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"S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In The Beginning"
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tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-16-14, 03:35 AM (EST)
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"S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In The Beginning"
Welcome to the State Of The Spoiling.

This is the thread that will contain the Weekly SOTS and Hindsight topics until say around merge time. Then a new thread will open for a continuation.
The SOTS, for those unaware, is a weekly compilation of evidence from various places, presented in a somewhat clearer and solitary topic.
These presentations will typically get done on Tuesday evenings but no real life-or-death promises.

Speaking of...

I am moving across the country during the next few weeks, leading up to and past the premiere.
I won't be able to do a super comprehensive Episode 1 SOTS but I'm gonna add my pre-sight version anyways.
Wish me luck, and have a great season all!


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In T... Brownroach 09-16-14 1
   RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In T... CTgirl 09-16-14 2
       RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In T... kingfish 09-16-14 3
       RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In T... Brownroach 09-18-14 6
           RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In T... CTgirl 09-19-14 7
 SOTS | Episode 1 tribephyl 09-16-14 4
   RE: SOTS | Episode 1 CTgirl 09-17-14 5
   RE: SOTS | Episode 1 Outsider32 09-21-14 8
   RE: SOTS | Episode 1 Scarlett O Hara 09-21-14 9
   Hindsight | Episode 1 tribephyl 09-26-14 10
       RE: Hindsight | Episode 1 Flowerpower1 09-28-14 11
 SOTS | Ep 2 tribephyl 10-01-14 12
   RE: SOTS | Ep 2 b1whois 10-01-14 13
   Hindsight | Ep 2 tribephyl 10-02-14 14
 RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In T... Outsider32 10-02-14 15
   RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In T... tribephyl 10-03-14 16
       RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In T... Outsider32 10-03-14 18
           RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In T... Outsider32 10-03-14 19
               RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In T... Flowerpower1 10-03-14 24
   RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In T... Brownroach 10-03-14 17
       RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In T... Flowerpower1 10-03-14 23
   RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In T... Georganna 10-03-14 20
       RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In T... kingfish 10-03-14 21
           RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In T... Georganna 10-03-14 22
               RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In T... kingfish 10-03-14 25
       RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In T... Outsider32 10-04-14 26
       RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In T... personofinterest 10-08-14 32
 Val on RHAP Outsider32 10-04-14 27
 SOTS | Episode 3 tribephyl 10-08-14 28
   RE: SOTS | Episode 3 CTgirl 10-08-14 29
   RE: SOTS | Episode 3 PepeLePew13 10-08-14 30
   RE: SOTS | Episode 3 Flowerpower1 10-08-14 31
   RE: SOTS | Episode 3 michel2 10-08-14 33
   Hindsight | Episode 3 tribephyl 10-10-14 35
       RE: Hindsight | Episode 3 Georganna 10-10-14 36
           RE: Hindsight | Episode 3 tribephyl 10-10-14 37
               RE: Hindsight | Episode 3 Georganna 10-11-14 38
 Remember that Outsider32 10-10-14 34
 RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In T... Outsider32 10-11-14 39
 SOTS | Episode 4 tribephyl 10-15-14 40
   RE: SOTS | Episode 4 michel2 10-15-14 41
   RE: SOTS | Episode 4 CTgirl 10-15-14 42
       RE: SOTS | Episode 4 tribephyl 10-15-14 43
           RE: SOTS | Episode 4 michel2 10-15-14 46
               RE: SOTS | Episode 4 tribephyl 10-15-14 48
                   RE: SOTS | Episode 4 michel2 10-15-14 49
       RE: SOTS | Episode 4 Flowerpower1 10-15-14 44
           RE: SOTS | Episode 4 tribephyl 10-15-14 45
               RE: SOTS | Episode 4 CTgirl 10-15-14 47
   RE: SOTS | Episode 4 tribephyl 10-16-14 50
   HIndsight | Episode 4 tribephyl 10-16-14 51
 SOTS | Episode 5 tribephyl 10-21-14 52
   RE: SOTS | Episode 5 michel2 10-21-14 53
   RE: SOTS | Episode 5 kingfish 10-21-14 54
   RE: SOTS | Episode 5 Outsider32 10-22-14 55
   RE: SOTS | Episode 5 Flowerpower1 10-22-14 56
   RE: SOTS | Episode 5 dabo 10-22-14 57
   RE: SOTS | Episode 5 Sheldor 10-22-14 58
   Hindsight | Episode 5 tribephyl 10-23-14 59
 SOTS | Episode 6 Flowerpower1 10-28-14 60
   RE: SOTS | Episode 6 Georganna 10-28-14 61
   RE: SOTS | Episode 6 michel2 10-28-14 62
       RE: SOTS | Episode 6 Flowerpower1 10-29-14 64
   RE: SOTS | Episode 6 tribephyl 10-28-14 63
       RE: SOTS | Episode 6 Flowerpower1 10-29-14 66
           RE: SOTS | Episode 6 tribephyl 10-29-14 67
               RE: SOTS | Episode 6 Flowerpower1 10-29-14 68
                   RE: SOTS | Episode 6 kingfish 10-29-14 69
                       RE: SOTS | Episode 6 Flowerpower1 10-29-14 70
                           RE: SOTS | Episode 6 CTgirl 10-29-14 72
                               RE: SOTS | Episode 6 kingfish 10-29-14 73
                                   RE: SOTS | Episode 6 kingfish 10-31-14 81
                                   RE: SOTS | Episode 6 tribephyl 10-31-14 82
                   another trip down memory lane... tribephyl 10-29-14 74
           RE: SOTS | Episode 6 Round Robin 10-29-14 75
           RE: SOTS | Episode 6 Brownroach 10-30-14 77
   RE: SOTS | Episode 6 suzzee 10-29-14 65
       RE: SOTS | Episode 6 Flowerpower1 10-29-14 76
   RE: SOTS | Episode 6 CTgirl 10-29-14 71
       RE: SOTS | Episode 6 kingfish 10-30-14 78
   Hindsight | Episode 6 tribephyl 10-30-14 79
       Tribe... Flowerpower1 10-30-14 80

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Messages in this topic

Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-16-14, 10:14 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In The Beginning"
I am moving across the country during the next few weeks...

Oh? Across the country to where?


CTgirl 8013 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-16-14, 11:42 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In The Beginning"
He's going to become part of the Bay State Tribe! But South Shore and I am North Shore.

kingfish 20752 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-16-14, 01:41 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In The Beginning"
LAST EDITED ON 09-16-14 AT 01:43 PM (EST)


Good luck with the accent, and get your Internet connection up and running ASAP.


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-18-14, 00:32 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In The Beginning"
Damn, I was hoping for the NYC environs. However, I could possibly see a trip to Mass in my future, in which case a peep meet might be arrangeable...

