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Conferences Dancing with the Stars Forum (Protected)
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Let's find a partner for Derek. [View All]
I am so sick of Derek always getting good partners. I think next season, he needs to get somebody who is not an athlete or dancer already. Any ide
24 messages
05-30-10 01:30 PM
*ring*er *ring*er *ring*er *click* Nicole? It's for you. http://comm
4 messages
05-28-10 02:17 AM
DWTS 10 Finale Performance ECST [View All]
Tonight we start the Finals. The Final 3 will be doing 4 dances over the next two nights, two tonight and two tomorrow....... Tonight'
36 messages
05-26-10 01:31 AM
DWTS 10 Finale Results ECST [View All]
Tonight, we crown the 10th Dancing With The Stars Champion. Tonight, we award reality's gaudiest trophy....... Tonight,
40 messages
05-26-10 00:59 AM
DWTS 10 Finale Performance ECST
Tonight, we crown the 10th Dancing With The Stars Champion. Tonight, we award reality's gaudiest trophy....... Tonight,
0 messages
05-25-10 06:18 PM
DWTS 10 Dial Idol Predictions. [View All]
I'll get those numbers and record the judges scores here as well. The DI prediction I'll post is the DWTS predictor that has the percen
57 messages
05-25-10 10:45 AM
DWTS 10 General Contestant, Judge and Interviewer Bashing Thread [View All]
If you want to bash the holy heck out of any of the contestants (and gawds knows there are a few of them that deserve it......), judges, or ei
43 messages
05-21-10 07:11 PM
DWTS 10 Episode 16 ECST [View All]
Welcome to the Semi-Finals! We're back to 90 minutes tonight, and they'll be doing two more dances...... Erin, Evan, Chad, a
64 messages
05-19-10 12:03 PM
DWTS 10 Episode 17 ECST [View All]
We're quickly approaching the Finals, and whoever survives tonight is in for Mega-training, as for the Finale Performance and Finale Results sho
32 messages
05-19-10 11:57 AM
Chad's going dating on VH1
The show will be called [b]The Tournament[/b]: instead of eliminations, we're going to have playoffs! ('This is the last helme
3 messages
05-17-10 10:27 AM
DWTS 10 Episode 14 ECST [View All]
So tonight they're gonna do two dances, the second one will be "dancing through the ages" as we see a return of the time-era'd theme dances.
85 messages
05-14-10 01:11 PM
DWTS 10 Episode 15 ECST [View All]
The Red Light Special is awaiting its Quarterfinal Meal, and the odds on favorites for the sacrifice are Niecy and Chad, due to their very low sco
33 messages
05-12-10 01:42 AM
DWTS 10 Episode 13 ECST [View All]
The Red Light of Doom is looking for another victim as we're heading for the Quaterfinals, but is it looking for one of the struggling ones or a s
29 messages
05-08-10 03:58 AM
Boring Brooke
I am just wondering who could possibly be a more boring host than Brooke. Darryl or the other brother Darryl? The computer voice you get while try
2 messages
05-08-10 01:14 AM
DWTS 10 Episode 12 ECST [View All]
Sorry for being late. Another Mom eye doctor appointment day..... Anyways, tonight is Team Dance night, and it's a Cha Cha Challenge
66 messages
05-04-10 00:41 AM
I'm all for starting a Niecy Nash fan club
"We love each other enough to lie to each other." There are other assorted quotes by her. Gonna miss her when she's gone. You got any f
Sagebrush Dan
7 messages
05-03-10 01:44 PM
Unofficial Dancing With The Stars Fan Club
hey guys, I have been an fan of dwts since the first season. found myself with some spare time these past few months so i'm putting to
0 messages
05-01-10 09:15 AM
DWTS 10 Episode 11 ECST [View All]
The Red Light of Doom wants more blood this week, and I'm very afraid of who might be the victim tonight........
34 messages
04-29-10 01:54 AM
DWTS 10 Episode 10 ECST [View All]
Tonight is Celebrity Costume Revenge night, as well as we're gonna have a Swing Dance Marathon. That being said, I'm questionable a
44 messages
04-27-10 09:39 AM
The nightmare is over.
Tony is now Free. Kate remains available for rental. ds/User_files/48dfe4d
11 messages
04-22-10 00:50 AM
kate getting the boot
O M G finally ! Poor Tony took her crap like the perfect gentelman he is . This lady can not and never will be able to dance! She should have neve
suzie Q
0 messages
04-21-10 12:43 PM
DWTS 10 Episode 9 ECST [View All]
The Movie Night theme continues tonight, supposedly, as the Macy's Stars of Dance is gonna involve that theme...... Also, the Red L
35 messages
04-21-10 10:31 AM
DWTS 10 Episode 8 ECST [View All]
Tonight is Movie Night, as they've claimed that the fugliest band in the land will attempt to play some big name movie themes tonight...... those
65 messages
04-21-10 03:10 AM
Party! Party!
She's gone! Samantha Harris is gone! ng-with-stars-co-host-samantha-harris-leaving
14 messages
04-19-10 02:09 AM
Season 10: Handicapping the field.
(Note: partner influence can change some of this in a hurry, but not all): [b]Buzz Aldrin (Astronaut)[/b] %0
16 messages
04-19-10 02:07 AM
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