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Conferences American Idol Individual Contestant and Judge Discussion Forum (Protected)
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Partial list... Cassie LeBeau?!?
I found this list posted over on It claims to be a list of 45 semifinalists. It includes the name Cassie LeBeau, wh
6 messages
02-08-05 07:53 AM
The bad sport..
What was that contestant's name who couldn't remember her lyrics? The one who was a real snit about the other two girls 'excluding' her. Any
1 messages
02-13-05 11:43 PM
Fair or not?
[font color="maroon"]DW and PS were in a major uproar last night when that last group (the ones that waited until competition morning to e
14 messages
02-15-05 02:50 AM
What's up with the Micky Mouse/MJ girl???
I don't start many posts but I couldn't help it this time....what is up with that girl who sang the Michael Jackson song? Besides being a bad c
17 messages
02-18-05 12:46 PM
American Idol Contestants
Does anybody know where I can get a list of the contestants in the show that have done well and got through the auditions so know the ones y
4 messages
02-17-05 01:36 AM
Elizabeth Pha ds/User_files/42024f3120db54ee.jpg I’ve only seen some parts of the Orlando and
probably clueless
20 messages
02-15-05 02:52 AM
trying to find name of song
Does anyone know which song this group of guys were singing? This season, the group of 3 guys that went to bed and waited til the next day to prac
2 messages
02-19-05 07:19 PM
A contestant I don't like
I'm terrible with names on this show but I'm sure you, the people with no life who can memorize these things, will be able to give it to me. I
13 messages
02-19-05 11:09 PM
Paula! Simon! Oh, The Drama!
Does anyone else think that the argument between Paula and Simon last night (2/9) was, well, [b]staged[/b]? It just s
Sweety Tweety
14 messages
02-23-05 04:43 AM
Nikko and Aloha interview
My local paper did interviews with Nikko Smith and Aloha Mischeaux. Since Idol hasn't featured either of these finalists, I thought I'd post a
8 messages
02-23-05 02:27 PM
If you like Simon check this out! 33
1 messages
02-24-05 09:57 AM
American Idol finally airing In Australia
I am just so wrapped! T`morrow Night The current season of American idol will be on Television-So I`ll be able to understand every thing that yo
0 messages
02-25-05 07:58 PM
Paula's Wardrobe...02/21
WTF is she wearing and how the hell does it all go together. That broach that is holding her shaw together is just gawdy. Also, WTF is that red thin
16 messages
03-02-05 03:04 PM
AI summary is up in general
Phew. Finally done. Hope you like it. ds/DCForumID44/1238.shtml http:/
0 messages
03-05-05 10:54 PM
Rooting for Scott Savol
Hi All - As i did in season two when i was rooting for Clay who then was the underdog in terms of 'image', this season i'm rooting
55 messages
03-10-05 11:04 AM
Janae??? Why are you still here?
Can someone that voted for her or not,Please explain to me or make me feel better as to why she is still in the competition? She is so bad and all
14 messages
03-09-05 09:45 AM
Constantine actor or singer?
I don’t know how the rest of you but, I loved Constantine until I found out he was on elimiDATE. I must admit I am a closet watcher and I just s
13 messages
03-10-05 11:07 PM
Jennifer Hudson EP release
I am proud to announce that Jennifer will be releasing her first EP via her website in April. Please check out her web-site for more details regardin
7 messages
03-11-05 02:35 PM
Contestant Nicknames thread
There have been lots of good nicknames for the contestants scattered throughout posts on this board, and I found some interesting ones on other Idol
4 messages
03-11-05 04:05 PM
Nikko booted off!
ok... I am soo sure Nikko was 1 of the 2 (in my opnion) idol's who actually deserved to be in the competition!!! R u KIDDING ME!! Sc
12 messages
03-12-05 04:14 AM
Did you notice Constantines T-shirt? It had Justin Guarini on the front. Too funny! I wish Simon would have commented.
11 messages
03-12-05 12:05 PM
Uh, oh, Mikalah
I voted for Mikalah. In fact, I voted for her several times. My voting was based more on her performance LAST week, rather than this week, but I
11 messages
03-13-05 04:08 PM
Hey all - Granted, Mario has a great voice, but there is something about him that just rubs me the wrong way. There is a hug
22 messages
03-14-05 12:10 PM
Bo Bice
Uh, someone needed to start this. Let's discuss. Good, bad or indifferent. And he didn't get much play until hollywood. I'm li
66 messages
03-16-05 12:51 PM
Separated at Birth
Ok, now that we're getting down to the Finalists, who do these DAWs look like? Bash 'em or praise 'em, your choice. Posting a pic help
40 messages
03-16-05 01:31 PM
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