CTgirl 8013 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-19-14, 09:06 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In The Beginning"
Yes, come visit Boston! (I will have a much shorter commute home this time!)

tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-16-14, 11:54 PM (EST)
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4. "SOTS | Episode 1"
On to the SOTS...
Title: "Suck It Up and Survive"

Mis-Direction: other than the revelation of Exile over Redemption Island and a couple of polarizing "characters" ...nothing as of yet...

Then while I would love to get into the cast itself and all of their little intricasies, I'm gonna abridge that portion and then get straight to Episode 1.

Phase 1: "Day Zero"
Pairs are sent to spend a night out under the stars.

Phase 2: "Game Begins"
Day One:
The pairs each enter the Reward/Exile Challenge Arena.
They choose a pair of pouches with something indicating the first pair to face off for the reward/exile.
The tribes are then revealed and buffs given out.
Jeremy and Val must play against each other.
The loser will automatically be sent to Exile Island.
The winner will receive a reward for their tribe.
The winner also chooses, from their own tribemates, someone to accompany the loser to Exile Island.

Evidenced from vidcaps...

Val and Jeremy become the first pair to challenge each other for Reward.
Each is attached to a rope that has been wrapped around a large bamboo cube.
They will have to go in, out, over, under and through the cube in order to give themselves enough slack in the rope to reach the puzzle phase.
The puzzle phase, without further vidcap evidence appears possibly to be a fire starting challenge. I hope so.

With caps of the exilees, it's pretty clear Jeremy wins reward for Hunahpu.
Here are Val and Keith in Exile...
Val @ Exile Island:

Keith @ Exile Island:

At exile island will be a set of choices. The exilees will have to choose one of the items and open it. One of these choices will have a clue to the HiddenIdol (Which is hidden back at camp, by the way). The other will be empty?
It will be up to the exilee who gets the clue as to whether or not to share the information, whether cross tribally or with their own alliance members.

Phase 3: "Immunity Challenge"
Day Two: Having spent a night at exile the exilees rejoin the tribes at the Immunity Challenge. My thought is they will probably hold the ICs on day 2 of the cycle. Leaving Day 3 for rest between cycles. Anyways...

The challenge starts with the tribes (all accounted for) on their mats.
Upon JP's GO! they start off running and crawling underneath a wooden framework that covers a crossing duo of paths.
Once all members reach their next mat, they will use each other to lift a tribemates to un-knot a trio of bags.
One bag has a rope and 'monkeyfist' in it. The other two, smaller, bags probably contain keys to a couple of locks at the puzzle phase.
Using the monkeyfist and rope, a single tribemate will try to latch it into a Y-shaped apparatus.
Once secured, the entire tribe will climb the rope to a platform.
There is a set of two further platforms where tribes will have to use each other to get up.
At the top a duo of tribemates will try to solve their tribal puzzle.

The outcome; while Hunahpu seems to be playing a game of catch-up throughout most of the challenge, they will indeed outperform Coyopa at the puzzle stage. Even without the necessary vidcaps needed to secure a Coyopa loss visually, it can be found in Future Cap evidence that Hunahpu spends the next few cycles away from tribal council.
This leaves Coyopa as our tribal council visitors for the first episode.

Phase 4: "Tribal Council"

Since other future cap evidence would indicate that Baylor, Alec, Rocker, Josh and Val are still there for a future challenge, the bootee for episode 1 must be one of Wes, Dale, Jaclyn or Nadiya.
If you are to believe the only source this season you can remove one of those names from the list for now.
I hate to leave you with a list of three possibilities for bootation so I'll knock if off by 1.
I'd say that due to the fact that both Dale and Jaclyn were the puzzle solvers and they basically lost the lead they had, the blame will be placed on them.
So, we're down to 2 choices, as I see it.
I must post this now as I will be traveling across this great big country of ours. From corner to corner. For the next 2 weeks. I will be a near neighbor to CTgirl (aka Mass Peaches). Just as she said, in the southbay. Weymouth to be exact. I'll also be spending a fair amount of time in Yarmouth (on the cape).
If further evidence gets revealed that narrows our choices down even more, feel free to add it in and help out the community with the tidbits.

Ep.1 Bullet Point Synopsis:
* Reward: Jeremey (and Hunahpu)
* Exilees: Val and Keith
* Immunity: Hunahpu
* Probable Bootee Targets: Dale or Jaclyn


CTgirl 8013 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-17-14, 05:49 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: SOTS | Episode 1"
Thanks for all the spoiling you do Tribe! Thank goodness we have vidcaps of so many of the survivors surviving the first episode because I can't tell most of them apart yet!

Good luck on your cross country drive. I will see you on the other side!

P.S. Yarmouth is great too


Outsider32 584 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

09-21-14, 00:17 AM (EST)
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8. "RE: SOTS | Episode 1"
I have been thinking a bit more on Keith and think he might be this year's older male villain. The mustache could be a staple like Donny's beard on BB but this guy is from Louisiana(home of Russell) and knowing he is the first of his tribe in Exile makes me think he might find the idol.

Scarlett O Hara 3439 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

09-21-14, 02:19 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: SOTS | Episode 1"
LAST EDITED ON 09-21-14 AT 02:19 PM (EST)

Thanks for the Spoilage Tribe!

I can't tell you how super excited I am to hear that you are moving to the right coast! Would so welcome an east coast peep meet one day!

Here's to the 75th Anniversary of GWTW!!


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-26-14, 11:28 PM (EST)
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10. "Hindsight | Episode 1"
With the plethora of preseason vid-caps to work with it was easy to see that Huanhpu would win the first IC and a Coyopa would be going home.
So good on us for not being duped.
It was a bit unexpected that Nadiya was the first boot. Not because she didn't resemble a typical first boot candidate but because she was named by a "reputable" source (with a history for correct spoilage) as a post merge contender. Boy was Miss Cleo wrong. I imagine she'll get her typical rash of disgruntled Sucksters but I for one am glad we don't have to deal with sources again this season.

Now with all sourcing out of the way, we can get down to the nitty-gritty manner of spoiling; through editing, vidcaps and speculative deduction-ing.
Hopefully we can get some of our numbers back to help parse out these tidbits.

So glad to be back.


Flowerpower1 4388 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

09-28-14, 09:42 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: Hindsight | Episode 1"
Hiya Tribe! Good luck with the cross country move! I think you will love the Boston area! Maybe some day we can meet! <3

Thanks so much for all the preseason and in season spoiling you do, you are amazing and so very appreciated! Count on me to add to the thread, and I am so happy to hear there was a spoiler who has already been proven wrong! xoxo


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-01-14, 02:39 PM (EST)
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12. "SOTS | Ep 2"
First off, I don't know if I've even really had a chance to study all of the info for this week at length. But, luckily we had a good start with last week.
The preview tossed out it's usual episode specific teases for a "look at the season" preview instead. This trend has continued throughout the current week and with each ad we get glimpses of the future.

