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TAR18 Casino Game - Finale Entry! [View All]
[h1]Roam With the Chocolate Gnome[/h1] I was kind of dubious when they described the Roadblock, but I was pleasantly surprised
36 messages
05-09-11 09:59 PM
TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.10
[center][h2]Reading IS Fundamental!!![/h2][font size=1] Why must I use this title every.fricken.season?[/font][/
19 messages
05-08-11 10:52 PM
TAR 18 PTTE Wk 10 Results – Finale Entry
[center][b][font size=5 color=blue] The Amazing Race: Unfinished Business[/b][/font]
1 messages
05-08-11 04:43 PM
TAR 18: Wk 9 results-Wk 10 entry
[center][b][font size=5 color=blue] The Amazing Race: Unfinished Business[/b][/font]
4 messages
05-04-11 03:27 PM
TAR18 Casino Game - Wk9 Results / Wk10 Entry [View All]
[h1]A Mean U-Turn[/h1] Compared to the last time they had a U-Turn this season (when Jaime/Cara and Globetrotters were U-Turn
38 messages
05-02-11 09:50 AM
TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.9
[center][h2]Are We Having Fun(due) Yet??!!![/h2][font size=1]I know I am![/font][/center]
18 messages
05-01-11 07:08 PM
Join Jerry Bruckheimer s first Live Chat during the Amazing Race
Join Jerry Bruckheimer's first ever Live Chat during the Amazing Race this Sunday:
0 messages
04-29-11 12:57 PM
TAR18 Casino Game - Wk8 Results / Wk9 Entry [View All]
[h1]Chim Chim Cher-ee[/h1] [i]Chim chiminey Chim chiminey Chim chim cher-oo! Those TAR Producers sure don'
32 messages
04-24-11 08:00 PM
TAR 18: Wk 9 entry & Tie-Breaker Question
[center][b][font size=5 color=blue] The Amazing Race: Unfinished Business[/b][/font] http://www.whyqui
6 messages
04-24-11 07:44 PM
TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.8
[center][h2]If You Can't Do It, Give Up!!![/h2][font size=1][/font][/center] This week, teams
20 messages
04-24-11 07:35 PM
TAR18 Casino Game - Wk7 Results / Wk8 Entry [View All]
[h1]Scraping By[/h1] It amazes me how Kent & Vyxsin get through each week on this season of The Amazing Race. That team might
40 messages
04-18-11 09:34 PM
TAR 18: Wk 7 results-Wk 8 entry
[center][b][font size=5 color=blue] The Amazing Race: Unfinished Business[/b][/font]
4 messages
04-18-11 07:52 AM
TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.7 [View All]
[center][h2]Oh Holy [s]Night[/s] Men!!![/h2][font size=1]aka: the anorexic Santas. [/font][/center]
25 messages
04-17-11 07:16 PM
TAR 18 Roadblock Tally
And here we go again! [b]Episode 1: Swim with Sharks[/b] Note: Superleg, so no Ep. 2 RB Using scuba gear, sea
10 messages
04-13-11 04:32 AM
TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.6
[center][h2]Tea Time!!![/h2][font size=1]This lvoe list is brought to you by Snapple![/font][/center] %0
20 messages
04-10-11 09:15 PM
TAR18 Casino Game - Wk6 Results / Wk7 Entry [View All]
[h1]Have a Snapple[/h1] I don't know about you, but I was really really nervous that Phil was going to give Margie/Luke a S
41 messages
04-10-11 08:15 PM
TAR 18 PTTE: wk 6 Results-wk 7 Entry
[center][b][font size=5 color=blue] The Amazing Race: Unfinished Business[/b][/font]
1 messages
04-07-11 05:46 PM
TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.5
Don't have much time this morning. Wanted to post the thread, but will come back and edit later and do my normal diatribe. Make sure to
20 messages
04-07-11 05:21 PM
TAR18 Casino Game - Wk5 Results / Wk6 Entry [View All]
[h1]Jurassic Park IV[/h1] Those dinosaurs weren't real, but one of them still managed to eat Jaime & Cara. It's been awh
52 messages
04-03-11 05:56 PM
Wilderness Reality show What would happen if celebrities were dropped in the middle of the wilderness with just thei
7 messages
04-01-11 07:53 AM
TAR 18: Tiebreaker Question - Wk 5 entry
[center][b][font size=5 color=blue] The Amazing Race: Unfinished Business[/b][/font]
8 messages
03-27-11 07:50 PM
TAR 18 PTTE: wk 5 Results-wk 6 Entry
[center][b][font size=5 color=blue] The Amazing Race: Unfinished Business[/b][/font]
2 messages
03-27-11 07:49 PM
Express Pass
I'm on the fence whether it was a good move on the part of Gary & Mallory to use the Express Pass last leg. They weren't so far behind that they
7 messages
03-21-11 09:41 PM
TAR18 Casino Game - Wk4 Results / Wk5 Entry [View All]
[h1]Bah![/h1] Humbug. [font color=navy][u]Week 4 Non-Results[/u] 1st place - Margie/Luke (b
48 messages
03-20-11 07:58 PM
TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.4
[center][h2]I'm Hunting Wabbits!!![/h2] [font size=1][/font][/center] This week, teams flew from
16 messages
03-20-11 07:54 PM
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