful on the Idol that isn't the same as every other contestant. They want different and Taylor has hit the mark!
1 messages
03-18-06 08:42 PM
Why doesn't Paula sing anymore
What happened with Paula's singing career? I forget what songs she used to sing , its been so long.
5 messages
03-16-06 04:49 PM
This is a spoiler-free zone
Do not discuss tonight's episode outside of the East Coast Update Thread - located on the General Discussion Forum - until 11:00 PM Eastern Time.
2 messages
03-15-06 09:37 PM
Simon Was Nice Tonite
Simon was nice to the contestants tonite! He didn't make any rude comments about any of the performances. He even went easy on Melissa Mcghee and
2 messages
03-15-06 12:35 PM
Melissa has a very skanky look about her...
I know what bugs me about her. It took me awhile to figure it out. Her voice never overly impressed me, but then again, neither did a lot of the p
1 messages
03-13-06 09:32 AM
Chris...Vin Diesel?
Does anyone else think Chris looks alot like the actor Vin Diesel?
0 messages
03-11-06 01:06 PM
Early Predictions thread [View All]
What do you think based upon what we've seen so far?? Discuss here. Who are your faves? Who do you think will make the top 24%3
29 messages
03-09-06 01:50 PM
Ace Young is Hot
Ace Young is totally hot and very talented. The song he sung tonight, orginally done by Michael Jackson was awesome. I don't even remember Michae
1 messages
03-09-06 10:47 AM
Simon's Favorite Part II - He has none so far!
OK, so Simon was on Kelly & Regis, and made a GREAT statement, he has no favorite YET this season. This is great news! Read the
4 messages
03-08-06 04:59 PM
Taylor looks like...
I think he so hot. Is it me or does he resemble George Clooney? ( rds/User_files%
2 messages
03-07-06 08:59 PM
Ode to Bobby Bennett
Bobby, you are sorely missed. by at least one viewer. He will miss your snazzy song selection and energetic audience entertainment. %0
1 messages
03-02-06 04:36 PM
Doesnt he look like.......
I mean don't get me wrong this dude Elliot can sing no doubt about that but doesnt he look like.....LOL
2 messages
03-02-06 01:46 PM
Either Sway has chosen really bad songs the last 2 times or he just cann't sing. The falseletto thing that he did last week seemed just so fake, a
0 messages
03-02-06 01:32 PM
american idol contestant cries foul
found this on the rollingstone mag website AMERICAN IDOL CONTESTANT CRIES “FOUL” Tucson Teenager Learns “Gold Ticket” In
5 messages
03-02-06 12:03 PM
He didnt do it as great as the great Lionel Richie, but I dont think anyone can. Yet, I would still watch Taylor Hicks sing for one hour wi
3 messages
03-02-06 09:15 AM
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