So, separating what is episode 2 from what is a future cap is kind of daunting but as stated prior, we had a headstart.

The survivors enter Hero Arena. Natalie gets her first look at a Nadiya-less Coyopa. JP probes. Natalie cries, Julie consoles.

The belief so far is that the "Hero Challenge" will commence, much like the challenge the press played in. Balancing a ball on a paddle through an obstacle course and ending in a skee-ball type discipline.
Then comes the choice for combatants.

Hero Challenge 2:
All present and accounted for. Reward is still covered.

Then comes John @ HC2 moving under the wood pole...

Then shots of the tribes post challenge after the reveal of the reward and missing both Jeremy and John R.

Reed: Our tribe seems to have misplaced our flint.

Probst: The tribe with two firemen. Really?

The tease states After losing their flint, one tribe attempts to barter with Jeff in a rare negotiation.

It appears the tribe will ask to trade reward for flint. It could happen.

It's fun to speculate about Jeremy and John's time in exile but suffice it to say, this is probably when, as the other part of the tease states, former MLB player John Rocker’s controversial past threatens his future in the game. My thought is that news of him spreads at Coyopa, as John is at exile. OR that Jeremy recognizes him and sets up a cross-tribal rivalry.

While the battle between Jon and John looks epic and has been getting the most coverage, by the time the guys battle the score is tied 2 to 2. If this challenge runs as seems logical, with 8 members playing, it will most likely be "First to 5 wins Immunity". So the deciding match won't be the Jon/John battle.
Due to timestamps for press pics (as well as placement and wetness) the order should run as so...(and my own thought as to the winners)
1. Drew V Alec (Drew)
2. Baylor V Missy (Missy)
3. Jeremy V Wes (Jeremy)
4. Natalie V Val (Val)
JP: Score is tied 2 to 2.
5. Jon V JohnR (Jon)
6. Reed V Josh (Josh)
7. Keith V Dale (Keith)
8. Kelley V Jaclyn (Kelley)
This gives Hunahpu the 5 required AND they win Immunity.
But honestly, the future cap of all 9 Hunahpu at the sticks challenge INSURES that Coyopa loses this Sumo Challenge.
Then of course there is the timestamps on the press pics to seal the deal.

Due to timestamps the following presscaps were taken after the challenge. And as is the case the losing tribe gets the full focus before they head to tribal.

As soon as she can, Val will grill John about Jeremy and the exile experience, specially as it relates to the hidden idol clue. Could this scare John into voting for her? Or is he considering a cross-tribal alliance with her and Jeremy.

We know it's not Baylor's time to go yet, which is probably why she's smiling.

This image is ominous for Jaclyn. I seriously doubt she would get the blame for an immunity loss but she may still be seen as the weakest. AND she's a girl who was on the wrong side of the numbers last week.

Coyopa Boot Breakdown:
Due to other Future Caps JohnR, Josh, Alec and Baylor are safe for Ep2.
This leaves Dale, Wes, Jaclyn and Val.
Due to the fact that the men all voted together last time leads me to believe they will again stick together again. Dale may be the oldest, but he proved instrumental in the allying of the men. Wes is also seen in a future cap that shows him crying. I doubt he'd cry this particular TC cycle, so I'm guessing the guys safe for now.
Now we're left with either Jaclyn or Val.

I'm gonna follow my gut and propose that while Jaclyn did lose her Sumo bout, she won't be blamed as the reason they lost. She will, however, be pinpointed as the weakest of the women and the women currently don't have the numbers. Plus, if John is holding a grudge against Jon for the sumo results of their match the guyys could pull a vote-out-the-mate-of-the-strong-enemy angle.
My opinion is also that Val and John's conversation will do nothing but put a target on Val's back. John will have been to Exile. He will have interacted with Jeremy. He will know that Val knows about the Hidden Idol. I truly believe that John will want to eliminate Val because of her HI knowledge, however, she may have already convinced him that she found it. So, in order to avoid a bounce-back, the target will have to be changed.

SOTS Bullet Point Review:
* Hero Challenge: Julie Vs John R. | Julie wins.
* Exilees: JohnR and Jeremy | John R gets clue.
* IC: Hunahpu wins
* Bootee: Jaclyn (or Val)


b1whois 126 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

10-01-14, 03:32 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: SOTS | Ep 2"
LAST EDITED ON 10-01-14 AT 03:35 PM (EST)

that is some way good analysis!

am i the only one that thought the premiere was a big let down? i strongly dislike BVW format. they focus so much of their time on the "drama" that i am left with very little strategy to feed my fandom. meh!
and i hate the whole "vote out the partner of the strong enemy" angle, not fair.
and the drama is not even as compelling as it is when they use returning players. and i dont like seasons that mix returning players with new players in the first place because i feel that it is totally unfair, and i like a certain amount of fairness.
i really liked last season, that was a great format that made me feel like their were all kinds of possibilities from the very first episode to the last.
survivor just seems to keep making more mistakes than wins lately when it comes to show format. at least they quit casting lunatics like russell and that crazy black guy on boston rob's season.


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-02-14, 05:02 PM (EST)
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14. "Hindsight | Ep 2"
One thing we can learn from this last week is to not assume gender balance is of utmost concern to production.

For myself, I went back and forth on Val/Jaclyn for boot solely because of the Men's alliance on Coyopa. With 2 dissenting votes, it still remains priority to eliminate at least 1 more of those numbers. Specially when one of the alliance doesn't exactly follow the vote.

Originally, in notepad form, The bullet-List had Val (or Jaclyn) as the bootee. I changed it three times after further viewing of the pressimages. I could see Val sabotaging her own game, but I also put too much weight on the potential for JohnR to feel revengeful over the Sumo match with Jon.

But overall not a bad week.


Outsider32 584 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

10-02-14, 11:45 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In The Beginning"
LAST EDITED ON 10-03-14 AT 01:53 AM (EST)

Someone at Sucks posted pics of Jon and Missy where they looked considerably skinnier. And in their pics Missy and Jaclyn did not look like they lost as much.

I'm starting to believe Jon is gonna win.

Update:On second thought Baylor does look thinner as well but she then had a photo with her friends where she looked like she hardly lost any weight.


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-03-14, 00:21 AM (EST)
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16. "RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In The Beginning"

Outsider32 584 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

10-03-14, 01:41 AM (EST)
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18. "RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In The Beginning"
LAST EDITED ON 10-03-14 AT 01:43 AM (EST)

I can only post this one, Jon's it wouldn't let me.


Outsider32 584 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

10-03-14, 01:51 AM (EST)
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19. "RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In The Beginning"

See if this works


Flowerpower1 4388 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

10-03-14, 10:18 AM (EST)
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24. "RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In The Beginning"
Wow, Outsider....Jon looks completely different...creepy! Wow, he lost a ton of weight. Miss Michigan looks a lot different too, but I think it's more her makeup than weight loss...


Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-03-14, 00:27 AM (EST)
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17. "RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In The Beginning"
Well it's always fascinating to me when the season's "controversial" player finds the HII immediately. It seems to happen quite often. Not that I'm accusing production of anything untoward of course...

Flowerpower1 4388 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

10-03-14, 10:13 AM (EST)
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23. "RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In The Beginning"
Well it's always fascinating to me when the season's "controversial" player finds the HII immediately. It seems to happen quite often. Not that I'm accusing production of anything untoward of course...

Amen, BR, Amen. I couldn't help notice that there was really no digging at all when he found it....there was a rock, then a sprinkling of dirt over it, and there it was....


Georganna 693 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

10-03-14, 05:12 AM (EST)
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20. "RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In The Beginning"
Thank you, Outsider ...

According to Lincoln Aloisio, Baylor posted these pictures on July 16.
And I think that the young lady photographed with Missy
is the young woman just behind Baylor in the first picture
(notice the necklace and the shape of her nose):

This, I found when searching for birthdates.
I've redacted the name of the person who publicly posted the information.
But I will vouch for the fact that it was someone who would know.

And here is a second picture of Jon. Posted, according to Kopeks, on July 14th:



kingfish 20752 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-03-14, 09:09 AM (EST)
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21. "RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In The Beginning"
Three irrelevant thoughts:

1. Someone should gag her for her evil un-American seditious thoughts. Never watch Reality shows indeed! I’m trying to think up an appropriate Survivor or TAR challenge that involves gagging that woman (Guess/gut feel as to the gender of the unknown author). Garroting or drowning would be appropriate substitutes. Humph!

2. Changing my vote from John Rocker to the Jon Misch in the hottest girlfriend contest. Congrats Jacklyn (with a y - one point off for that), and even more congrats to Jon.

3. I agree about the other young lady. Another daughter perhaps? Missy is very thin, and is demolishing those crab legs.


Georganna 693 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

10-03-14, 09:35 AM (EST)
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22. "RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In The Beginning"
Irrelevant - never!

Another daughter perhaps?

A niece and cousin (I think). But I feel too much like an obsessed old woman with too much time on her hands as it is.

I have my birthdays. I'm not going back again to be sure ...


kingfish 20752 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-03-14, 10:42 AM (EST)
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25. "RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In The Beginning"
Thanks. Now I feel all relevant again.

Outsider32 584 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

10-04-14, 01:59 AM (EST)
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26. "RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In The Beginning"
Yes I just noticed that. I can't see how Baylor lost 20 pounds with that picture she posted. But if she did, then maybe we are looking at them lasting the longest among pairs. Baylor and Missy are good with their tribes now. So far though we haven't seen enough from Jon and he might be someone who gets far but does not win. Because if Jon won, they would have certainly showcased him off the first two episodes more than they have because he's a guy. But Missy, she is getting the Kass edit so far among the women, even when it came to Natalie crying Missy got the confession. I'm thinking Missy to me has to last the longest among the women and my final four atm is her, Jon, Jeremy, and Keith.

personofinterest 292 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

10-08-14, 04:20 PM (EST)
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32. "RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In The Beginning"
Baylor looks like Alyssa Milano in that first picture!

Outsider32 584 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

10-04-14, 02:51 AM (EST)
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27. "Val on RHAP"
Val said on RHAP that they lost three challenges. I'm not sure if she was including the duels in that and up until that IC or if thats how many ICs Coyopa lost overall. That would say either Coyopa turns it around and dominates or there's a swap.

From what has been gathered from two interviews. If Val was talking of the future, then Coyopa loses one more IC and Nadiya saying the tribe was made up of younger versus older then that means John or Dale are next to go as well because we know Baylor and Jaclyn are not going(unless the argument happens coming up) so I'm guessing Baylor pulls her into her, Josh, and Alec's alliance and vote out John or Dale.


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-08-14, 01:20 PM (EST)
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28. "SOTS | Episode 3"
Sorry for the lateness and the overall product.
I have been trapped in a haze of minutiae for the past couple of days.
But here we go anyways...

Hero Challenge:
Hunahpu gets it's first look at a Val-less Coyopa and I expect some heated barbs thrown at Rocker from the get-go.

However the RoShamBo turns out, Keith and Wes will be the participants.

Wes will win (and feel bad about) sending his father to Exile.

Wes will then pick Josh to accompany Keith to Exile.

What's interesting about this is that Wes made the decision to send Josh and then is later seen in a 'possible' mutiny conversation with Josh and Baylor.
Perhaps a clue into their relationship, in exit interviews both Val and Nadiya mentioned that Wes, Josh, Baylor and Alec were perceived as a group and Josh in particular was seen as flighty and sketchy.
These may serve as clues for what's to come.

During Exile, back at camp Hunahpu, Jeremy is confessesing that...
"I am out to get him now, point blank"

Then proceeds to spill the beans to is tribe...

Jeremy: He said a whole bunch of racist stuff.

Jon: So, he's a bigot.
Natalie: Yeah.
Kelley: Yeah.

Immunity Challenge:
Name: Game of Throw-Ins
Without even getting into logistics look to Sheldor's post for a more precise and succinct explanation of the IC outcome. Bad moves are made, names are called, tempers are flared.

Regardless, what is most apparent throughout the challenge is that no matter how well Coyopa does or doesn't play or how close the game might be... Post IC press images are all taken at Coyopa.
Therefore, Coyopa loses.

All of Hunahpu is safe.

With Coyopa going to TC we begin the bootee-target deducing with Alec, Dale, Baylor, Jaclyn, Josh, Rocker and Wes as our possiblities.

Now, is where the community splits apart as to the ending results.
One thing I think we agree on is that neither Alec nor Wes is in danger of being booted this episode.

That leaves; Baylor, Dale, Jaclyn, Rocker and Josh.

I would be remiss to not mention Flowerpower's awesome and insight-full speculations on the possibility of a quitter this episode. There are some valid points involved, and I go on record that it is often proven unwise to be on the opposing side of a FloPo speculation. (Although I believe she might be backing off of the concept at the moment.)

Another thought is that all the hype is mis-direction and the status-quo keeps moving forward. Therefore, the only people left to boot would be Jaclyn or Baylor. Ockham would believe in this one.

Yet, I can't help myself.
I think all the focus on JohnR's past and JohnR's future is indeed the story of the episode.
He has an enemy in the other tribe. He also has an idol. And Both speak to his remaining in the game after this Tribal Council.
Unless he is truly blindsided.
Which, from the promos, it's clear John becomes aware that he may NOT be as safe as he once thought.
So, I would guess that there will be NO way to truly blindside JohnR this episode.
He went out of his way to find the idol, his goal is to get to merge at least, so if he doesn't feel safe he WILL play the idol. I also just do not see a quitter residing in his personality.

