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Conferences Big Brother Live Feed Updates And Spoilers (Protected)
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Big Brother #15 Week #2 Live Feeds [View All]
I'll start it, but I don't know if I can stick it out. HOH competition playing out at the start of the feeds, and I don't have a
40 messages
07-12-13 01:59 AM
Big Brother #15 Week #1 East Coast Spoiler Thread [View All]
Please keep all airtime discussion of the actual first-cycle episodes (initial HOH through hamster eviction) and the post-editing horrors contain
28 messages
07-04-13 02:40 PM
Big Brother #15 Week #1 Live Feeds: is lack of volume control genetic? [View All]
We're about to find out. Sixteen hamsters (to start) and one is related to a former winner: so [i]that's[/i] how Grodn
62 messages
07-04-13 11:37 AM
Someone posted the clips of the racist and homophobic comments on huffpost
1 messages
07-01-13 10:24 PM
Big Brother #15 preseason spoilers & rumors. [View All]
So far, all we've gotten from the commercials and mill is this: 1. It's coming. 2. We can't stop it. 3. It's the B
52 messages
06-27-13 04:32 PM
Big Brother Canada.
Of course you know this means war. er-canada-meet-the-cast/#medium-job_fair-79627
0 messages
02-20-13 10:35 PM
BB #14 Finale Night.
Turkey. Overdone. Inedible. Dumped. ds/User_files/48df
16 messages
09-24-12 00:11 AM
Big Brother #14 Live Feeds, Week #10: Did he bring enough Mist for everybody?
How does Danielle feel about last night's events? That's the wrong question. The one you're looking for is 'How would Dan like her to feel
11 messages
09-17-12 09:00 PM
Big Brother #14 Live Feeds, Week #9: The one where Dan's Bible actually catches fire. [View All]
There's a strict two-swears per Testament limit.
44 messages
09-14-12 08:54 PM
Big Brother #14 Live Feeds, Week #8: How can it be double standards when you don't have one set? [View All]
After the floaters dived out of the endurance competition so quickly as to get smacked in the face by the closing credits and Dan continued his plan o
40 messages
09-08-12 05:08 PM
Big Brother #14 Live Feeds, Week #7: The Hidden HoH Challenge: 'What is your name?' [View All]
Here's a hint: the only right answer was 'Frank'. We recycled the Veto competition from Jeff's Clown Shoes Of Death (ironic%
76 messages
08-31-12 12:51 PM
Week 7 ECST [View All]
Just wanted to make an ECST to talk about Frank's decision regarding nominations. First, I said in the live feeds thread that it showed his limite
23 messages
08-31-12 12:02 PM
Big Brother #14 Week #4 East Coast Spoiler Thread: Your Intelligence Insulted For You Free. [View All]
I'm taking the broadcast week off. Good luck. ds/User_files/48dfe4d259f93962.gif%
27 messages
08-25-12 11:05 AM
Big Brother #14 Live Feeds, Week #6: The All-New, No-Different Challenge Team Runs Out Of Ideas. [View All]
Can't get one bloody original script in the whole summer.
67 messages
08-24-12 01:23 AM
Big Brother #14 Live Feeds, Week #5: Frankly, Grodner, I Don't Give A Damn. [View All]
(Alternative title: Just Malin It In, which is both how I feel about this season and what Mr. Please Don't Take My Coaching Away did on his l
40 messages
08-16-12 07:34 PM
Big Brother #14 Live Feeds, Week #4: Neck-Deep In Sewage. [View All]
That's what we're currently being asked to endure. If you can stand to keep going with it -- and given tonight's empty ECST for The Big Untwist
43 messages
08-10-12 00:37 AM
Big Brother #14 Week #3 East Coast Spoiler Thread: The Countdown To Total Lack Of Surprise. [View All]
So let's see. Whoever gets voted out Thursday will get to play in the Revive-A-Hamster competition. The coaches will be twisted into players no ma
24 messages
08-02-12 11:44 PM
Big Brother #14 Live Feeds, Week #3: The Calm Before Falling Asleep On The Concept. [View All]
Yes, we're working off the same script as last week: power flips, previous regime beware, oh-what-are-we-going-to-do -- throw in an assortm
47 messages
08-02-12 05:42 PM
Big Brother #14 Live Feeds, Week #2: It's The Same Old Song. [View All]
Let me know if you've heard this one: a first-time HoH gets just a little drunk with power, makes two ill-considered nominations, winds up of
52 messages
07-27-12 09:23 AM
Big Brother #14 Week #1 East Coast Spoiler Thread: The Ten-Mile Fall To The First Floor. [View All]
Fun fact: there are now enough former [b]Big Brother[/b] contestants with prison records to make up their very own All-Stars edition.%
63 messages
07-26-12 10:25 PM
conspiracy theory
throwing this in spoilers since it has to do with willie being kicked out. okay we know how much BB loves to bring back previous players to
4 messages
07-25-12 12:49 PM
Big Brother #14 Week #1 East Coast Spoiler Thread: Someone's HoH And I Don't Care. [View All]
For discussion of the broadcast episodes as they air. Because [b]BB[/b] has the weirdest scheduling of the reality shows, we consolidate
37 messages
07-20-12 09:27 AM
Big Brother #14 Live Feeds, Week #1: Boomerangs Ahoy. [View All]
For discussion of Internet-aired events before they reach the show (and, in the first week, of rumors leaking out before the feeds come online%2
41 messages
07-20-12 09:20 AM
Nicola shredding other people's letters
She is too faced, if she was so bothered to know how her children wwre, she wuldnt hve gne in the big brother house. What she did wsnt fair. Wat a
1 messages
07-12-12 09:55 PM
Glass House live feed & Twitter spoilers.
In case anyone can glean the tiniest shreds of information (beyond who's nominated and who's gone, which is all that counts in a public vote s
5 messages
06-27-12 05:27 PM
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