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TAR19 Casino Game - Wk4 Results / Wk5 Entry [View All] ds/User_files/45d3ab0c24349b49.jpg [h1]A Day at the Beach[/h1] I%2
37 messages
10-23-11 07:53 PM
TAR Lvoe List Volume 19.4
[center][h2]My, This is a Helpful Bunch!!![/h2][font size=1]Do they not realize they are competing against each other?%5
14 messages
10-23-11 07:16 PM
TAR 19 PTTE: Entry Thread
[center] [b][font size=5 color=green] The Amazing Race 19 PTTE Game[/b][/font] Are you ready for some PTTE?%
15 messages
10-21-11 03:36 PM
Worthy Competitors....?
At least in TAR we don't hear much from the teams saying that they [b]deserve [/b] to win over others [small] cough*cough* BB, P
6 messages
10-20-11 09:21 AM
TAR Lvoe List 19.3
[font size=5]Keep Your Hands to Yourself[/font size=5] The teams remained in Indonesia for another leg, starting with
17 messages
10-16-11 10:03 PM
The casting department saves us all.
Regardless of what you think of the group they ultimately put together for the current run, consider this: I just read the site's interview wit
9 messages
10-13-11 11:50 AM
TAR19 Casino Game - Wk2 Results / Wk3 Entry [View All] ds/User_files/45d3ab0c24349b49.jpg [h1]Luck Based Mission[/h1] I d
38 messages
10-10-11 04:56 PM
TAR lvoe List 19.2
[center][b][font size=5]Don't Ignore The Signs[/center][/font size=5][/b] Teams left Taipei and t
16 messages
10-09-11 08:13 PM
TAR 19 PTTE: 1st wk Results - 2nd wk Entry
[center] [b][font size=5 color=green] The Amazing Race 19 PTTE Game[/b][/font] Are you ready for some PTTE?%
0 messages
10-03-11 11:59 AM
TAR Lvoe List Volume 19.1
Welcome to another edition of TAR and the lvoe list! Sorry, I don't have time right now for commentary. I'll be back this evening t
20 messages
10-02-11 08:49 PM
TAR19 Casino Game - Wk1 Results / Wk2 Entry [View All]
[h1]All Good Failures Go Unpunished[/h1] Well, that was a trainwreck. It's been awhile since we've seen a prem
39 messages
10-02-11 07:51 PM
TAR19 Casino Game - Welcome! [View All]
Welcome to the TAR19 Casino Game, the wacky internet game in which... Wait, what's this? [h1]A Wild Detour Approache
48 messages
09-28-11 05:19 PM
Kind of makes you wonder what would happen if Phil yelled "GO!" ds/User_files/4e5ee5b1609462b1.jpg
2 messages
09-01-11 12:44 PM
The Emmy Noms
OUTSTANDING REALITY SHOW HOST Phil Keoghan, The Amazing Race Ryan Seacrest, American Idol Tom Bergeron, Dancing With the Stars
0 messages
07-18-11 05:28 PM
Story announcement
[i]The Amazing Race: Winners Edition[/i] is currently up and running! It can be found on the Story Competitions Forum and anybody who
Belle Book
2 messages
07-15-11 07:29 AM
Yet another TAR
This time with added Canadian! TAR: China Rush Apparently it is on You Tube (if you can watch things that way. have to adm
1 messages
07-15-11 07:29 AM
TAR 18 PTTE Finale Results
[center][b][font size=5 color=blue] The Amazing Race: Unfinished Business[/b][/font]
6 messages
07-15-11 07:27 AM
Get your TAR questions answered!
Ever had a question about The Amazing Race, or just wanted to know something about the show. Producer Jerry Bruckheimer announced that he will
1 messages
07-15-11 07:27 AM
TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.11/12 (Finale)
[center][h2]Wax On, Wax OFF!!![/h2][font size=1]Ouch, man![/font][/center] This week, teams
12 messages
05-14-11 08:01 PM
TAR18 Casino Game - Results!
[h1]Girl Power[/h1] It's kinda neat how The Amazing Race went 16 straight seasons without a female/female team winning and no
16 messages
05-14-11 04:30 PM
Production: claps & slaps [View All]
For notes on leg construction, task design, course layout, camera work, and the other elements which go into the actual assembly of the Race.
90 messages
05-13-11 11:25 AM
Gary and Mallory interview with TV Guide
1 messages
05-13-11 09:47 AM
TAR 18 Detours - Which would you do? [View All]
Possibly only entertaining to me, but I'll start the thread again anyway. This episode's detours: [b]Spirit World %5
36 messages
05-13-11 01:00 AM
need help
where do i go to introduce a new idea
Dads Against Meth Use foundation
1 messages
05-12-11 10:25 PM
Special Announcement
We've seen 18 seasons of [i]The Amazing Race[/i] come and go, and seen 18 teams win it all. But have you ever wondered which team is th
Belle Book
4 messages
05-11-11 08:22 PM
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