Now the interesting part becomes the conversation that Baylor, Wes and Josh are involved in. Regarding finding 4 votes and taking over the game. Remember, Wes chose Josh to accompany his father to Exile. There is something definitely to that and I don't see it as antagonistic. I believe Wes sent Josh because he wanted Josh to ally with Keith. And I do believe that the two of them will hit it off. I also believe that Wes and Baylor are indeed with Josh.

When we parse the events from the last TC, in the first vote we were tied...
Wes, Alec, Josh and Baylor voted for Val
Val, Jaclyn, John and Dale voted for Baylor
During the revote, it's clear that 2 people changed their vote at that time.
Maybe all of the men knew the plan, but only Dale and John changed their vote.
I think John and Dale are the one's Josh is proposing to overthrow.

However, the guys and Josh will want to keep John around to benefit their own game. And if they even remotely appear as the spearheader for this mutiny, John will change his target to the upstart leader, play his idol and bounce their butt out. (Of course, they won't know this, but it still puts Josh or Baylor in great danger. John has been to Exile, he could have an idol. Dale has NOT been to exile, he definitley won't have an idol.)

So, Josh/Baylor/Wes must decide if they want to involve Alec or Jaclyn in their mutinous plan.
Jaclyn may not come aboard if Baylor is still a target. She is mistrusting of Baylor and Josh, so working her to come on board may prove too difficult and may result in being ratted out to Rocker and Dale.
So the plan will hinge on getting to Alec in time. (Since we haven't been shown the four of them interacting much, it's clear it's meant to be left in question as to whether Alec is with "the guys" or he is with the other "youngsters". But as has been revealed by both previous bootees, the four of them are already an item.)

So to keep John AND Baylor, Josh will want to get Alec and Wes on board with a Dale boot.

Something to consider before making the final decision is that in the "season sneak" vidcaps there are only a few people shown... Mostly Hunahpu. (Visuals of Val, Missy and Wes) Confessionals/quotes from Kelley ~ Jeremy ~ Natalie ~ Keith ~ Drew ~ Jon ~ Julie ~ Baylor ~ Josh ~ John
And I would wager that all of these peeps are safe until later in the game. (Barring of course, Val, who is tied to Jeremy's story about revenge. Kelley was already shown talking about flint and John and Wes will be shown during ep3.) This is by no means concrete. Nor does it mean that others, not listed, won't also last deeper into the game. But I'm sure that those caps used for the season sneek promo will be the storyline and those not shown in the season sneek aren't really a part of that storyline. That would leave just Dale, Alec and Jaclyn as non-entities on Coyopa.

SOTS Bullet list

Hero Challenge: Wes vs Keith.
Wes wins and sends Josh into Exile with Keith.

Immunity Challenge:
Hunahpu wins Immunity

Josh, Baylor, Alec and Wes will attempt to wrest control of the game from the old men.




CTgirl 8013 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-08-14, 01:37 PM (EST)
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29. "RE: SOTS | Episode 3"
Awesome job as always Tribe. I think Dale will be booted but Rocker is a close second in my choices. It bothers me that they showed Dale taking the decoration off the well and that story went no where - Rocker found the idol anyways. Maybe it was just a throw away. But I agree Rocker is aware the tribe could shift on him, he has an idol and he doesn't seem like a quitter (only a GIRL would quit! ) so it doesn't seem like they could blindside him.

Jaclyn has been given 3 more days and I think she has bonded with Baylor (re: the pic of them lying on the driftwood at the beach and talking in the shelter behind Dale, John, Josh and Wes). I don't think she is in as much danger as she used to be.


PepeLePew13 26135 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-08-14, 01:59 PM (EST)
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30. "RE: SOTS | Episode 3"
Works for me... good job, Tribe! I still think that Jaclyn could be a real contender for a boot in addition to Dale.

Don't think Rocker or anyone quits this week - we'd have had more hints about this in the promos or have a storyline in last week's episode that would tie in with a future quit.... but I do think it's coming soon, i.e. next week. Tonight, we'd want to watch for any hints or brewing storylines that may lead to a quit next week.


Flowerpower1 4388 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

10-08-14, 03:07 PM (EST)
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31. "RE: SOTS | Episode 3"
Excellent job, Tribe, and so thorough! I am on board with you and pretty much came to the same conclusion in a round-a-bout way. Rocker is feeling safe in his tribe, and so is Dale, but Dale doesn't have an idol. Dale will be the "hidden boot" of the season. Rocker is in full swimg in his arc....I expect him to crash and burn SOON. Thanks, Tribe! <3


michel2 4545 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

10-08-14, 06:30 PM (EST)
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33. "RE: SOTS | Episode 3"
Nice job , Tribe...but I voted Rocker!

tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-10-14, 06:23 PM (EST)
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35. "Hindsight | Episode 3"
Well, the lesson to be learned this week is that sometimes Mis-Direction is not actually Mis-Direction.
CBS typically loves to hide their boots. Twas not their MO this week.

And knowing that Rocker had the idol and was aware that he may be in danger, I'm stunned he didn't use it.
Specially after hearing Jaclyn basically tell everyone that John was unaware of the last-minute strategy talks and was the likely blindsided bootee.
I guess John really is that selfish and socially unaware.


Georganna 693 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

10-10-14, 07:49 PM (EST)
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36. "RE: Hindsight | Episode 3"
LAST EDITED ON 10-10-14 AT 07:54 PM (EST)

Why selfish?

Because I think that it's possible that the ex-pitcher was acutely aware of the fact that his continued presence in the Game would do nothing more than make the remainder of it a miserable experience for himself, for anyone allied with him - and given the boorish behavior of her tribemates who with one exception made it damned clear that they had no consideration for her feelings - most especially for Julie.

For my money: there were far more louts than one in San Juan del Sur. And I would be willing to bet some of that money that not one of the Season's players - including Jeremy Collins - had read - or has yet read - the Sports Illustrated article that they suddenly knew enough about to warrant their humiliation of his girlfriend and their libel of John Rocker as a liar.

And no, I'm not a fan of the man. I did read the article - years ago. And several pieces by and about Mr. Rocker since. And, put mildly, I don't think that we would be friends. But, I've also read several of Jeff Pearlman's less-than-delicate treatments of other famous sports teams/figures. And I don't think that we'd be friends, either.


ETA: I apologize for the rant, Tribe. It's just that the Culpepper fiasco left a bad taste in my mouth and this was so much worse.


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-10-14, 11:00 PM (EST)
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37. "RE: Hindsight | Episode 3"
Rant away, G! No problemo, here. usage of selfish was because I couldn't think of the word that best described my thoughts about his personality.

