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Conferences Dancing with the Stars Forum (Protected)
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DWTS Love List v3.1
Let's rank the "stars"! For those of you new to the boards, welcome! A love list can be anything you want. Want to rank them in order of h
16 messages
09-19-06 00:44 AM
Who would you like to see
If you had a chance to pick 6 stars to be on the show who would you choose? Pick 3 females and 3 males My picks are: %0
6 messages
09-20-06 01:49 PM
I'm sure this may set off a firestorm of protests (please be gentle—my life is in the deep end right now), but this is my first season with
Sagebrush Dan
11 messages
09-21-06 12:44 PM
DWTS Love List v3.2
Let's rank the "stars"! For those of you new to the boards, welcome! A love list can be anything you want. Want to rank them in order of h
7 messages
09-21-06 06:05 PM
Results show week 2- Please tell me that was not a tango
Lie if you have to, I missed the set up as one of the kidnicks woke up with a bad dream, but PLEASE tell me that dance was not a tango. Claudia
5 messages
09-21-06 08:57 PM
This is just CRAP!!
Having Stacy voted out over Jerry-give me a break!!!!!!!!
54 messages
09-22-06 11:06 PM
Shake it up Sara!!!
So, I am still a die hard Sara fan, and I think tonight is her night to shine. I've heard she's doing the jive, and I know she will be able
1 messages
09-26-06 10:19 PM
Do you think Mario should be punished for his dance last night?
OK, the judges were REALLY tough on him. But wait, his partner is the one who is supposed to make sure the choreography is in line, right??%
29 messages
09-28-06 00:31 AM
Willa and Maksim, Falling For Each Other?
Did Samantha expose Willa and Maksim as a couple or was I hearing things? I thought when she interviewed them backstage she said something like they
5 messages
09-28-06 11:03 AM
My carpy re-crap
Hey y'all -- I did tune in last night, but I missed the very first dance with Emmett (thanks to my son's dad dropping him off a little late --
13 messages
09-28-06 11:58 AM
Choice of Dances
This may have been answered in previous seasons, but I wonder if any of you know about the dancers and their choice of which dance to do. Most of th
3 messages
09-28-06 04:06 PM
One more strike, and he's OUT, in MY book!
OK, I gave him the benefit of the doubt the first time, but last night's excuse was just lame. You know who I'm talking about! Y
14 messages
09-29-06 01:46 PM
Poor Harry-no matter how hard he tries.........
he's just BAD! LOL. Sorry, to those of you die-hard HH fans. He is just so bad.... That 'deer in the headlights look'
4 messages
10-01-06 12:58 PM
News for Harry Hamlin?
It is a popularity contest. Get over haven't done anything on tv for years other than be married to Lisa Rinna. No need to be shocked. L
Wacko Jacko
3 messages
10-03-06 04:53 PM
It's Week Four--Who's still in the running?
So we are getting down to the wire and more and more contestants are getting eliminated. Who do you think will win? I am still pulling
4 messages
10-03-06 09:14 PM
Ma re o, Ma re o
That dance last night had me squirming in my seat. He is obviously the best dancer, at least the up-tempo ones. And he's sooooo hot!
1 messages
10-04-06 03:24 PM
What is a lift?
The judges keep talking about Mario and Joey both doing a lift last week where they were not supposed to. Does anyone know what this means? I am con
6 messages
10-05-06 12:34 PM
Vivica got the boot?? WOW!
I hate to admit this, but I rarely watch the vote-off show. I'm too into Project Runway, and flipping back and forth between that and
16 messages
10-06-06 05:06 PM
Who do you think will win?
I am an avid Sara Evans fan I am really going to be pulling for her. Actually I just found her dancingwithsara website---it tracks her performan
46 messages
10-11-06 11:27 AM
Hot! Hot! Hot!
Wow! Tonight's episode (10-10-06) was SMOKIN'!!!! I thought everybody was on their game tonight, even Sarah. She is sti
12 messages
10-11-06 10:36 PM
Dial-Dancing With The Stars? s/Predictions.asp A big MOE due to online votes I assume along with half the score bein
1 messages
10-11-06 10:52 PM
Shanna Moakler /Paris Hilton fight paris_hilton_ap.html Paris Hilton files battery report against former Miss USA Shanna
10 messages
10-11-06 11:25 PM
Thoughts on Oct 3 show
Thoughts on last night [b]Paso Double [/b] Sara and Tony Sara - poor thing. Everything was WRONG WRONG WRONG. When I hear
5 messages
10-11-06 11:37 PM
Jerry Springer
Come one, you know you want to talk about him! Yeah, not the greatest dancer but he was more charming than I expected him to be. He'll move o
41 messages
10-12-06 03:17 AM
You KNOW you're a redneck when..........
You continue to vote for Sara Evans week after week, even though she looks like a limp piece of celery, at best, on the slow songs, and a poor
2 messages
10-12-06 12:14 PM
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