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TAR XX Lvoe List Vol. 4
[center][b][font size = 6][font color = red] We need to taste your salami![/font][/b][/font][/center] %0
11 messages
03-18-12 09:09 PM
TAR20 Casino Game - Wk4 Results - Wk5 Entry [View All] ayingPoker.jpg [h1]Buy a Certain Brand of Car![/h1] You gotta love
33 messages
03-18-12 07:56 PM
TAR 20 PTTE: Wk 4 Results ~ Wk 5 Entry ~ Tiebreaker ?
[center] [b][font size=5 color=green] The Amazing Race 20 PTTE Game[/b][/font] Are you ready for some PTTE?%
1 messages
03-16-12 12:21 PM
TAR XX Lvoe List Vol. 3
[center][b][font size = 6][font color = red] You can see her whole A$$![/font][/b][/font][/center] %
10 messages
03-12-12 08:33 AM
TAR20 Casino Game - Wk3 Results / Wk4 Entry [View All] ayingPoker.jpg [h1]Not a Terrible Show[/h1] You know, every Sunday
35 messages
03-11-12 07:53 PM
TAR 20 PTTE: Wk 3 Results ~ Wk 4 Entry
[center] [b][font size=5 color=green] The Amazing Race 20 PTTE Game[/b][/font] Are you ready for some PTTE?%
0 messages
03-10-12 03:18 PM
TAR20 Casino Game - Wk2 Results / Wk3 Entry [View All] ayingPoker.jpg [h1]Clowns Can't Do Long Division[/h1] It's some
39 messages
03-05-12 02:39 PM
TAR XX Lvoe List Volume 2
[center][b][font size = 6][font color = red] We're not following those Nimrods![/font][/b][/font][/cente
11 messages
03-04-12 07:56 PM
TAR 20 PTTE: Wk 2 Results ~ Wk 3 Entry
I apologize for being late. I am working on the post. If you want to change your list or post a new one, please do it here. E
6 messages
03-04-12 07:54 PM
Major Dave Brown Jr's Music Video (Amazing Race 2012)
So rumor has it that Dave Brown produced a music video in his home town of Madison Wisconsin with his best friend Ricky Thick... an up an coming Cuntr
0 messages
03-02-12 09:06 PM
Major Dave Brown Jr's Music Video
So rumor has it that Dave Brown produced a music video in his home town of Madison Wisconsin with his best friend Ricky Thick... an up an coming Cuntr
0 messages
03-02-12 09:03 PM
Amazing (Cozumel) Race
We are heading to Coz this coming weekend and this is on our "to do" list.
3 messages
02-26-12 09:42 PM
TAR20 Casino Game - Wk1 Results / Wk2 Entry [View All] ayingPoker.jpg [h1]Skydiving fake-out![/h1] As a thrill seeker mys
36 messages
02-26-12 08:49 PM
TAR 20: PTTE Entry Thread!!!
I am going to pull a Bret Favre. I will host the PTTE game this season in honor of the team of Dave & Rachel from Madison, WI. [ce
7 messages
02-26-12 07:52 PM
TAR XX Lvoe List Volume 1
Hi folks! It's that time of year again. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend to this list every week anymore. I have become ju
12 messages
02-26-12 03:13 PM
If you were going to make a list of reality TV producers you'd like to see die by poison, most of us would start five entries down on the leftside
3 messages
02-24-12 05:15 PM
TAR20 Casino Game - Come on in! [View All] ayingPoker.jpg [h1]Congratulations![/h1] By opening this thread,
42 messages
02-20-12 10:08 PM
TAR S20: Meet the Cast deo/2190006432/the-amazing-race-meet-the-cast http://community.realitytvworld
6 messages
02-19-12 11:05 AM
Reality Star auction items
Reality Stars from many Reality Shows plus our awesome So Cal Surf dogs are offering auction items in an amazing selection for you, their fans all o
1 messages
02-19-12 11:00 AM
TAR 19 PTTE: Finale Results & Goodbye
[center] [b][font size=5 color=green] The Amazing Race 19 PTTE Game[/b][/font] Are you ready for some PTTE?%
7 messages
02-13-12 01:43 PM
And They're Off... (Or Two Rachel and a Bopper)
Amazing Race 20 is upon us, Sunday Feb 19 is the premiere and these are the teams: [center]http://community.realitytvworld- co
11 messages
02-12-12 04:45 PM
TAR19 Casino Game - Results! ds/User_files/45d3ab0c24349b49.jpg [h1]Yawn.[/h1] Yeesh, what a
11 messages
12-21-11 11:55 AM
TAR Lvoe List Volume 19.12 (finale)
[center][Font face ="jokerman" size="3"][h2]Most Boring Finale Ever!!![/h2][/font][b][i][/i]%5
11 messages
12-18-11 06:18 PM
Production: claps & slaps [View All]
For notes on leg construction, task design, course layout, camera work, and the other elements which go into the actual assembly of the Race.
110 messages
12-14-11 11:22 AM
Casting Call for Amazing Race Escape Routes
Dallas 12/17 More info
1 messages
12-13-11 10:38 AM
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