A man who is incapable of understanding that anyone else should have any thoughts besides what he himself is thinking.
How could you like Vanilla? I hate Vanilla. I like Chocolate. Chocolate is the best. I'll make you a chocolate cake. (Of which he alone will eat.)
What's that called?
In truth, I enjoyed watching John.
I've certainly maintained more loathsome feelings towards many many other players throughout the seasons. I also am enjoying Julie.
I understand that relationship. And I can sympathize with John and Julie's experience in Survivor.
It appears as if their games were ultimately doomed from the start, just because of John's past.
Unlike the Culpeppers, who ruined their own game.


Georganna 693 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

10-11-14, 00:09 AM (EST)
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38. "RE: Hindsight | Episode 3"
A man who is incapable of understanding that anyone else should have any thoughts besides what he himself is thinking ... What's that called?

The Classic Noun:

Libra | Once they have reached a conclusion Libra will not tolerate a divergent opinion. Among their faults is an impatience of criticism and a greed for approval.

The Classic Antonym:

Aquarius | Because they instinctively appreciate diversity and have a sustaining confidence in their own convictions, Aquarius are extremely tolerant of the behaviors and opinions of others.

Georj ...


Outsider32 584 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

10-10-14, 02:46 AM (EST)
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34. "Remember that"
I pointed out before the season on here about Drew Christy having a beard based on a instagram video he posted back in July. However, it is possible he removed the video as someone over at Sucks said they could not find it. So I don't think he is going yet unles he grows it in LL.

Outsider32 584 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

10-11-14, 06:28 PM (EST)
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39. "RE: S29 | StateOfTheSpoiling | In The Beginning"
Okay now I have more to gather. Georgiana, if you can gather the photos I am about to describe that could help here.

Jaclyn has a hashtag #Sticktotheplan on something on social media I think its FB not sure. And she tagged Jon, Reed, and Josh. This was before the season aired.

Jaclyn's picture of a pup that Drew commented on back in April. Maybe there was an actual pre-game alliance? If Drew is on Exile with Jaclyn, this has more fuel, along with the fact Jon and Drew already are allies(though they would be anyways due to being young and buff).

So at the merge if they are all there could we be looking at a Christys/Jon/Jaclyn/Josh/Reed alliance and due to a Josh/Reed/Twinnies pick with Natalie as a tagalong?

If Drew is on Exile with Jaclyn(and Jon likely would choose him), Jaclyn could let him know about the Alec/Wes/Josh/Baylor alliance. And Drew, unaware that the tribe is going to throw a challenge to try to get rid of someone, when he gets back probably is looking to get rid of a loved one of someone already gone-Natalie, Julie, or Jeremy-or a loved one of Dale, Baylor, or Wes because of the fact that the other three's loved ones are his alliance(I assume Reed is part of it). Drew is probably going to count on a alliance consisting of him, Alec, Jon, Jaclyn, Reed, and Josh at the merge to take over the game.

One thing should be said the fact that Drew, Jon, Wes, Alec, Reed, and Josh are still in the game spells trouble. One of these people need to go before the merge or they will along with their loved ones(Jon's and maybe Wes's) get together and have the numbers at the merge. These seem to be the type of guys that will stick together with their bros from what we have seen so far.


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-15-14, 00:09 AM (EST)
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40. "SOTS | Episode 4"
Well, it's Tuesday night, a SOTS needs to be written and I am all over the place.

My comfort level with making a hard decision based on all of the clues provided has been shot to poo because of Rocker's up front portrayal and subsequent bootation.
IOW, the writing was ALL OVER the wall regarding the JR boot and I talked myself out of it because of...
1. Josh insisting that Rocker was a good ally to have on his side.
2. Proven by Josh throwing Baylor under the bus twice.
3. Dale's insistence that Coyopa is playing for themselves NOT for Hunahpu.
4. The majority alliance seeing that keeping John would keep them all safe for at least 1 cycle past merge.
5. John was a strong competitor in challenges (and at the tribal stage that is key).

There was Dale, Jaclyn and Baylor to get through before John needed to be taken care of.
BUT, supposedly, Jaclyn and Baylor are needed to enhance the story once the tribes merge.
And on par with that...

We get to this week.

Teases state a couple of things;
1. One castaway contemplates throwing an Immunity Challenge to rid their tribe of the weaker players.
2. That same castaway's thirst for power could result in a shocking blindside.
3. There are certain things that you should just never do on Survivor.

With Drew stating that he's the kingpin, it looks VERY much like it is Drew that is thirsty for power. Which as suggested, also means that Drew contemplates throwing a challenge to boot "weaker" players.
Which frankly, fits right into JPs warning that there are certain things you JUST DON'T DO on Survivor.
Throwing challenges, for seasoned viewers, is never a good idea.
BUT, so is telling a weaker "minority player" that they are next to go.
And honestly, there used to be guarantees when these CBS blurbs came out...
'Contemplates' means confesses to the camera but never tells anyone and certainly never follows through with it.
'Could' almost ALWAYS means it won't happen.
So from a past-perspective, I would say that all of this is MIS-Direction.
But I just don't know about that anymore.

Maybe it is all up-front, right there.

What we do know for sure is that the Hero Challenge will be against Jon and Jaclyn.
Using hooks to drag bags of balls back to your base. Then using a foot lever to launch the balls into nets.
Jon wins this challenge sending his girlfriend to exile island.
Now, I would like to point out that Jon's choice for exile chaperone is very obvious...
Drew has a blue feather necklace that he has worn since the beginning and Jon does not. As evidenced from these shots during ep3.

Something you'll notice is that it appears as if there are 2 feathers on his necklace and that by the time Ep4 starts, Drew has made Jon a bracelet with one of the feathers.

Letting their feathers fly @ Ep4 HC...

Man, THAT is a bromance. (No wonder, considering that both Drew and Jaclyn were finalists for last season and became FBfriends before casting for this season began.)

My point being that if anyone had any doubts about the 2 of them working together, they shouldn't because these guys are making jewelry for each other. So there is absolutely NO doubt that Jon would pick Drew to accompany his girlfriend to Exile.

Then we have the IC, which both tribes, as they are, participate in. No switch/swap in ep4.
And since all of the Press Images taken post-IC are from Hunahpu, it appears Coyopa wins a reprieve from tribal this week.

So, Hunahpu has to figure out who to boot.
Now... aside from Drew trying to wrest control AND his desire to throw the challenge. (Which I believe Drew is targeting either Kelley, Julie or Missy.)
The rest of the storyline, according to promos, is that Jeremy and Keith are targeting each other.

Keith outs Jeremy's idol to Natalie, Missy and Reed.

While Jeremy confesses " I want Keith gone. I don't trust him at all."

So which of these guys will get their way?

Well, considering that Jeremy is having difficulty with getting people to join his side...
Jeremy (to Drew): "Are you telling me you don't have my back?"

