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Conferences American Idol Individual Contestant and Judge Discussion Forum (Protected)
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chris....oh chris....
am i the only one w/ a stupid schoolgirl butterflies in stomach big freaking crush on chris?!?!?! i love that guy soo much and if he doe
1 messages
04-20-06 03:49 PM
Bo Bice in Bar Fight
April 20, 2006 -- "AMERICAN Idol" loser Bo Bice's 15 minutes of fame are way, way over - especially at O'Brien's pub on West 46th Street
8 messages
04-20-06 03:29 PM
dump him
America, please dump ace and his "how dare they put me in the bottom 3" look. He should have been gone before chicken little or Melissa. This ki
13 messages
04-20-06 10:54 AM
Kellie and her Snot Rag... [View All]
They both need to be tossed off the show. She made me sick on my stomach with that shot-grabbing, disgusting comment and running around tossing a n
25 messages
04-19-06 04:13 PM
Nice pony-tail Ace
I am so glad Ace reassured us that he didn't cut his hair and that it was only put back in a pony-tail. Because that's really what matters here. A
5 messages
04-19-06 03:28 PM
What the heck is with the votes? Mandisa gone? [View All]
Ok, so I suffered through weeks of Chicken Little outlasting numerous contestants who were miles above his paltry singing talent...ok he's young a
22 messages
04-19-06 12:52 PM
Ace Fans
Are there any Ace Young fans out there. Ace really looked Hot tonight. He reminds me of Smith Jarrod from Sex and the City he is so hot. I wouldn't
1 messages
04-19-06 07:56 AM
This is a spoiler-free zone
Please do not discuss tonight's episode in this forum until after 11:00pm Eastern time. Until that time, all discussion should take place in the
1 messages
04-19-06 02:19 AM
I just watched American Idol extra and they had an interview with Bucky. I think even more of him now than I did before, which I thought would be im
0 messages
04-13-06 09:14 PM
he wont be singing but stop by the tilt-a-whirl and say "hey"...
2 messages
04-13-06 07:50 PM
Why Chris SHOULDNT'T win..... [View All]
I know there is another post out there about Chris, but this is a different topic, so I started a new thread. First off, before I get
29 messages
04-13-06 05:48 PM
Ace misses the mountains...
im pretty sure he meant BrokeBack Mountain
0 messages
04-13-06 03:42 PM
This is a spoiler-free zone
Please do not discuss tonight's episode in this forum until after 11:30pm Eastern time. Until that time, all discussion should take place in th
0 messages
04-12-06 10:18 PM
Kellie & Katherine
Has anyone noticed that Kellie & Katherine do not appear to be as friendly as they once were?
1 messages
04-12-06 09:51 AM
All Kellie sings is country
I know it is not with nothing wrong with singing country but thats all she is.
4 messages
04-12-06 07:04 AM
Mandisa Love Thread [View All]
C'mon and give my girl some lovin' here in this thread. She is truly a class act, and has talent, charm & great pipes! Yes%2
60 messages
04-09-06 07:29 PM
Did Bucky and Elliott Have Their Teeth Fixed?
Am I just being strange, or did anyone else think it looked like Bucky and Elliott had some work done on their teeth to make them look a little more
15 messages
04-07-06 03:55 PM
Ace is awful
Ace has got to go. I think he is terrible. He thinks he is so damn hot and hopes to get by like that. Apparently Idol is a popularity contest and not
4 messages
04-06-06 11:22 AM
is this a voting for the worst situation? KM probably has the best voice in the whole competition and yet shes bottom three...while Jethro
26 messages
04-06-06 06:33 AM
Final 9 Rankings
Hey Every1! I just wanted to know what you guys think of the performers left and how you would rank them. I would rank them (In the order I
1 messages
04-02-06 08:25 PM
Paula gets three more years
[font color="maroon"]Didja see this abdul-gets-3-more-years-of-idol-1007897.php
3 messages
04-01-06 12:36 PM
Ace Van Damme
Not sure about Chris looking Like Vin Diesel, but all I can think about when Looking at Ace is Jean Claude Van Damme....Anyone else out there??
3 messages
04-01-06 06:49 AM
tonight's show
CAn anyone tell me who was voted off tonight? My DVR didn't record and I am dying to know!!!!
1 messages
03-30-06 08:24 AM
We must start an ACE discussion! [View All]
I didn't see another threat to talk about Ace, so please forgive me if I've missed something. I'm one of those new posters... I have never fa
31 messages
03-30-06 01:48 AM
Lisa Tucker reminds me of...
Aaliyah - the late R&B singer who died in a plane crash in 2001. I don't know if it's ever been mentioned but I have always thought they look a
1 messages
03-29-06 07:22 PM
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