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"HUGE NEWS: new reality show exclus..."
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Dalton 1271 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

05-14-01, 10:52 PM (EST)
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25. "RE: I can get away with mentioning ..."
and misspelling her NAME...

(I swear I tried 6 times and it never looked right
cause I suck at spelling).....

only to have TA DA, AyaK know all about her and post it
correctly here for all to enjoy. YEAH, my bad; lazy, that is (hehe).

<<<"ahhh, you can't get away with this on this board, Dalton
--- you know better!
First, I think you're talking about Gloria GRAHAME.">>>......
and you are off to the races. And you do it so much better!!! my other "Worse Ten" thread on OT esp..."I don't work here...."

Seriously...MOVIES are a ladies family tradition with me. My
Grandmothers were movie nuts. I said I was taught to sit still and be quiet for two hours by age 3....more by movies than church!! Once, truth, my GrandMa made all of us leave the
theatre during "Elmer Gentry" (Burt Lancaster/Shirley Jones)
because SHE thought God might strike the building w/a thunderbolt. I can't remember how old I was before I ever
saw the END of Elmer Gentry. LOL.

I looked @Faye D.
as a replacement Gloria Grahame...sigh; very disappointed.
And while you explained many of her "great" roles...Dalton
realllly loved Gloria as the tuftalking, scheming bad girl
who trusted no one....she did it better than "Lana", imo.

Comments....the J. Stewart role you mentioned....shhh, that
same Outer Mask/Inner Demons is the first impression my mind
formed of our resident bigshoes (only younger) shhh...

And....OMG...YES! I thought *I* had personally discovered
the next Richard Widmark when Lee Marvin threw the hot coffee
in her face. Oh Wow...I went around telling everybody about
Lee Marvin!!

And to Minstrel....I was narrowly refering to B Movies which
fit the "Film Noir" catagory. Many great actors did or were
contractually forced to do "B Movies". Some of Robert Mitchem's best work was just before he hit it big. And many B Movies were interesting because of the former "A" actors who were reduced
to doing parts in them, etc. etc.

Ooops, we've done gone and turned this thread on tilt.
Sorry Shakes.


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Table of Contents
  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 HUGE NEWS: new reality show exclus...   shakes the clown     05-10-01       
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   VampKira     05-10-01     1  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   IceCat     05-10-01     2  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   LIZZLOVER     05-10-01     3  
     good question Lizzlover   shakes the clown     05-11-01     6  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   dangerkitty     05-10-01     4  
   post your apps in this thread   shakes the clown     05-11-01     5  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   ItzLisa     05-11-01     7  
     RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   VampKira     05-11-01     8  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   Leif Eriksen     05-11-01     9  
   Dangerkitty's application   dangerkitty     05-11-01     10  
   I love you, Shakes--you evil genius...   George Tirebiter     05-11-01     11  
   Landru's Application   landruajm     05-11-01     12  
     RE: Landru's Application   George Tirebiter     05-11-01     13  
         RE: Landru's Application   landruajm     05-11-01     14  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   RudyRules     05-11-01     15  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   Kokoro     05-11-01     16  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   GG     05-12-01     17  
     RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   Lightmage81     05-13-01     18  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   Minstrel     05-13-01     19  
     RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   ItzLisa     05-13-01     20  
         RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   Minstrel     05-14-01     21  
         RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   Dalton     05-14-01     22  
             RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   Minstrel     05-14-01     23  
             Can't get away with that, Dalton!   AyatollahKhomeini     05-14-01     24  
                 RE: I can get away with mentioning ...   Dalton     05-14-01     25  
                     To Minstrel, Dalton and AyaK...   ItzLisa     05-15-01     26  
                         RE: To Minstrel, Dalton and AyaK...   Minstrel     05-15-01     28  
                             TRIVIA   ItzLisa     05-15-01     29  
                                 RE: TRIVIA   HomeBrewer     05-15-01     30  
                                     RE: TRIVIA   ItzLisa     05-15-01     31  
                                         RE: TRIVIA   HomeBrewer     05-15-01     35  
                                     Hitchcock   AyatollahKhomeini     05-15-01     32  
                                         RE: Hitchcock   HomeBrewer     05-15-01     34  
                                         RE: Hitchcock   ItzLisa     05-15-01     37  
                                             I Got that Scene Beat...   IceCat     05-15-01     38  
                                             Marxist?   AyatollahKhomeini     05-15-01     41  
                                             A Hitchcock story   AyatollahKhomeini     05-15-01     39  
                                             Planet of the Apes   LIZZLOVER     05-15-01     40  
                     RE: I can get away with mentioning ...   Minstrel     05-15-01     27  
                         Acting   Kismet     05-15-01     33  
                             RE: Acting   Minstrel     05-15-01     36  
                             RE: Acting   SherpaDave     05-16-01     42  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   taginite     05-16-01     43  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   Dalton     05-16-01     44  
     RE: The Viking has a question for D...   Leif Eriksen     05-16-01     45  
         RE: The Viking has a question for D...   Dalton     05-16-01     48  
             RE: The Viking responds   Leif Eriksen     05-16-01     49  
     Dalton....   dangerkitty     05-16-01     46  
     Dalton's Application   mistofleas     05-16-01     47  
     RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   ItzLisa     05-17-01     50  
   Archives? Not yet   AyatollahKhomeini     06-17-01     51  
     RE: Archives? Not yet   Outfrontgirl     06-25-01     52  
     OK   AyaK     08-13-02     54  

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