It appears as if the winner of this targeting is Keith.
While Drew tries to take control of the tribe from Jeremy (by targeting one of Jeremy's alliance mates) Jeremy tries to deflect the vote onto Keith who is, in turn, dropping hints that Jeremy is untrustworthy.
There is a snake in the grass, for sure. But the only one aware of who the snake REALLY is, is the one who should be saying goodbye next.
And frankly, Drew is too stupid to figure it all out.

SOTS Bullet List
Hero Challenge:
Jon Vs. Jaclyn. Jon wins reward of Comfort for Hunahpu.
Jon chooses Drew to accompany Jaclyn to Exile.

Immunity Challenge:

Bootee: Jeremy (or Drew)


michel2 4545 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

10-15-14, 07:09 AM (EST)
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41. "RE: SOTS | Episode 4"
LAST EDITED ON 10-15-14 AT 07:09 AM (EST)

Nicely done tribe. It is tough this week but you nailed most of it, I think.

I just had a thought last night. What if Jeremy is the one that wants to throw the challenge? He is the one sitting out so he may make that proposal while Drew is on Exile Island. Once Drew returns after their loss and leans all about Jeremy, that's when he tells everyone that he is the leader of the tribe so he will go after Jeremy the snake himself.


CTgirl 8013 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-15-14, 09:09 AM (EST)
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42. "RE: SOTS | Episode 4"
LAST EDITED ON 10-15-14 AT 09:16 AM (EST)

Thanks again Tribe. It's another hard choice for me. Flip a coin between Drew and Jeremy! I have been leaning towards a Jeremy boot all week and I'm glad you're thinking that too.

Since Jeremy is sitting out the challenge, I would say that he is the one with the idea to throw it. Drew's been on exile so he couldn't scheme that plan. It will be fun to see how this plays out, what, if anything, Keith does this week and who finds the HII!

ETA: This kind of says it all. The power struggle will be between these two guys.


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-15-14, 11:44 AM (EST)
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43. "RE: SOTS | Episode 4"
LAST EDITED ON 10-15-14 AT 11:46 AM (EST)

Since Jeremy is sitting out the challenge, I would say that he is the one with the idea to throw it.

This is where I respectfully disagree.
IF a person is suggesting throwing the challenge, he/she will need to play in order to do so.

I think it is Drew that suggests throwing the challenge and by choosing Jon and Jeremy to sit out he can be assured that he can do all he can to throw it.

Also, the tease suggests that the "weaker players" are the proposed targets. Well, currently all of those "weaker players" are alliancemates of Jeremy.

(and to further lend to the lack of solid feelings...)
However, I CAN see a player suggesting they throw the challenge and the people he/she told end up choosing him/her to sit-out to prevent that from happening.
OR, somehow, Jeremy considers Drew a "weaker player". (Doubtful in my opinion.)


michel2 4545 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

10-15-14, 04:49 PM (EST)
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46. "RE: SOTS | Episode 4"
"IF a person is suggesting throwing the challenge, he/she will need to play in order to do so."

It would usually work that way but Burton sat out the PI challenge even if it was his idea to throw it.


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-15-14, 06:53 PM (EST)
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48. "RE: SOTS | Episode 4"
That brings up an interesting scenario.

When Burton proposed to Rupert that they throw the competition, the immunity challenge included a reward wherein the winning tribe would have the right to kidnap a member of the losing tribe.
With 2 of their strongest players sitting out, Morgan won and they kidnapped Rupert. Leaving Burton without numbers. Burton was voted out 5 to 2. (Mostly because both Jon and Shawn defected as well.)

So, while there is a precedent for throwing a challenge from the sit-out bench. (as there are a lot of precedents for possible scenarios.) It surely isn't a proactive (nor guaranteed) way to insure that things get done as one would hope.
Ultimately, these people need to learn to trust only in themselves and if they need to rely on others than not to have expectations about how things should to turn out.

Speaking of the kidnapping angle, a similar thing might be what is happening with the 'Keith at Coyopa' cap. Kidnapping a member of the losing tribe, just as they go to TC. No buff-o-matic needed.


michel2 4545 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

10-15-14, 07:27 PM (EST)
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49. "RE: SOTS | Episode 4"
The kidnapping of Keith is a nice idea but it would require him to stay at Coyopa after the next challenge or else he wouldn't be able to say: "I'm glad he's gone". If he stays at Coyopa that long wouldn't that mean he officially switched tribe so we'd be back to the buff-o-matic!

Flowerpower1 4388 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

10-15-14, 02:50 PM (EST)
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44. "RE: SOTS | Episode 4"
LAST EDITED ON 10-15-14 AT 03:14 PM (EST)

Well, we have this...

Keith has lasted till most likely an impending swap and he's glad he's gone, likely talking about the last person voted out of his tribe. And, we know that Jeremy was out to get Keith from this confessional, "I want Keith gone, I cannot trust him at all."

Then, just now on my Facebook timeline feed there was a link to the most recent promo, and this...After an unexpected betrayal, Jeremy's got a new target. It's Jeremy that will try to swing throwing the challenge, imo, to get out Keith.

Well, we know that Keith lives to see the swap, but the question is, will Jeremy?

It appears that Drew, Reed, Jon, and Keith are all together. But, Jeremy has Natalie, Kelly, Missy. So, it comes down to Julie...I would think that Julie is not in Jeremy's camp, after he stirred up all the stuff regarding John.

For me this is indeed implying that Jeremy has the idol. Keith betrays him. So, will Jeremy play it? And, if he does, Drew will most likely walk the walk...eta: BUT....if Drew, Jon, Keith, and Reed vote for Jeremy, Jeremy and company would vote for Keith, Jeremy's target. Keith is still there, so whoever Drew, Jon, Keith and Reed vote for should be the one that goes?

OTOH, we have this...

Are you telling me you don't have my back?

The promos suggest 2 possible targets for Jeremy. Keith AND Drew. We know Keith lasts. So if Jeremy has all of his alliance mates put votes on Drew, and Jeremy plays his idol, then so long Drew. Keith could be the misdirection.

*UGH* Still doesn't answer the question...who is Keith glad is gone?


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-15-14, 03:38 PM (EST)
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45. "RE: SOTS | Episode 4"
By no means am I psychic but...

...who is Keith glad is gone?

My thought is that it is Wes.
Obviously, the buff-o-matic is being used and to change it from yellow to blue or whatever-the-merge-color-is to blue would take the same amount of time.
My thought is that Coyopa is our merge camp.
There will be no swaps for this season.
(The only reason LauraB was on the returnee's tribe was because Rupert changed places with her. And that twist is not playable this season.)

My thought is that Keith will have the "Ciera's Choice" of the season and this is him explaining why-it-is and he-will-be okay.

