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PTTE week 7 continued
[center] [b][font size=8 color=green] The Amazing Race 21 PTTE Game[/b][/font] http://community.realityt
0 messages
11-18-12 07:59 PM
TAR Lvoe List 21.6
[center][b][font size=5][font face=jokerman]Scrub A Dub Dub[/center][/b][/font size=5][/font face=jokerm
9 messages
11-11-12 10:13 PM
TAR21 Casino Game - Wk6 Results - Wk7 Entry [View All] ms02/TARCasinoBanner-1.jpg [h1]Worst Team Ever?[/h1] So everyo
30 messages
11-11-12 09:27 PM
PTTE Results Week 6/Entry Week 7
[center] [b][font size=8 color=green] The Amazing Race 21 PTTE Game[/b][/font] http://community.realityt
0 messages
11-11-12 04:59 PM
TAR21 Casino Game - Wk5 Results / Wk6 Entry [View All] ms02/TARCasinoBanner-1.jpg [h1]Bamboo Pain[/h1] This was one of
35 messages
11-04-12 09:28 PM
TAR Lvoe List 21.5
[center][font size=6][b][font face=mistral][font color=orange]Feeling The Heat[/center][/font size=6][/b%5
8 messages
11-04-12 09:09 PM
week 5 results /week 6 entries
[center] [b][font size=8 color=green] The Amazing Race 21 PTTE Game[/b][/font] http://community.realityt
0 messages
11-04-12 05:10 PM
TAR21 Casino Game - Wk4 Results / Wk5 Entry [View All] ms02/TARCasinoBanner-1.jpg [h1]Out of Their Misery[/h1] Being a
30 messages
10-28-12 08:04 PM
TAR Lvoe List 21.4
[b][center][font size=6][font color=red]CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW TWINNIE![/b][/font size=6][/font color=red][
10 messages
10-28-12 07:08 PM
week 4 results /week 5 entry
[center] [b][font size=8 color=green] The Amazing Race 21 PTTE Game[/b][/font] http://community.realityt
0 messages
10-28-12 02:19 PM
PTTE result week 3 / entry week 4
[center] [b][font size=8 color=green] The Amazing Race 21 PTTE Game[/b][/font] http://community.realityt
1 messages
10-21-12 08:57 PM
TAR21 Casino Game - Wk3 Results / Wk4 Entry [View All] ms02/TARCasinoBanner-1.jpg [h1]Epic Fail[/h1] The moment Gary %2
32 messages
10-21-12 07:43 PM
TAR Lvoe List 21.3
[b][center][font size=5]The Ugly Pretty Americans[/center][/b][/font size=5] [center]http://community
5 messages
10-16-12 08:31 PM
TAR LVOE LIST 21.2 - "Long Hair, Don't Care"
I hope Kidflash doesn't mind if I post this. As they said last week. There should be a LVOE list for this season as well. I guess if I ca
1 messages
10-15-12 10:06 AM
TAR21 Casino Game - Wk2 Results / Wk3 Entry [View All] ms02/TARCasinoBanner-1.jpg [h1]Big 'Ol Ice Cubes[/h1] It was i
34 messages
10-14-12 08:06 PM
Ptte Results week 2/week 3 entries
[center] [b][font size=8 color=green] The Amazing Race 21 PTTE Game[/b][/font] http://community.reality
0 messages
10-12-12 08:42 PM
TAR21 Casino Game - Wk1 Results / Wk2 Entry [View All]
[h1]Aba-What?[/h1] [font size=1]And, no, we're not talking about that Abba guy. Mamma mia.[/font] %0
36 messages
10-08-12 11:51 AM
TAR Lvoe List 21.1
[center][b][font size=4][font face=comic sans]Here We Go Again![/center][/font size=4][/b][/font face=
7 messages
10-07-12 08:10 PM
Ptte Results week 1/ Entry week 2
[center] [b][font size=8 color=green] The Amazing Race 21 PTTE Game[/b][/font] http://community.realitytvworld.
4 messages
10-07-12 07:36 PM
PTTE entry season 21
okay , Time's up I have to go with what I have managed to figure out . please click on the link that will take you to the rules.
5 messages
10-01-12 11:43 PM
TAR21 Casino Game - Let's Go! [View All]
[h1]Let's Gamble![/h1] Welcome to the 17th installment of the [b]TAR Casino Game[/b], hosted right here at Realit
41 messages
10-01-12 08:26 PM
ptte Entry
I am going to pull a Bret Favre. I will host the PTTE game this season in honor of the team of Dave & Rachel from Madison, WI. <P><center%
0 messages
09-29-12 09:16 PM
Cast announcement & TAR increases first prize: $1,000,000 --
-- [i]each[/i]. Because in this economy, $500,000 and a lifetime of immortalized humiliation just doesn't go as far as it used to.
15 messages
09-06-12 01:58 PM
TAR Australia anyone? [View All]
The entrepreneurs seem very annoying. The dog breeder team seem weird The models done well There are a lot of tubby t
22 messages
08-16-12 04:23 PM
My Great Dread
That some team OTHER than Brendan and Rachel will come in first and have to go back to complete a task. But then B&R will be the second team, and
2 messages
07-07-12 07:09 AM
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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
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