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"HUGE NEWS: New reality show exclus..."
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spitts 1 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

05-16-01, 06:34 PM (EST)
Click to EMail spitts Click to send private message to spitts Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
29. "RE: Media Whore for hire"
Background questions
1. Age 31
2. Marital Status – Single and totally Bi
3. Kids? 0
4. Employment? Yes
5. Educational background? English
5.5 Military background? No
6. Interesting employment background?
I once worked in a library and the boy I was seeing worked there too. We’d go to the back and hug till we exploded.
7. Gender? F
8. Social Security Number and major credit card # (just kidding
I stole your identity, Shakes. Your credit report was easy to come by. Not many clowns in the database.
Survivor questions
9. List the contestant(s) from SurvivorII that you admire the most?
Jerri and Amber
10. Now the one(s) you admire the least?
Rodger and Elisabitch
11. If you were to make the show, what would your strategy be? My strategy will to be as vague and ambiguous as possible without coming off flaky, loved by all, and virtually indispensable.
12. Cite an example where you have been ruthless?
Hiding the candy from relatives. They had sweet teeth.
13. What special skill(s) would you bring to your tribe?
I can spin a yarn like no one else. Plus I’m strong.
fun facts
14. Describe your most embarrassing moment?
I put a pebble in my nostril and was unable to get it out.
15. Ever experienced that not so fresh feeling? (just kidding)
I have learned to live w/o being fresh.
16. Favorite Food?
Broccoli and I enjoy cheese pizza.
17. Poster on the board you would most like to have visit you if you won a "visit from family member" Reward Challenge (posters already in game will not be eligible, but answer will be updated accordingly if need be)?
Not sure. Probably, anyone who will give me a bit in the back of a Pontiac Aztek.
18. Favorite Movie? (may list more than one)
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
Loss Of Sexual Innocence
Eve’s Bayou
19. Favorite book? (may list more than one)
The Witching Hour
20. Would you sleep with Shakes the clown for a guaranteed spot in the final 2?
21. List five items you would like to bring as a luxury item? (if selected, I will choose one of the items from the list)(No survival items!)

Comb/ Brush

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Table of Contents
  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 HUGE NEWS: New reality show exclus...   shakes the clown     05-10-01       
   RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   VampKira     05-10-01     1  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   dangerkitty     05-10-01     2  
     post your apps in this thread   shakes the clown     05-11-01     3  
         RE: post your apps in this thread   mistofleas     05-11-01     4  
         RE: Media Whore for hire   spitts     05-16-01     29  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   ACPS65     05-11-01     5  
     RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   Leif Eriksen     05-14-01     14  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   Irisheyes     05-11-01     6  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   Survivorchick     05-11-01     7  
     RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   Leif Eriksen     05-14-01     15  
         RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   Survivorchick     05-14-01     19  
             RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   Leif Eriksen     05-15-01     20  
                 RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   Survivorchick     05-15-01     23  
                     RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   Leif Eriksen     05-15-01     25  
                         RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   Survivorchick     05-16-01     30  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   Mon Cherie     05-12-01     8  
     Mon Cherie....   dangerkitty     05-15-01     21  
         RE: Mon Cherie....   Leif Eriksen     05-15-01     24  
             Leifsy...   dangerkitty     05-15-01     26  
                 Hmmmm   Mon Cherie     05-15-01     27  
                 RE: Pussy......   Leif Eriksen     05-16-01     28  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   dabo     05-12-01     9  
     RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   ItzLisa     05-14-01     17  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   Fast Eddie     05-12-01     10  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   larman     05-12-01     11  
     RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   dangerkitty     05-12-01     12  
     RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   Lightmage81     05-13-01     13  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   DivaByTheSea     05-14-01     16  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   zerokewl999999     05-14-01     18  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   Fuel     05-15-01     22  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   Bushwacker     05-17-01     31  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: New reality show ex...   JustLease     05-17-01     32  
   Shakesvivor has been moved to the O...   Kismet     05-21-01     33  

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