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Fearless Ladies 5 years from now?
Anyone care to speculate where the SO Houseguests will be five years from now? I have the feeling most will be right where there are today and some
13 messages
05-29-06 07:29 AM
The season's finale [View All]
I actually really liked the show today. The first time in a long time I actually enjoyed watching it. Finally all the hooey and the bogus gimmicks w
26 messages
05-29-06 07:19 AM
Where does the SO people get their clothes and jewelry?
Have you noticed how they have new outfits on? When Jill was on the show she had some cute things and I notice the life coaches have new outfits an
6 messages
05-27-06 01:26 AM
Link to online petition for saving starting over
Sorry if this has already been posted. If you haven't done so please go and sign the petition to save the show. http://new.petitiononlin
4 messages
05-26-06 10:09 AM
The Starting Over Drinking Game [View All]
Hi, please don't take offense at me making light of drinking, I mean this as a joke! This week when I was watching SO they showed a
60 messages
05-25-06 11:16 PM
Will Caine have "two mommies"?
Now that Jodi has promissed Christie that she'll support Caine financially, I wonder if he's going to have "two mommies"? Or, will Jodi
16 messages
05-25-06 10:59 PM
Life Coaching on Starting Over
Some standouts for me from SO: Rhonda - "scraps of love" I have always remembered her speech to Josie at the end of season one w
0 messages
05-25-06 08:47 PM
Season's Final
Well it over, now what do I do for that hour. Maybe watch the reruns if there is any. Also, were is Antonia going the girl finished in 7 days; c
3 messages
05-25-06 05:37 PM
Once a DAW, always a DAW...
Has anyone checked out the HG's Web Sites and My Space pages? I finally had a moment to today and wow, what DAW's! They really learned how
2 messages
05-25-06 05:17 PM
Get a sponsor and things go bad
Has anyone else noticed that since Glade has taken over sponsorship of the "parting gifts," we not only see more than a gazillion shots of Glade
2 messages
05-25-06 09:28 AM
Let's chat :-)
I am in the chat room right now. You can have two windows open so you can read and reply to posts and if someone enters the room you hear the little d
20 messages
05-25-06 02:09 AM
Why can't we use "finale"?
An earlier post of mine was locked by an administrator because I used the word "finale" in the title. I did not indicate whether this w
0 messages
05-25-06 00:30 AM
I really used to like this show
I have watched SO since the begining. The first house in Chicago was awesome. My favorite person on the show was Brenda. I don't know how many of yo
0 messages
05-24-06 11:32 PM
so now what LEFTOVER stale So shows?? blah :P~~~~
ok... so now what? today was it.. i am not going to go bonkers watching left over stale rerun SO shows.. i took l hour a day a
2 messages
05-24-06 07:08 PM

-- 00: AM
All the houseguests support the 5k except Jill?
Did anyone else notice on yesterdays (Monday) show that all the houseguests were out on the tennis court doing warm up exercises for the 5k except
9 messages
05-24-06 04:25 PM
A place to post positive threads
I watch the show and I come to the boards to see what is being said about the days show. Most time I don't even take the time to read them. Because
7 messages
05-24-06 04:05 PM
Raising Caine
How can Christie "decide" that she is going to raise Caine? How will she get custody? Is it okay with the mother? Is it okay with Caine%3
1 messages
05-24-06 10:31 AM
Dr. Suess is in the house!
Andy looked like a goofy character straight out of "Cat in the Hat" today. Luckily Antonia didn't let her go crazy on her hair and just a littl
5 messages
05-24-06 09:11 AM
Who shows up for the finale?
I am not sure I will be able to watch it, and I'm dying to know which of the former housemates will be there. God knows, Andy Paige w
1 messages
05-24-06 03:04 AM
Andy Page is a monster [View All]
Did you see the top of Lisa's head just barely level with Andy's boobs?
40 messages
05-24-06 01:11 AM
Okay mods now I know where this belongs, (well I hope so?) is there any one else who gets tired of these graduations where, they get up on t
1 messages
05-24-06 00:39 AM
The Last Season
Is this the last season? And if not what station will the show air?Because here in San Diego its on WB and the WB is no more after May so is this
0 messages
05-23-06 09:18 PM
Jodi's reaction at Antonia's graduation
Can someone give me a reality check here... the graduation speeches: Jodi gave a speech saying "you're the daughter I don't have" then
11 messages
05-23-06 07:28 PM
Professionals Desperately Needed in the House
After spending the past several months listening to these women I vote for an "Ear, Nose & Throat" specialist to remove the adenoids of more t
10 messages
05-23-06 05:23 PM
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