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Conferences American Idol Individual Contestant and Judge Discussion Forum (Protected)
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New Danny Gokey Album
Former American Idol contestant Danny Gokey is back with a brand new album!!! "Hope In Front of Me" will be out June 23rd! The single "H
1 messages
02-17-15 07:17 PM
R.I.P. Michael Johns
Dead from a blood clot. hns/
1 messages
08-03-14 02:22 PM
"Presenting the fabulous new "Dream Team" deck chair arrangement on the Karaoke Titanic™"
That's right: we've got a complete judging panel in place, just in time for the audition callbacks. We've also got a snazzy thread title f
0 messages
09-03-13 01:40 PM
The funniest thing you may read all day.
'Street cred'? 'Reputation'? 'Save'? -west-report
1 messages
08-23-13 03:53 PM
Lies Stacey tells. [View All]
Track the distortions here. Because it's just not a vote-based campaign unless someone's rewriting their entire life to make themselves more appe
43 messages
07-20-13 09:46 PM
Nikki Baked Goods Level Tracker.
0 messages
03-14-13 10:58 AM
Minaj/Carey clash
But your money here. I personally don't think I can take Housewives drama on AI.
5 messages
10-06-12 04:22 AM
Adam Lambert, judge? [View All]
And that marks the official end of the career. can-idol-may-reportedly-revamp-entire-ju
28 messages
10-03-12 11:24 AM
X-Factor U.S. signs Britney Spears to judging panel.
Imagine you're Simon and you've just hand-picked your replacement Paula. What's the first thing you do to trigger a relapse? http%
5 messages
09-21-12 12:21 PM
The new panel (officially) is:
[s]Crabgrass Kudzu Dandelions[/s] Randy 'Unkillable' Jackson Mariah Carey Nicki Minaj Keith Urban Guess whi
2 messages
09-18-12 07:55 PM
How can we miss him when he won't leave?
Randy Jackson is finally and officially done as a judge -- but that just means he was demoted to mentor. How can you be a mentor when you haven't h
0 messages
08-31-12 10:38 AM
Pain upon pain.
The following link goes directly to a VFTW article concerning Juliana Ramos (Chris Medina's fiance') and her feelings regarding the way she wa
5 messages
07-05-12 06:46 AM
Danny Noriega needs your votes again. Well, Adore Delano does. Facebook only. Because they're evil. http:
4 messages
05-02-12 12:09 PM
Elise Testone
Elise, YOU have a superior voice uniquely designed for that smooth jazz audience like Shade is! Get yourself the right producer and you're on y
0 messages
04-27-12 05:58 PM
*Spoiler* Contestant Disqualified for Criminal Past
Seems like this happens every so often. Looks like the AI powers-that-be would be a bit more discriminating in who they pick. Will the contestant be r
1 messages
03-14-12 06:41 PM
I have a question about Hollie Cavanagh
And I definitely don't want to sound rude or like I'm making fun of her in any way. I think her singing voice is AMAZING! She also seems like a
2 messages
03-08-12 08:15 PM
Those who can't do, judge.
This is Steven bringing down the house in Foxboro with his rendition of the National Anthem. Or rather, this is the Patriots contingent t
0 messages
01-23-12 01:19 AM
Adam Lamber Arrested
And apparently Finnish BB winners are no more likely to avoid police intervention than the American ones.
1 messages
12-22-11 01:11 PM
Steve Jones does math for you.
'Paula has had the two thousand and forty-eighth nervous breakdown of her television career. This means that only three panelists will be voting.
8 messages
12-20-11 12:04 PM
Nicole's cowardice.
"As long as Josh is safe, it doesn't matter what happens." "Every female on the planet is a threat to me." "I know
3 messages
12-12-11 05:11 PM
Dear Simon, in/WeWantOurJerkBack Remember: if your goal is to be the new Steven, the next th
1 messages
12-02-11 09:32 PM
In therapy yet Lauren?
If you are not now.... you will be by the weeks end. What a number your parents did to you! All of your life you were told how great, wonderful%2
JoJo B
8 messages
11-28-11 00:16 AM
Astro's attitude adjustment.
Was what we saw 11/17 a protorapper eager to show how little he cared about anything -- or a jilted teen who just found out the country didn't hav
4 messages
11-22-11 08:36 AM
Sophie's Paula's Choice.
Oh. The. Drama. Actually, that may have been the most drama we've had on FOX in the last year. (And it came in the middle of the w
0 messages
11-11-11 10:01 AM
Dexter decides being homeless is better than being on X-Factor.
Maybe that's why he's now claiming he asked to leave the show. The Agenda only protect
0 messages
11-03-11 07:47 AM
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