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Conferences Dancing with the Stars Forum (Protected)
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Tonights Show --Jerry can't dance!!!!
Is this a dance contest or a popularity contest. Everyone is judged on their skills except Jerry. Something is wrong here When I or my friends try to
8 messages
10-12-06 01:37 PM
Voting should be revamped
I like that the audience gets to vote, but when the contestants are all close in the judges choices like last night, the voters have almost the co
8 messages
10-18-06 09:22 AM
Did anyone (besides me) feel really bad for Sara last night??
I'm sure there are a lot of us out here who feel bad for her. I just couldn't believe how touched I was for her-I cried a bit, even! %0
1 messages
10-18-06 11:43 AM
The big question of the season
....... can Jerry's kid dance? or at least keep up with her father and his newly-acquired ballroom skills? Jerry's sympathy-bait
9 messages
10-19-06 02:52 AM
October 17 Results Show
Oh dear, but I will NEVER get tired of Lionel Richie. He still has a voice like silk and he still looks soooo good. No freakish plastic surgery for
10 messages
10-19-06 05:29 PM
Jerry S. on a radio talk show this morning
Sorry I can't tell you which station it was-my radio has been re-configured due to a battery change. BUT, the point is, the DJ's we
5 messages
10-20-06 05:07 PM
Dancing With the Stars article
Hey everyone! I just wanted to share a really fun article I found about Emmitt Smith on Dancing WIth the Stars. It's on [
HoF Mag fan
3 messages
10-22-06 02:13 AM
Oct. 17th Ratings.......Oh, oh, oh, MARIO!!!!
I can totally understand why the judges have been so tough with him-Carrie Anne said it tonight-he dances like a PRO!! Without him, t
15 messages
10-22-06 06:14 PM
Let's Help Jerry Spring Win DWTS
I just found this board because i'm such a huge Jerry Springer and DWTS fan. I think we should all vote for Jerry on Tuesday night/Wednesday mor
1 messages
10-23-06 12:30 PM
This situation with Sarah Evans made me start thinking about the destructive power of chemistry. It is clear that couples dance better when
7 messages
10-25-06 12:15 PM
Sara Evans Quits DWTS
She bowed out today:,1,2- 225,00.html?fdnews I wonder if someone will r
51 messages
10-25-06 06:34 PM
Rant: Oh c'mon, judges!!!
Emmit was better than Monique and Joey? Pinnochio has more grace in his arms than this guy, besides being a better dancer. *boggle* No
Sagebrush Dan
15 messages
10-27-06 12:28 PM
9-14-06 Elimination Show
Oh, Thank DAWG!!!! He was soooo awful!!! Tucker Carlson is OUTA HERE! At least Jerry made an attempt to look like he was
20 messages
11-01-06 06:50 AM
11-1 Elimination show
Who was sent home tonight?
4 messages
11-02-06 03:33 PM
Nashville password
Does anyone know the password for the Nashville presale? Thanks, MH
2 messages
11-02-06 08:18 PM
10-31-06 Emmitt is Hot! Hot! Hot!
I will be the first one to agree that, technically, Joey and Mario may be better than Emmitt but... there is just something about the twinkle in h
14 messages
11-03-06 04:16 AM
The Gross Injustice of Monique
The judges have been unreasonably and unjustifably hard on Monique from the beginning. They have made cruel and harsh comments about her routines and
11 messages
11-03-06 08:21 PM
Halloween Show!
I think all the dancers are great, but is it me or are Mario and Karina turning into a drama sequel? They show them fighting with each other ever
1 messages
11-04-06 09:09 PM
Sara Evans- No Talent -Just Wanted To Leave & Publicity
Sara Evans has no talent as a dancer. I thought she should have been eliminated weeks before she quit! All she wants is attention and for people t
2 messages
11-04-06 10:13 PM
Thanks For the Recap.....
NOT Does anyone else find the recap endless and a waste?? I get it that not everyone gets to see the Tuesday night show....but t
5 messages
11-08-06 12:23 PM
Who will make it to the finals?
The judges have deliberately tied all three celebrities leaving it in our hands. Quite slick of them IMO. I think they were all great but I
6 messages
11-08-06 02:59 PM
Where's the 30?
I could why there were no 30s yet. As good as this final 4 was, no one had matched what Stacy and Drew were able to do last season. However, that
2 messages
11-08-06 03:05 PM
DWTS Tour has been announced
Not sure if everyone saw this posting. 06285.html?.v=1 excerpts from the
6 messages
11-09-06 00:23 AM
Flk'n Popularity Contest!
Sucks dishwater. Sorry.
2 messages
11-09-06 08:01 AM
vote fixing
joey is so much better than emmit and thats how i know the show fixed the votes because i know america didnt vote joey off and i think its
14 messages
11-09-06 12:30 PM
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