LAST EDITED ON 05-12-01 AT 02:34 AM (EST)well, ben, if you must know (i have no audio by the way)...
>1. Age "43"
>2. Marital Status "married"
>3. Kids? "one of each"
>4. Employment? "essentially, troubleshooter"
>5. Educational background? "B.S. Mathematics"
>5.5 Military background? "Order of the Arrow (don't ask and I won't kill you)"
>6. Intersting employment background? "Journalist"
>7. Gender? "Male"
>8. Social Security Number and major credit card # (just
>9. List the contestant(s) from SurvivorII that you admire the
>most? "Tina, Rodger, Jeff"
>10. Now the one(s) you admire the least? "Mitchell, Amber"
>11. If you were to >make the show, what would your strategy be? "Trust everyone, be friendly, track the pigs for their supply of trouffles"
>12. Cite an example where you have been ruthless? "I give clones no sympathy, same with trolls."
>13. What special skill(s) would you bring to your tribe? "Knot tieing, fire-starting, optomistic world-view, political mediator, logistic tendancies"
>14. Describe your most embarrasing moment? "The first time I got a standing ovation I didn't know what to do, I just stood there, what a doof I was; runner up, i thought survivorsean wasn't really, you know, survivorsean, but honestly who did!"
>15. Ever experienced that not so fresh feeling? (just kidding)
>16. Favorite Food? "ummmmmm.. who's sponsering this thing?"
>17. Poster on the board >you would most like to have visit you if you won a "visit from family member" Reward Challenge (posters already in game will not be eligible, but answer will be updated accordingly if need be)? "ItzLisa"
>18. Favorite Movie? (may list more than one) "Jeremiah Johnson"
>19. Favorite book? (may list more than one) "Catch-22"
>20. Would you sleep with Shakes the clown for a guaranteed spot in the final 2? "No, not even if it guaranteed me the win and hosting next year's show and getting to meet Anne Robertson."
>21. List five items you would like to bring as a luxury item? (if selected, I will choose one of the items from the list)(No
>survival items!) "harmonica, statue of Buddha, laptop computer, war and peace, ummmmmmm a big fat cow"