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TAR17 Casino Game - Wk3 Results / Wk4 Entry [View All]
[h1]Stupid is as Stupid Does[/h1] Well, that middle section of the leg was an absolute mess. DIRECTIONS: Transfer
39 messages
10-17-10 09:07 PM
TAR 17 PTTE: Wk 3 Results – Wk 4 Changes
[center] zing_race/photos/The_Amazing_Race_Season_17/ar17_cast.jpg [b][font size%3
4 messages
10-17-10 08:00 PM
TAR Lvoe List Volume 17.3
This week, teams remained in Ghana, so there was no airport bunching (that will probably change next week). Once teams set off fro
18 messages
10-17-10 07:16 PM
TAR17 Casino Game - Wk2 Results / Wk3 Entry [View All]
[h1]Glasses in Ghana[/h1] Sales tasks are usually some of my favorite ones on The Amazing Race. Usually, the most interaction
35 messages
10-10-10 07:58 PM
TAR Lvoe List Volume 17.2
This week, teams had to fly to Accra, Ghana and there was only one flight, so any lead was wiped out by bunching. Once there, teams
17 messages
10-10-10 07:52 PM
TAR 17 PTTE: Wk 2 Results – Wk 3 Changes
Express Pass: Entry will only cost you 4 points this week only! [center] zing_race/phot
6 messages
10-10-10 00:12 AM
Phil got detained in the Ukraine
They didn't think he had the right paperwork and luckily they got it straightened out in time for him to make it to the mat http://
0 messages
10-07-10 04:22 PM
TAR 17 PTTE: Entry Thread
Welcome to a new season of The Amazing Race! [center] zing_race/photos/The_Amazing_Race_
16 messages
10-06-10 12:47 PM
BTAR 17.2 - Kustom Koffins & Shades
After a quicky kiss for a lucky tractor driver we're off to Ghana. Magic bunching point - whacky taxi trip - all to brief local history l
0 messages
10-04-10 10:32 PM
TAR Lvoe List Volume 17.1 [View All]
Welcome back to another season of TAR! This week, teams had to fly to the country of London, then find the stone hedge. Next up, th
24 messages
10-03-10 07:57 PM
TAR17 Casino Game - Wk1 Results / Wk2 Entry [View All]
[h1]Have Fun Storming the Castle![/h1] Oh, England. The Americans still think you're stuck in medieval times. A
39 messages
10-03-10 07:54 PM
That has GOT to hurt..
A clip from one of the road blocks in the upcoming season... re-a-watermelon-out-of-a-hug
12 messages
09-30-10 09:24 AM
I'm always late, I thought I would post my PTTE list and found no game. I would be willing to host the game if no one else wants to.%0
11 messages
09-28-10 08:41 PM
'Amazing Race' Live Chat Today!
Hey fans! What did you think of this season's first episode last night? Are you looking forward to the show's first-time visits to Bangladesh%
0 messages
09-27-10 10:56 AM
TAR17 Casino Game - Let's Gamble! [View All]
[h1]20 Points For Everyone[/h1] Everyone who has opened this thread has earned 20 points. Or 20 JimsBucks, as some people call
47 messages
09-26-10 08:19 PM
Open TAR casting call: 9/29/10, Atlantic City, Resorts, 2 p.m. -- 6 p.m. (or potentially later)
So for those of you within range who've always wanted to take one shot at the show (or just see who turns up to), here's your chance. %0
1 messages
09-26-10 00:39 AM
New cast is out
on cbs website. e/ They went with a lot of hot looking women this time.
6 messages
09-08-10 11:33 AM
Now that TAR lost the Emmy, what is to keep it on the air?
It seems this is a show that has been kept around for the critical acclaim as opposed to a ratings versus cost of production analysis. Now that some c
2 messages
09-01-10 05:55 PM
All I want for Christmas
[ t-announces-the-amazing-race-for-the-nintendo-wii/|TAR on the Wii] With Phil greeti
2 messages
08-23-10 02:54 PM
Brandy runs for Senate
I saw this video of Brandy, who seems to now go by the name "Carly Fiorini", who is running for Senate in California: http:/%
1 messages
07-27-10 04:58 PM
Not surewhat to make of this.... world_for_free/
2 messages
06-11-10 04:30 PM
The Amazing Race Slot Machine.
And if you somehow manage to hit a jackpot, the pause for the slot attendant will simulate the thrill of sitting around for hours and waiting for th
3 messages
06-07-10 10:59 AM
Write the unwritten. [View All]
Last night, HistoryDetective considered that Jordan may have broken one of the unwritten rules of the Race by cutting into the ticket line. Based o
28 messages
05-22-10 11:34 PM
TAR16 PTTE: Final Results
In what may be a reality TV speed record, I've calculated the final PTTE results within two hours of the completion of the final episode. Pretty
Max Headroom
6 messages
05-19-10 04:38 PM
TAR16 Casino Game - Final Results!
[h1]Star Wars Episode VII: "A San Francisco Adventure"[/h1] That was a pretty fun final leg. The virtual reality task real
11 messages
05-19-10 04:37 PM
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