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TAR Lvoe List Volume 15.8 [View All]
On this episode, teams had to take a ferry to Tallinn, Estonia, which only runs once a day and made them wait up to 12 hours at the port in orde
25 messages
11-22-09 08:21 PM
Elimination Picks/Results
What a fun and loving race. Before I get on to the results I have some sad news The Season Finale for This Seasons Amazing Race will be the Series Fin
7 messages
11-22-09 08:08 PM
Summary Sign-up? [View All] ds/User_files/4a4e7d28aee8cff8.jpg [font size=1 color=green]How cool is agman?[%2
31 messages
11-17-09 04:07 PM
Eliminated team will be online & taking your questions
Join us today today at 2:15 pm ET/11:15 am PT for a live chat with the eliminated Amazing Race team! It’s your chance to get the inside scoo
0 messages
11-16-09 03:12 PM
TAR15 Casino Game - Wk7 Results / Wk8 Entry [View All]
[h1]Hay ja vu?[/h1] OK, I'm sorry for that pun. Seeing that Switchback Roadblock was pretty cool. After so many
45 messages
11-16-09 01:23 AM
TAR Lvoe List Volume 15.7 [View All]
On this episode, teams had to fly to Stockholm, Sweden, which meant 5 more hours wasted bunching up at the airport. Alas, all teams were not o
55 messages
11-15-09 08:31 PM
Elimination Results 15.8/15,9 Picks
Wow talk about a fun an intesne race. What a switchback. I wonder how Lena/Kristy were feeling about the race they were seeing. Only 7 clues in 200%
6 messages
11-15-09 06:30 PM
TAR15 Casino Game - Wk6 Results / Wk7 Entry [View All]
[h1]A Bad Beat[/h1] That was a rough finish for the poker girls, Maria & Tiffany. They went from one Detour task they couldn
48 messages
11-11-09 04:42 PM
Future Switchbacks?
Now that the series finally reached into the vault to pull out a little piece of Prior Hell, which tasks (Roadblocks, Detours, and Fast Forwar
19 messages
11-11-09 01:20 PM
TAR15 PTTE: Week 6 Results, Week 7 Changes, Tiebreaker #2
What a way to go out. There can't be a worse feeling in TAR than to have the Philiminator leave the finish mat and come out to find a team and send
Max Headroom
11 messages
11-09-09 10:38 AM
TAR Lvoe List Volume `15.6 [View All]
On this episode, teams had to fly to Amsterdam. We got a 10 hour bunch point at the airport and all teams were on the same flight. Once there, the
33 messages
11-08-09 11:11 PM
Elimination 15.7 Results/15.8 Picks
Can you believe that is how they got eliminated? I know it was a suprise. Its almost like a Lance/Marshall, Lena/Kristy elimination. Its crazy
8 messages
11-08-09 07:28 PM
TAR15 Casino Game - Wk5 Results / Wk6 Entry [View All]
[h1]Waterslides of Doom[/h1] It's weird to think that a water slide turned out the be the factor that ultimately eliminated a t
54 messages
11-04-09 09:42 PM
No U Turns?
Haven't heard about U-turns this season - were they there and edited out because no one used them? I would expect teams to use it on Nathaniel &
2 messages
11-03-09 05:34 PM
Mafia/Tiffany DID NOT QUIT ichelle/Blog/Entries/2009/11/1_Amazing_Race_-_Amsterdam.html
4 messages
11-03-09 05:06 PM
Live chat with eliminated pair on Fancast (11/2)
Join us in our weekly Amazing Race live chat with the unfortunate pair to be eliminated. Today, the chat begins at 2:15 pm ET/11:15 am PT! I
0 messages
11-02-09 01:28 PM
TAR Lvoe List Volume 15.5 [View All]
On this episode, teams continued to race around Dubai, U.A.E. When they set off from the pit stop, they were told to grab a briefcase, which t
30 messages
11-01-09 07:48 PM
Week 6 Results/Week 7 PIcks
Can you believe we are already down to the final 6, when just yesterday the race was starting. The points changed a little, but the order is still
6 messages
11-01-09 06:57 PM
TAR 15 PTTE: Week 5 Results, Week 6 Changes
Two weeks, two Philiminations that I enjoyed. I never thought much of Mika/Canaan, and they were my least favorite team left in the race. And
Max Headroom
0 messages
10-26-09 10:03 PM
Mika, HONEY, I think you sent your application to the wrong network..
No, this is NOT the CW, and we are NOT accepting applications for America's Next Top Model. This IS The Amazing Race, and guess what? You s
15 messages
10-26-09 08:46 PM
TAR15 Casino Game - Wk4 Results / Wk5 Entry [View All]
[h1]Of Ski Slopes and Sand Dunes[/h1] Gotta give the TAR producers credit for coming up with a pretty inspired leg of the show.
45 messages
10-25-09 11:23 PM
TAR Lvoe List Volume 15.4
On this episode, teams were told to fly to the Persian Gulf and find the world's tallest building. Yes. It was an actual clue. Once they figured i
20 messages
10-25-09 07:35 PM
Week 5 Results/Week 6 Picks
Wow what a fun race. Sorry I've been so uninvolved lately. I just started a new job and enjoying ever minute of it. Okay enough chit chat
6 messages
10-25-09 05:51 PM
Once you've taken the leg off, the clothes are easy.
(Warning: link may go to PG-13 images, but it's right on the line. Approach at your own risk.) Remember Sarah? ESPN not only remembere
0 messages
10-22-09 06:32 PM
TAR15 PTTE: Week 4 Results, Week 5 Changes
Was everyone as happy as I was to see Lance/Keri get Philiminated? Those two had the rare distinction of being the unanimous last-place team for
Max Headroom
0 messages
10-20-09 06:31 PM
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