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"HUGE NEWS: new reality show exclus..."
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RudyRules 8360 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

05-11-01, 10:19 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex..."
LAST EDITED ON 05-11-01 AT 10:35 PM (EST)

Shakes! This is a great idea! I need to know more about the time commitment involved and then maybe I could be persuaded to toss my hat in the ring even though I'm a relative newcomer.
I'll answer these questions anyways and see where it leads!

> Background questions
>1. Age Over 30, under 50
>2. Marital Status Mx1
>3. Kids? 1 and a beagle!
>4. Employment? Definitely!
>5. Educational background? Master's in ? and BS in Psych (Isn't Psych all about BS?!?)
>5.5 Military background? Had a draft card! Fortunatley the draft ended the year I became eligible (Whew!)
>6. Intersting employment background? Worked for an Armored Car service, mowed lawns of the rich and famous.
>7. Gender? Male (not neutered)
>8. Social Security Number and
>major credit card # (just
>kidding Ha HA
> Survivor questions
>9. List the contestant(s) from
>SurvivorII that you admire the
>most? Rodger
>10. Now the one(s) you
>admire the least? Jerri, Kimmi
>11. If you were to
>make the show, what would
>your strategy be? Now, now, if I tell I'd give myself away!!!
>12. Cite an example where
>you have been ruthless? I play every game to Win and take no prisoners!
>13. What special skill(s) would
>you bring to your tribe? Keen analytical ability, experience in survival situations (Primitive camping, etc...)
> fun facts
>14. Describe your most embarrasing
>moment? Throwing up on my 2nd grade teacher
>15. Ever experienced that not
>so fresh feeling? (just kidding) sniff, sniff
>16. Favorite Food? Budweiser, the breakfast of champions!
>17. Poster on the board
>you would most like to
>have visit you if you
>won a "visit from family
>member" Reward Challenge (posters already
>in game will not be
>eligible, but answer will be
>updated accordingly if need be)? Kismet
>18. Favorite Movie? (may list
>more than one) Animal House, Groundhog day, 007 movies, and yes, I admit it - The Wizard of OZ!
>19. Favorite book? (may list more
>than one) "Alive", "Adams vs. Texas" ,and any book about fishing!
>20. Would you sleep with
>Shakes the clown for a
>guaranteed spot in the final
>2? No, but I'll send Rich H. over in my place!
>21. List five items you
>would like to bring as
>a luxury item? (if selected,
>I will choose one of
>the items from the list)(No
>survival items!) pic of Amber, cigarettes, birth control devices, Battery powered Satellite TV system, my dog!

"Them people had to be pretty dumb to put their camp in a riverbed"
-Rudy Boesch

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Table of Contents
  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 HUGE NEWS: new reality show exclus...   shakes the clown     05-10-01       
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   VampKira     05-10-01     1  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   IceCat     05-10-01     2  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   LIZZLOVER     05-10-01     3  
     good question Lizzlover   shakes the clown     05-11-01     6  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   dangerkitty     05-10-01     4  
   post your apps in this thread   shakes the clown     05-11-01     5  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   ItzLisa     05-11-01     7  
     RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   VampKira     05-11-01     8  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   Leif Eriksen     05-11-01     9  
   Dangerkitty's application   dangerkitty     05-11-01     10  
   I love you, Shakes--you evil genius...   George Tirebiter     05-11-01     11  
   Landru's Application   landruajm     05-11-01     12  
     RE: Landru's Application   George Tirebiter     05-11-01     13  
         RE: Landru's Application   landruajm     05-11-01     14  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   RudyRules     05-11-01     15  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   Kokoro     05-11-01     16  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   GG     05-12-01     17  
     RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   Lightmage81     05-13-01     18  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   Minstrel     05-13-01     19  
     RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   ItzLisa     05-13-01     20  
         RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   Minstrel     05-14-01     21  
         RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   Dalton     05-14-01     22  
             RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   Minstrel     05-14-01     23  
             Can't get away with that, Dalton!   AyatollahKhomeini     05-14-01     24  
                 RE: I can get away with mentioning ...   Dalton     05-14-01     25  
                     To Minstrel, Dalton and AyaK...   ItzLisa     05-15-01     26  
                         RE: To Minstrel, Dalton and AyaK...   Minstrel     05-15-01     28  
                             TRIVIA   ItzLisa     05-15-01     29  
                                 RE: TRIVIA   HomeBrewer     05-15-01     30  
                                     RE: TRIVIA   ItzLisa     05-15-01     31  
                                         RE: TRIVIA   HomeBrewer     05-15-01     35  
                                     Hitchcock   AyatollahKhomeini     05-15-01     32  
                                         RE: Hitchcock   HomeBrewer     05-15-01     34  
                                         RE: Hitchcock   ItzLisa     05-15-01     37  
                                             I Got that Scene Beat...   IceCat     05-15-01     38  
                                             Marxist?   AyatollahKhomeini     05-15-01     41  
                                             A Hitchcock story   AyatollahKhomeini     05-15-01     39  
                                             Planet of the Apes   LIZZLOVER     05-15-01     40  
                     RE: I can get away with mentioning ...   Minstrel     05-15-01     27  
                         Acting   Kismet     05-15-01     33  
                             RE: Acting   Minstrel     05-15-01     36  
                             RE: Acting   SherpaDave     05-16-01     42  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   taginite     05-16-01     43  
   RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   Dalton     05-16-01     44  
     RE: The Viking has a question for D...   Leif Eriksen     05-16-01     45  
         RE: The Viking has a question for D...   Dalton     05-16-01     48  
             RE: The Viking responds   Leif Eriksen     05-16-01     49  
     Dalton....   dangerkitty     05-16-01     46  
     Dalton's Application   mistofleas     05-16-01     47  
     RE: HUGE NEWS: new reality show ex...   ItzLisa     05-17-01     50  
   Archives? Not yet   AyatollahKhomeini     06-17-01     51  
     RE: Archives? Not yet   Outfrontgirl     06-25-01     52  
     OK   AyaK     08-13-02     54  

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