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Conferences Dancing with the Stars Forum (Protected)
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Dancing with the Stars
Doesn't this show start tonight? I'm surprised I don't see anyone discussing it. I think it'll be fun. I admit that I've seen
44 messages
06-08-05 10:58 AM
In the audience at Dancing With The Stars: Watching some dancing feet doing some dancing feats
On Wednesday, my daughter and I got to see the live performance of the hottest new show of the summer and it was a really fun experience. There's
14 messages
06-11-05 12:42 PM
Dancing With the Stars-6-8-05
No one started one yet? I am loving John O'Hurley! He is so expressive with his face! What's up with this Trista chic
20 messages
06-15-05 04:58 PM
Dancing with Stars 6/15 Episode
Confused? Did they not say last week when announcing the couples that were safe that it was in "no particular order"? Now suddenly it is/w
19 messages
06-16-05 01:48 PM
Official RTVW Summary - Dancing With the Stars - Episode 3
[center][h2]Too Much, Too Little, Too Late[/h2][/center] [h4]This Week on Dancing with the Stars...[/h4]%
11 messages
06-18-05 12:15 PM
Official RTVW Summary: Dancing with the Stars - Episode One
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 06-03-05 AT 07:08 PM (EST)[/font] [center][h2]"What the hell am I doing?"[/h2%5
12 messages
06-18-05 12:16 PM
Official RTVW Summary: Dancing With the Stars - Episode 2
[center][h2]I'm a Celebrity, Let Me Dance For You[/h2][/center] Previously on I’m a Celebrity Get me Out of Here%
7 messages
06-18-05 12:16 PM
Rank the Couples
Let's rank the remaining four couples based on all three of their performances thus far. 1. John & Charlotte 2. Rachel & Jonatha
10 messages
06-20-05 11:19 PM
Scoring system
Has anyone else noticed how strange the scoring system is. They use a ranking system for both the professional judges and the home audience
6 messages
06-21-05 02:48 PM
What Do They Win
Don't you think it would make it better if they actually won something at the end of it all? Or have I missed something and they do win something
0 messages
06-21-05 03:29 PM
Spoiler! Spoiler!
GMA just did as segment on the show, and showed the final four practising their Rhumba for tonight. Also? They are all going to share the dance
0 messages
06-22-05 09:25 AM
Dancing With Webby
Thank you, Webby, for our beautiful new forum! *sniffs* I love that new forum smell--it doesn't get much sweeter than that. A
5 messages
06-25-05 08:50 AM
scoring of competition and likely finalists
Using a little bit of logic and the facts we know about the judges scoring and who the bottom 2 are each week, it looks like to me, that for each
1 messages
06-27-05 04:19 PM
plot line of show
Over the last few years, I have grown to realize that viewers of a reality show love to watch a contestant successfully dealing with a difficult obs
1 messages
06-28-05 11:08 PM
Dancing With the Stars--6/22/05
I think the male judges are clearly biased. Joey's dance was way better than Rachel's and he improved so much this week. Carrie Ann w
16 messages
06-29-05 11:02 AM
What a dummy
So, here I am on the west coast, and decided to pop in on these boards for the first time...and now I know who won and who lost. dang...don't i
0 messages
06-30-05 00:41 AM
RTVW Official Summary: Dancing with the Stars - Episode 4
[center][h2]Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board[/h2][/center] Tom via VO: Last week Evander sank out of the compet
10 messages
06-30-05 09:47 AM
6/29 Discussion
Okay, I stayed up and watched the whole thing. Yay for me! John and Charlotte: Does anyone else just want to call her "shar-let%2
10 messages
06-30-05 04:37 PM
Some aren't dialing the right #
Story [;_ylt=Ag- j1KPRkHdtTiy3cCLoHb_K.nQA;_ylu=X3oDMTA3YXYwNDRrBHNlYwM3NjI-|here.] Heh%
6 messages
07-01-05 10:36 AM
Boycott this show NOW - before it's too late!
Seriously, guys, you don't know what you're getting yourselves into. We have just finished our 2nd season of it here in Australia %
16 messages
07-03-05 03:50 PM
Finale Information - **SPOILERS AHEAD**
TV Guide Online has provided some information about the format of tonight's show, as well as some betting speculation on who the ultimate winner w
1 messages
07-06-05 07:23 PM
I am miffed cause my couple is gone!
Just wanted to complain and see if it makes me feel better. Bad news and Good news: The bad news is that I really loved Joey and his part
1 messages
07-06-05 07:34 PM
How can they make this show even better in the next edition?
Now that "DWTS" is the newest hit of the summer and another edition is a sure thing, there should be bigger bucks to spend on the show. So what
7 messages
07-07-05 01:28 PM
Dancing with the Stars finale
I agree with Slugo, what a big disappointment. John and Charlotte were so elegant and danced as one. Like the judge said over and over they told a s
1 messages
07-07-05 09:13 PM
1 messages
07-09-05 01:11 AM
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