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Conferences The Amazing Race Fanatics Forum (Protected)
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Cast Announcement is up
For season 16 e/bio/index.php?season=16 Off to get a few details for t
14 messages
01-27-10 06:00 PM
Season 17 Applications
Are up on the CBS website. I guess that's a good sign for a renewal this Fall.
0 messages
01-20-10 11:49 AM
Race and Olympics
Does anyone know if on the night of the closing ceremonies of the 2010 Olympics if the race will be on or not? I am just trying to plan ahead and am
1 messages
01-11-10 03:32 PM
The Amazing Clock
Here is an idea I have been thinking about for a long time: when the first player opens their clue at the start of a leg, start a "stopwatch".
1 messages
01-10-10 09:27 AM
Globetrotters and Brothers face off on b-ball court
This was in the KC paper this morning. Nothing special, but I thought my TAR homies would appriciate it.
1 messages
01-04-10 12:34 PM
TAR15 PTTE Final Results
Let me start off by thanking everyone for playing the PTTE game during this 15th season of TAR. There were 18 players, and I hope everyone had as m
Max Headroom
7 messages
12-26-09 06:38 PM
TAR15 Casino Game - Finale Results! (for real this time!)
[h1]TAR Casino Game?[/h1] Man, you'd think betting on the outcome of this show would be a lot easier with the racers runnin
19 messages
12-16-09 08:38 AM
Goodbye, Farewell and Amen
Before I get onto the results. I want to thank everyone who particpated, watched or enjoyed the game. It lasted for a good 4 to 5 seasons. Its time
2 messages
12-10-09 11:38 PM
Let me be the first...
To congratulate ALL 3 teams for a job well done! Last night was full of surprising twists, not a lot of the pettiness we've seen over the cours
8 messages
12-10-09 08:35 PM
TAR 15 Finale Love List
On this episode, teams flew to Las Vegas for the grand finale. Of course, they had one last bunch point on the same plane. Once there%2
7 messages
12-09-09 11:54 PM
Meghan and Cheyne and Sam and Dan didn't know who the third team was. They spent some time talking about whether it was the Globetrotters or Brian
7 messages
12-08-09 03:57 PM
TAR15 Casino Game - Finale Results! [View All]
[h1]Kafka-esque[/h1] That was a neat Roadblock because of how absurd it was. It actually reminded me (in a good way) of the
38 messages
12-07-09 08:37 AM
Roadblock Tally, TAR 15 [View All]
Another season of TAR, another compilation of who did what and various discussions of the LAK (Lazy-A$$ Kim) rule. [b]Episode
25 messages
12-07-09 00:18 AM
TAR15 PTTE: Week 10 results, Week 11 changes, final tiebreaker
What a disappointment to see Flight Time and Big Easy get Philiminated. Way back in the beginning, I said a mental challenge would do them in. We
Max Headroom
10 messages
12-06-09 07:45 PM
TAR Lvoe List Volume 15.10 [View All]
On this episode, teams continued to race around Prague. They had to get themselves to the Spanish Synagogue, which gave them a clue to go the Ecot
27 messages
12-06-09 06:34 PM
One Last Game
This week was something else. We had our ups, downs, sad, happy and crazy racers. Oneto the scoring. Taffnic takes 1st pla
4 messages
12-06-09 05:05 PM
The one good thing.
More dusk-'til-dawn marathon legs, please. ds/User_files/48dfe4d259f93962.gif%
8 messages
12-04-09 00:34 AM
TAR15 Casino Game - Wk9 Results / Wk10 Entry [View All]
[h1]Running Around and Stuff[/h1] Due to Thanksgiving busyness, we'll just pretend like this area has some sort of commentary
34 messages
11-29-09 08:50 PM
TAR Lvoe List Volume 15.9 [View All]
I told you there was more to that supposed elbow bump story last week. See? ds/DCForumID54/1739.
31 messages
11-29-09 08:32 PM
Elimination Picks/Results - 2 Weeks until the finale
Wow what a fun and intense race. You could call what was going to happen a mile away, and especially thanks to CBS one team falls to last place with
5 messages
11-29-09 05:44 PM
Theme song --What are the words?
Okay, I realize the show has been on for 15 seasons now but I need to ask -- what are the words to the TAR theme song? The song start
1 messages
11-25-09 09:34 PM
I was thinking how much I miss ChaChaCha and Myrna and Shmyrna and the New York guys from season one. Even Rob and Amber (was that her name?)
2 messages
11-25-09 09:16 PM
TAR15 Casino Game - Wk8 Results / Wk9 Entry [View All]
[h1]Bog Volleyball?[/h1] It just doesn't have the same ring to it as mud volleyball does. And, man, was that stuff deep.
39 messages
11-25-09 11:10 AM
Defense for Dan
Apparently, I've got a different interpretation of last night's episode than most of the folks posting thus far. When Dan mentioned
12 messages
11-23-09 01:40 PM
TAR15 PTTE: Week 8 Results, Week 9 Changes
After the most-obvious non-elimination episode in TAR history, Gary/Matt were eliminated last Sunday night (after an on-time TAR start, no les
Max Headroom
1 messages
11-22-09 11:21 PM
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