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"HUGE NEWS: New reality show exclus..."
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Irisheyes 276 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

05-11-01, 06:50 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex..."
HEhehehehe.....just answering the questions will be fun for me.
1) 27

2) single

3) I'm the kid

4) Supervisor for a credit card company

5) Bachelor of Arts in psychology, minor in political science

6) I had a lemonade stand when I was a kid, does that count?

7) Last time I checked, I was female

8) 867 53 0909 Jenny anyone remember this ditty?

9) Rich for playing the game, Gretchen for her integrity, Greg for being weird, Colby for being hot and his integrity, and Tina for also playing the game successfully and so unlike Rich.

10) Nick for being lazy, Kelly for bot having a mind of her own.

11) Ally myself with people I trust, but people who aren't smarter than me. I would call the shots.

12) I'll have to get back to you on this one

13) I'd be entertaining. and a motivator.

14) Way too many to go into detail, except I will say this much. 17, car with a guy, cop pulls up.

15) Yeasterbunny? credit goes to Blusavana

16) If I said Doritoes and Mtn Dew, would it give me a spot? In reality, it's Coke and potato skins

17)BadAs to help me with strategy

18)Dangerous Beauty, Good Will Hunting, The Godfather, Apocalypse Now

19) The Memoirs of Cleopatra, The Pilot's Wife and the Bible

20) Hell YES!

21) two cartons of Marlboro Lights, (help making friends)
journal and pen
camera and film

This was fun Shakes

Colby Rules!

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Table of Contents
  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 HUGE NEWS: New reality show exclus...   shakes the clown     05-10-01       
   RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   VampKira     05-10-01     1  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   dangerkitty     05-10-01     2  
     post your apps in this thread   shakes the clown     05-11-01     3  
         RE: post your apps in this thread   mistofleas     05-11-01     4  
         RE: Media Whore for hire   spitts     05-16-01     29  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   ACPS65     05-11-01     5  
     RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   Leif Eriksen     05-14-01     14  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   Irisheyes     05-11-01     6  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   Survivorchick     05-11-01     7  
     RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   Leif Eriksen     05-14-01     15  
         RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   Survivorchick     05-14-01     19  
             RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   Leif Eriksen     05-15-01     20  
                 RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   Survivorchick     05-15-01     23  
                     RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   Leif Eriksen     05-15-01     25  
                         RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   Survivorchick     05-16-01     30  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   Mon Cherie     05-12-01     8  
     Mon Cherie....   dangerkitty     05-15-01     21  
         RE: Mon Cherie....   Leif Eriksen     05-15-01     24  
             Leifsy...   dangerkitty     05-15-01     26  
                 Hmmmm   Mon Cherie     05-15-01     27  
                 RE: Pussy......   Leif Eriksen     05-16-01     28  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   dabo     05-12-01     9  
     RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   ItzLisa     05-14-01     17  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   Fast Eddie     05-12-01     10  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   larman     05-12-01     11  
     RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   dangerkitty     05-12-01     12  
     RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   Lightmage81     05-13-01     13  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   DivaByTheSea     05-14-01     16  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   zerokewl999999     05-14-01     18  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   Fuel     05-15-01     22  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   Bushwacker     05-17-01     31  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   JustLease     05-17-01     32  
   Shakesvivor has been moved to the O...   Kismet     05-21-01     33  

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