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"HUGE NEWS: new reality show exclus..."
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ItzLisa 3350 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

05-15-01, 00:32 AM (EST)
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26. "To Minstrel, Dalton and AyaK..."
*SIIIGGHH!!!* I'm a happy girl! I LOVE this section of the thread!

To Minstrel:
<<Something Alfred Hitchcock could do masterfully as well.>>
***My absolute favorite director! What a cool dude! I just recently bought a copy of "The Birds" to add to my library!

<<Hmmmm, I may have to add you as my "second" choice for "family member" if selected by Shakes!! Now, I wonder if my luxury item could be a movie projector and movies?>>
***You've got a deal! I'll bring popcorn! But only if, in an extreme moment of boredome, we get to act out the "Let's All Chant" scene from the movie, LOL!!! I get to be Faye Dunaway, you can be the male-model guy in the wading pool, LOL!! "THAT'S ENOUGH BLOOD, DAMMIT, STOP!!!"

To Dalton:
<<Dearest Lisa, Eyes of Laura Mars was a signal movie for "me"
also because of Faye D. I had hopes for her acting career
after "Network"....but alas FD faded FAST.>>
***Yeah, but what can I say? She was still cool in it! It was so cheezy, and no one remembers it - that kind of makes it fun in and of itself!

<<About my friend Tommy Lee....know that some of those movies
he shot in Texas, esp. cowboy/westerns, Dalton was probably
sitting around in the shade off to the side sipping iced
tea. (Just saying; not bragging). If ya know the person
who owns the "location" and/or know the person in charge of
"security"....ya get to wander around and make new friends!!!
And 20 years later they are kinda old friends, don't ya know.>>
*** (*whimper...*) Daaaalton... have I ever told you how great of a wonderful, awesome friend you are???? How much I love ya??? (*SHHH!!! Hush up! She doesn't KNOW I'm butt-kissing her because she knows Tommy Lee Jones!*) Aaaaanything ya need, buddy - a cold beer, some Duh-reetoes, anything at all...Oh - what's that on the beer napkin? Just my phone number. In case you run into Tommy Lee Jones again...and he should sneeze... well, he might need that napkin to muffle the sneeze...and if it should HAPPEN to have my phone number on know...just in case...

<<GLORIA GARHAM...Glamour "Bad Girl" of FilmNoir>>
***One step ahead of ya! I've been a fan of hers for a long time!

To AyaK:
<<the elephant trainer Angel in Cecil B. deMille's "The Greatest Show on Earth" (probably best known today for the lead performance of an uncredited Jimmy Stewart as Buttons the Clown, who disguises his true identity behind his mask>>
***EEEEEE!!!! Someone else who knows THAT movie!!! Another one of my favorites! One of the few films (other than "Planet of the Apes") that I can tolerate Charlton Heston in, LOL!!! Gloria was great! I loved Jimmy Stewart - even with that make-up on, you knew it was him because of that voice! Love that man! My all time favorite scene - when Dorothy Lamour is doing her song and dance routine and as the camera pans across the audience, there's Bing Crosby and Bob Hope watching the show! I love in-jokes in movies!

<<But "EoLM" was actually the beginning of the downturn in her career...>>
***Awwww, you guys.... (LOL!)

W.L.S.F.C. - NY chapter

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Table of Contents
  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 HUGE NEWS: new reality show exclus...   shakes the clown     05-10-01       
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   VampKira     05-10-01     1  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   IceCat     05-10-01     2  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   LIZZLOVER     05-10-01     3  
     good question Lizzlover   shakes the clown     05-11-01     6  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   dangerkitty     05-10-01     4  
   post your apps in this thread   shakes the clown     05-11-01     5  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   ItzLisa     05-11-01     7  
     RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   VampKira     05-11-01     8  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   Leif Eriksen     05-11-01     9  
   Dangerkitty's application   dangerkitty     05-11-01     10  
   I love you, Shakes--you evil genius...   George Tirebiter     05-11-01     11  
   Landru's Application   landruajm     05-11-01     12  
     RE: Landru's Application   George Tirebiter     05-11-01     13  
         RE: Landru's Application   landruajm     05-11-01     14  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   RudyRules     05-11-01     15  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   Kokoro     05-11-01     16  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   GG     05-12-01     17  
     RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   Lightmage81     05-13-01     18  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   Minstrel     05-13-01     19  
     RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   ItzLisa     05-13-01     20  
         RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   Minstrel     05-14-01     21  
         RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   Dalton     05-14-01     22  
             RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   Minstrel     05-14-01     23  
             Can't get away with that, Dalton!   AyatollahKhomeini     05-14-01     24  
                 RE: I can get away with mentioning ...   Dalton     05-14-01     25  
                     To Minstrel, Dalton and AyaK...   ItzLisa     05-15-01     26  
                         RE: To Minstrel, Dalton and AyaK...   Minstrel     05-15-01     28  
                             TRIVIA   ItzLisa     05-15-01     29  
                                 RE: TRIVIA   HomeBrewer     05-15-01     30  
                                     RE: TRIVIA   ItzLisa     05-15-01     31  
                                         RE: TRIVIA   HomeBrewer     05-15-01     35  
                                     Hitchcock   AyatollahKhomeini     05-15-01     32  
                                         RE: Hitchcock   HomeBrewer     05-15-01     34  
                                         RE: Hitchcock   ItzLisa     05-15-01     37  
                                             I Got that Scene Beat...   IceCat     05-15-01     38  
                                             Marxist?   AyatollahKhomeini     05-15-01     41  
                                             A Hitchcock story   AyatollahKhomeini     05-15-01     39  
                                             Planet of the Apes   LIZZLOVER     05-15-01     40  
                     RE: I can get away with mentioning ...   Minstrel     05-15-01     27  
                         Acting   Kismet     05-15-01     33  
                             RE: Acting   Minstrel     05-15-01     36  
                             RE: Acting   SherpaDave     05-16-01     42  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   taginite     05-16-01     43  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   Dalton     05-16-01     44  
     RE: The Viking has a question for D...   Leif Eriksen     05-16-01     45  
         RE: The Viking has a question for D...   Dalton     05-16-01     48  
             RE: The Viking responds   Leif Eriksen     05-16-01     49  
     Dalton....   dangerkitty     05-16-01     46  
     Dalton's Application   mistofleas     05-16-01     47  
     RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   ItzLisa     05-17-01     50  
   Archives? Not yet   AyatollahKhomeini     06-17-01     51  
     RE: Archives? Not yet   Outfrontgirl     06-25-01     52  
     OK   AyaK     08-13-02     54  

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