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"Niambi: 'I found my damn voice...'"
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AshLanie 895 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"

05-12-06, 07:49 AM (EST)
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20. "RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice...."
>When Niambi said that I had
>to laugh because what she
>said did hold a lot
>of truth IMO. I think
>Niambi is a person that
>picks her word very carefully
>and appears to speak kinda
>slow because she's watching people's
>body language as she talks.
>I think Niambi is a
>people watcher. I think she
>is just really aware of
>how inconsistant some people are
>in their interactions. They may
>say one thing but do
>another. They may act one
>way with the LC's then
>another way with the hg's...stuff
>like that.
>Niambi has trust issues amongst other
>things, but I noticed her
>bonding with Kim. When Kim
>left I felt like Niambi
>retreated a little bit. Almost
>like she may need to
>be careful about getting close
>to people since they're gonna
>leave. Also the house had
>A LOT of turbulance. People
>were coming and going. So
>to me I just kinda
>felt like she was trying
>to get her bearings, because
>there was so much going
>on around her.
>I don't think Christie quite understands
>how she may come across
>or how Niambi may be
>perceiving her. I don't know
>Niambi's history of interactions regarding
>white women. Just like I
>don't know Christie's history regarding
>black women. But there is
>something there because when Christie
>got into the camera and
>said what she said and
>the way she said it
>regarding Niambi and the "angry
>black woman" statement, in that
>moment to me Christie reduced
>Niambi down to her skin
>color and it really signified
>some thing to me about
>Even in her "excitement" when Niambi
>was talking about Christie, and
>saying, "She's been here what?
>Two, three years?", Niambi didn't
>say anything regarding Christie's skin
>Christie is the oldest hg and
>I don't know if it's
>just the "top dog" thing
>going on with Christie or
>something else. What I do
>know is that "something" is
>going on between Niambi and
>Christie. That was evident from
>the group earlier in the
>week when Niambi told Christie
>something to the effect that
>that was Christie and not
>So something has been brewing and
>I guess we'll see...

~Stands and applauds~

VERY good post...

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 Niambi: 'I found my damn voice...'   SeasonedRefinement     05-11-06       
   RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   shawnar     05-11-06     1  
   RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   snowflake2     05-11-06     2  
     RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   standinmytruth     05-11-06     3  
         RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   Baxtera     05-11-06     4  
             RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   simpledimple     05-12-06     16  
         RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   SeasonedRefinement     05-11-06     5  
             RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   Juliejo     05-11-06     6  
                 RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   Baxtera     05-11-06     7  
                 RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   Omniscia     05-11-06     8  
                     RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   MizJazmine     05-12-06     17  
                 RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   cheesecake     05-11-06     10  
                     RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   origsofan     05-12-06     43  
             RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   standinmytruth     05-11-06     11  
                 RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   SeasonedRefinement     05-12-06     14  
             RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   snowflake2     05-12-06     13  
     RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   EMTBGRL     05-13-06     53  
   RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   Labyrinth     05-11-06     9  
     RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   Boots12565     05-11-06     12  
     RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   SeasonedRefinement     05-12-06     15  
   RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   MizJazmine     05-12-06     18  
     RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   Twinkles     05-12-06     19  
     RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   AshLanie     05-12-06     20  
         RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   Baxtera     05-12-06     21  
             RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   Labyrinth     05-12-06     24  
                 RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   candyprincess     05-12-06     33  
                 RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   DeltaDarkStar     05-13-06     50  
             RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   Kass1247     05-12-06     39  
             RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   creepyoldwoman     05-13-06     48  
         RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   techstyle     05-12-06     26  
             RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   sharnina     05-13-06     47  
     RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   annie828     05-12-06     23  
     RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   2KOOL     05-12-06     25  
   RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   dasboot     05-12-06     22  
     RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   Baxtera     05-12-06     27  
   RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   eire_heart74     05-12-06     28  
     RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   2KOOL     05-12-06     29  
         'I found my damn voice...wheres my ...   mrspicklepants44     05-12-06     30  
             RE: 'I found my damn voice...wheres...   SeasonedRefinement     05-12-06     31  
                 RE: 'I found my damn voice...wheres...   annie828     05-12-06     34  
                 RE: 'I found my damn voice...wheres...   Cleverone     05-13-06     45  
                 RE: 'I found my damn voice...wheres...   DeltaDarkStar     05-13-06     51  
                 RE: 'I found my damn voice...wheres...   MizJazmine     05-15-06     60  
             RE: 'I found my damn voice...wheres...   Juliejo     05-12-06     32  
                 RE: 'I found my damn voice...wheres...   bentherdunthat     05-12-06     35  
                     RE: 'I found my damn voice...wheres...   shawnar     05-12-06     36  
                 RE: 'I found my damn voice...wheres...   tvfun     05-12-06     37  
                     RE: 'I found my damn voice...wheres...   Baxtera     05-12-06     38  
                         RE: 'I found my damn voice...wheres...   mrspicklepants44     05-12-06     40  
                         RE: 'I found my damn voice...wheres...   Sumrsno     05-12-06     41  
                         RE: 'I found my damn voice...wheres...   origsofan     05-12-06     44  
                         RE: 'I found my damn voice...wheres...   beckettrep     05-14-06     57  
   RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   snowflake2     05-12-06     42  
     RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   Cleverone     05-13-06     46  
         RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   dopeydwarf     05-13-06     49  
     RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   DeltaDarkStar     05-13-06     52  
   RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   JustBNMe     05-13-06     54  
     RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   sm2     05-13-06     55  
         RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   Cinnamongirl30     05-13-06     56  
             RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   techstyle     05-14-06     59  
             RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   Baxtera     05-15-06     61  
     RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   Madigan     05-14-06     58  
     RE: Niambi: 'I found my damn voice....   Cleverone     05-16-06     62  

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