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DWTS 17 Ep. 8 ECST
So what fresh heck will this week bring. I've got a lot of stuff to get done around the house so I'll get each segment started with the right cou
20 messages
11-06-13 07:53 AM
Gleb Shevchenko
Where is he? He was such a hottie last season, I was sure they'd bring him back.
1 messages
11-05-13 12:17 PM
DWTS 17 Ep. 7 ECST
Who will be the next DWTS judge or former pro will wear a wildly inappropriate Halloween costume? What will they scare us with tonight as the theme
15 messages
10-29-13 04:35 PM
DWTS 17 Ep. 6 ECST [View All]
Which theme will we grow to loathe by the beginning of hour two? What will they try to shove into the performance show because they lack the 59 min
24 messages
10-22-13 01:35 AM
DWTS 17 Ep. 5 ECST [View All]
Who will go, who will stay, will Len be crankier than ever for missing a week? Keep the answers to those questions and many more here until the
30 messages
10-16-13 06:32 PM
DWTS 17 Ep. 4 ECST [View All]
Is it too soon to say I miss Len already? Guest Judge Julianne Hough tonight.
33 messages
10-10-13 00:14 AM
DWTS 17 Ep. 3 ECST [View All]
Is it too soon to say I'm missing the band and their horrible, terrible, no good renditions of pop songs? Oh, way too soon, sor
34 messages
10-02-13 02:03 AM
DWTS 17 Ep. 2 ECST [View All]
Second week of judging, first week of sending people home. Let us see if DWTS learned from SYTYCD and if they will have to change things because tw
44 messages
09-24-13 01:01 PM
DWTS 17 Ep. 1 ECST [View All]
Another season another show another round of debating who is on the Z list and who we have to invent new letters for and what song was the band attemp
58 messages
09-20-13 10:58 PM
DWTS 16 Finally Night 2 [View All]
Keep a the filler, the people we had finally forgot why we voted them off, the inexplicable performances and the winner on this thread until the W
49 messages
05-22-13 11:51 AM
DWTS 16 Finally Night 1 [View All]
Keep all discussion of the finally dances, jidges comments, filler, and Tomisms on this thread until the West Coast sees it for themselves.
30 messages
05-21-13 05:03 PM
DWTS 16 Ep. 17 ECST
The Results, and the filler, oh so much filler.
16 messages
05-15-13 12:01 PM
DWTS 16 Ep. 16 ECST [View All]
One dance unlearned and one dance they let people who wander the twitterverse pick. Will we get From Len a Ten Happy Len or Grumpy Cat Len
21 messages
05-14-13 02:22 AM
DWTS 16 Ep. 15 ECST [View All]
As the dancers dwindle the poor abused and overworked filler will stretch and strain to fill the space. Keep the 3.5 seconds of results on
26 messages
05-11-13 04:14 AM
DWTS 16 Ep. 14 ECST [View All]
The numbers dwindle, soon we will have cheesy roses to replace the mirror ball. Who will survive as they start ramping up how many dances you do to
24 messages
05-07-13 07:10 PM
DWTS 16 Ep. 13 ECST [View All]
One couple is already safe from immunity, keep the rest of the results, the encore, the tear jerking and filler on this thread until the West Co
23 messages
05-06-13 12:08 PM
DWTS 16 Ep. 12 ECST [View All]
Veni, vidi, vici, vino! It is Latin night, not since Vatican II has will there be this much dead language on live tele... %0
25 messages
05-01-13 03:23 AM
DWTS 16 Ep. 11 ECST
Keep all discussion of tonight's filler, filler and filler here until the West Coast finishes headdesking and facepalming about the results.
17 messages
04-25-13 04:06 PM
DWTS 16 Ep. 10 ECST [View All]
So, this week, the blind man is going to watch the dancing, when he isn't singing, if they let him sing rather than have the band just butch
23 messages
04-23-13 07:42 PM
DWTS 16 Ep. 9 ECST [View All]
Keep all the filler the drama, the karma and the special performances here until the West Coast finishes whatever drinking game will get them throug
25 messages
04-19-13 05:01 PM
DWTS 16 Ep. 8 ECST [View All]
Hard to get in the mood for recapping the Dancing, but I probably need a break from the news at least for awhile. So keep all the glitz, sequins
23 messages
04-16-13 06:43 PM
DWTS 16 Ep. 7 ECST
So who's best year ever is going to lead to a bad night? Keep that result and all the filler here until the West Coast has finished won
13 messages
04-11-13 02:12 PM
DWTS 16 Ep. 6 ECST [View All]
I had the time of my li-i-ife. Theme is best years. Whose ego will explode all over the dance floor. Keep that and all else tha
23 messages
04-09-13 11:29 AM
DWTS 16 Ep. 5 ECST [View All]
Who will be King and Queen of the Prom and who will be sent to detention? Keep that and all the filler here until the West Coast falls as
21 messages
04-03-13 11:49 AM
DWTS 16 Ep. 4 ECST
Hang the cardboard stars from the ceiling, put on your powder blue tux, break out the wrist's PROM NIGHT!!! Keep a
20 messages
04-02-13 12:29 PM
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