1. 322. Single.
3. No.
4. Practicing Orthpedic surgeon.
5. NYU and NYU medical school. Mastered in Biology.
5.5 No.
6. Had a summer job once at a company which produced blow-up dolls once. Heh Heh.
7. Male.
8. No.
9. Sean Kenniff, Jeff Varner.
10. Gretchen Cordy, Rodger Bingham, Colby Donaldson, Jerri Manthey.
11. To not let other people in on my strategy.
12. I think I told a cerebral-palsy kid once there was no Santa Clause. Oops!
13. I'm a very versitle person. I'd try my best to help out the tribe if they were really in bad shape, but I'd be more concered with going solo and taking care of myself.
14. I try to do the embarissing, not be the victim. Maybe throwing up in grade school?
15. N/a.
16. Spinich and Artichoke with chips.
17. Skierdude10.
18. One Flew Over The Cukoo's Nest, Rebel Without A Cause, Ferris Buller's Day Off.
19. Things Fall Apart, Lord Jim, All Quiet On The Western Front.
20. No.
21. 1 - Razor.
2- Toothbrush.
3 - Rosary.
4 - Piano.
5 - "New York, New York" by Frankie with something to play it on.
Oughtta throw me out of the running.