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"In therapy yet Lauren?"
JoJo B 14 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
05-06-11, 08:24 AM (EST)
"In therapy yet Lauren?" |
If you are not now.... you will be by the weeks end. What a number your parents did to you! All of your life you were told how great, wonderful, beautiful you were, and now.... well, you are hearing the truth.Laurens reaction last night when she heard Jimmy say that she would possibly be in the bottom two, did her in. She starting bawling even before it was announced that she was in the bottom two. Is this girl even going to make through to the end? and even if she does, will she make it in this cold cruel world? People are brutal, and I just don't think she will be able to handle it.... so, therapy she will need. The truth is, when she and her family made the choice to put her on AI, they should have prepared her for reality and they didn't. Also, I do believe this young lady should have waited until she was at least 18, and more of an adult to handle the pressure that she is under now. I for one, didn't feel sorry for her. She is a spoiled little brat who needed a big dose of reality, and she got it! Thanks Jimmy!
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mindy23 1319 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"
05-06-11, 09:34 AM (EST)
1. "RE: In therapy yet Lauren?" |
My first thought was very similar to what you said. I can't remember her ever being in the bottom, unlike Haley, who has been there numerous times, and has ALWAYS had a smile on her face.IMHO, Lauren BLEW IT last night, and will lose a ton of votes, I'm talking MILLIONS, due to her actions/reaction to being critiqued. Geez, what would she have done if she'd had Simon as a judge?? Run off screaming after each perfomance? She'd be in a rubber room by now, for sure. Her true personality came out, in that she couldn't even focus on the fact that someone whom she has said is a good friend, was leaving the show. All she focused on, and it was SO obvious, was that she was told how badly she had done, that she landed in the bottom and came 'that' close to being sent packing. IF I had ever voted for her before, I would not now. My theory of her being number 3 in this competition has just been shattered. She'll be gone next week......

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Tummy 3542 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
05-06-11, 11:12 AM (EST)
2. "RE: In therapy yet Lauren?" |
I see Lauren and her parents completely different. It's a parents job to instill confidence in their kid, if they don't believe that you believe that they can conquer the world they'll never try. I think she is great, wonderful and beautiful - she has made it to final four after all. And comparing her poise to Haley's is comparing apples to oranges. I know I learned to handle things much better from the time I was 16 to the time I was 20. A blow at 16 felt much harder than one at 20. Sometimes I think people just like to be mean. Floating my cares away with Agman - 2011
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Snidget 43862 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-06-11, 11:47 AM (EST)
3. "RE: In therapy yet Lauren?" |
I agree there is a world of difference between 16 and 21 when it comes to maturity.I just feel like sometimes Lauren comes off as a bit too fragile at this age to be put in this situation (and I can't tell if she'd grow into strength or not). There is a fair amount of rumor that they have to give her extra coddling to help her keep it together from the behind the scenes reports that come out, and most of the time she has been one of the first declared safe, which I also put in the "coddling" category as well as occasional comments in the packages that make it seem they really have to fluff her a lot to keep her going. Yep, you gotta believe in your kids and instill in them enough true confidence so they will go for it. However, sometime what gets installed is what I think of as a false confidence that cannot handle setbacks (or understand the limits of one's talent) and use them to help you grow and move forward from the inevitable failures. No one ever gets to being the best without falling down a few times and getting real feedback about how good or bad you really are. Lauren comes across to me as a pseudo-confidence type. As if she's been given all the "you are great" messages but overly-protected from anything that might not be quite as positive, so never gained the emotional maturity I usually expect of a 16 year old (which is different from the expectations of someone in their twenties) when every once in awhile they get told something wasn't the bestest ever. I'm of two minds about the criticism this week and why it came now. Either they really want her more than Hayley in the top 3 and this was a way to get her the pity vote next week. Or they knew she won't get over the shock in time and it will get her out next week as they've had enough with keeping her protected and safe and don't want to have to deal with that if she should win. I'll probably have to wait to see if the judges and montage show excessive fluffing, or they come down hard on her.  I used to be indecisive but now I'm not so sure.
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JoJo B 14 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
05-07-11, 03:31 AM (EST)
5. "RE: In therapy yet Lauren?" |
LAST EDITED ON 05-07-11 AT 03:43 AM (EST)How can someone watching on tv know if she is a spoiled brat? Breaking down - being upset - because of criticism doesn't mean spoiled or brat to me. I could be wrong on this one. I have been known to be wrong from time to time. I would call it an opinion, or perhaps a first impression, and maybe in this case many, as I have seen Lauren several times in the past few weeks. That being said, let me re-phrase my last comment. In my opinion, I feel that Lauren is "acting" like a spoiled brat. The point that I was trying to make, and did so unsuccessfully.... was, I just don't think she can handle what is going to be thrown her way. If she brakes down, at simple criticism, than what is she going to do when she is thrown out in the industry? My words are kind, compared to other things that I have read on other boards. At times, things that said are.. well, just cruel.
Over the past weeks, Lauren when given less than a wonderful words from the judges, changed her attitude, as if to say.. "What? You don't think I am great?!" and given the fact that Jennifer and Steven .. never if ever say anything really negative.. she has to grow some thick skin! So, if I seem mean.. well, then I guess I am. That is something that Lauren will have to adjust to. People are mean sometimes. And there is no crying on American Idol! (well, there is, but usually when they are sent home)
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JoJo B 14 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
05-07-11, 04:20 AM (EST)
6. "RE: In therapy yet Lauren?" |
I see Lauren and her parents completely different. It's a parents job to instill confidence in their kid, if they don't believe that you believe that they can conquer the world they'll never try.Oh, there is a difference. If you keep on telling your child .. You are the best, and then they find out they are not, and fall... well then what? I am a parent of two teenagers. One of which is great in everything that he does. He came out as gay when he was 17, and was completely understood by his class mates. I will soon send him off to college. I told him... "People will try to break you down, and want you to fail. Over come that, and be the man you want to be". My words of "you are the best!" are not the right ones! People can be cruel.. and I wanted him to know that. I gave my son confidence, but I also told him, not every one is gong to think you are the best! Deal with it the best way you can... oh, and call mom when you need to cry.
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agman 11158 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
11-28-11, 00:16 AM (EST)
8. "RE: Schedule a session." |
*shakes head* Why am I not surprised to hear this?
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