I think this also sets up for Baylor and Josh's future caps where they explain that "It means war" And "We're going to fight to the end."
But what do I know? I've been wrong all season


CTgirl 8013 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-15-14, 06:23 PM (EST)
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47. "RE: SOTS | Episode 4"
Hopefully not tonight!

tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-16-14, 01:08 PM (EST)
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50. "RE: SOTS | Episode 4"
LAST EDITED ON 10-16-14 AT 01:09 PM (EST)



tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-16-14, 01:09 PM (EST)
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51. "HIndsight | Episode 4"
Not too far off the mark. I believe all of us had Drew in our top2/3 choices for bootee but...

Flowerpower: It was really clear to see all along that it would indeed be Drew. I think we all just wanted a big shake up and thus may have tried to impose our will onto it, lol!
CT: We fooled ourselves by thinking no way CBS would hand us two boots in a row so prominently, lol.

Certainly, lol-able, considering we had higher expectations of the editors and they served left-overs as hype.
Aw well, live and learn. Sometimes the boot story is THE boot story. And sometimes twice in a row.


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-21-14, 02:43 PM (EST)
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52. "SOTS | Episode 5"
For once I really feel like I might know what's going on.
Title: Blood is blood
Misdirection: 1. the game gets complicated when one castaway is stranded on a tribe with three pairs of loved ones
2. the other tribe is forced to negotiate for their next meal as a result of mismanaged portion control

Hero Challenge:
Coyopa gets it's first look at a Drewsless Hunahpu.

Not quite sure what happens with the challenge. Or if a challenge even takes place.
But to start, JP has other things up his sleeve; namely new buffs.
A switch is afoot.

Whether truly random or secretly adminstered, the tribes will end up as so...

1 stranded with 3 pairs... Nu-Coyopa: Baylor ~ Dale ~ Jaclyn ~ Jon ~ Keith ~ Kelley ~ Missy (4 Hunahpu/3 Coyopa - 3 males/4 females - 3 pairs/1 half-pair)
food mismanaging negotiators... Nu-Hunahpu: Alec ~ Jeremy ~ Julie ~ Josh ~ Natalie ~ Reed ~ Wes (4 Hunahpu/3 Coyopa - 5 males/2 females - 1 pair/1 half-pair/4 singles)

Then the challenge will be played.
3 bags knotted to a rope, with some sort of puzzley pieces inside, are needed to win.
I'm guessing whomever from Nu-Hunahpu wins because I think this will be their opportunity to 'negotiate for their next meal'.

Exile Island:
I have no guesses. Wait... just for kicks, I'm gonna try.
Using the Press Images for Post Switch @ camps as my guide

Dale, Missy, Kelley

Baylor and Jaclyn

Jon or Keith, both not found. I think it's Keith. No, wait, it's Jon. Nope, nevermind, it's Keith. What am I thinking, it's probably Jon because of his need to burn whomever has the idol. Meaning he's probably looked for it and couldn't find it, which leads me to believe he has seen a clue, which means he is probably an exilee.

Josh, Natalie, Reed, Alec?

Josh, Julie, Natalie


Wes, not found. I'm inclinded to think the Exilee is Wes.

Jon and Wes for Exile Island, those are my guesses.
And for those guesses, I guess we'll see what happens.

Immunity Challenge:
Race to dig up 2 keys...
Carry keys under mud crawl...
Use 1st key to open gate of corral...
Shake large pole to loose 20 sandbags...
Use 2nd key to unlock other side of corral...
Toss sandbags, trying to get 10 sandbags onto swing...
Do it first and you win Immunity.

Again, Press Images indicate Nu-Coyopa loses the IC.
And considering the athleticism of the tribes, it's not hard to believe Hunahpu outdoes Coyopa.

That means Baylor ~ Dale ~ Jaclyn ~ Jon ~ Keith ~ Kelley ~ Missy go to TC.

Tribal Council:
And while I started this week being positive that I knew what was gonna happen, I then found myself in a speculative minority and then ended up behind the proverbial 8ball with Dale's rice hoarding. *sigh*

So, I present the remainder of this SOTS in alternate versions...
To begin, both start with a revisit to the title: Blood is Blood.
Now is it BLOOD is blood?
Or is it Blood IS blood?
Or is it Blood is BLOOD?
And after writing blood 9 different times, doesn't it start to look weird? Like it should be pronounced as 'blued'? Shouldn't it be spelled Blud?

Alternate version 1:
The title states "Blood IS blood".
In a nut-shell: For those of you who think that it means that the blood relatives Missy/Baylor and Kelley/Dale will stick together over the boyfriend/girlfriend pair of Jon and Jaclyn.

Various things are influencing the possibilities.
Jon has brought up the strategic idea of pairs eliminating singles.
There are three pairs and Keith, who himself is in a pair, but his match is on a different tribe.
But he doesn't know that Keith has an idol.

Kelley and Missy are pretty tight and are 2 of the members of Jeremy's alliance.
Dale and Baylor are their "blood" relatives. It's an automatic voting block.

Keith has been voted for before, by Jon.
Keith has an idol.

If Baylor and Kelley (and Missy) are the strategists, the three of them will have to decide between Keith, Jon or Jaclyn.
Of those, Jaclyn gets a point of favor because she is sunbathing friends with Baylor.
Whereas Jon has not aligned with any of the old Hunahpu and has even voted against Keith before. (To please a guy who isn't on the same tribe any more.)
And of course, Keith has an idol.

If they thought someone actually had the idol, they would have to expect that it is either Jaclyn or Keith as none of the others have been to Exile Island.
But I truly don't believe that Jon thinks Keith has one and I guarantee Jon would know if Jaclyn had one.

Keith may seem like an easy target, but the title will play a big role in the decision. Blood is blood and it's stronger than boyfriend/girlfriend.
Oh and if it wasn't enough that Keith found the idol at Hunahpu, the clues could lead to the same place for Coyopa's re-planted idol.
Since Jaclyn couldn't find it, I bet Keith could.

Alternate version 2:
The title states "Blood is BLOOD".
In a nut-shell: For those of you who think it involves a triangle where Missy is torn between a game alliance with Kelley and a blood relative, Baylor. It will come down to "Blood is Blood" and Missy will decide to go with Baylor.

Again, various things are influencing the possibilities.
Dale is confrontational and a bit of a rice-hoarder. In fact, he yells at Missy and Keith in his pursuit to self-destruct.
Can Baylor and Jaclyn look past Dale's boorishness?

Will Kelley be able to keep him as an effective goat?
Will Kelley be able to effectively shake the onus of Drew's Most Dangerous Survivor moniker?
Will Kelley soon be able to... speak her mind, with uncomplicated words about the two sides of this story? (#nowords #cantspeakmymind #itscomplicated #twosidestoastory)

Baylor and Jaclyn are seemingly stuck together.
Jon and Jaclyn are definitely stuck together.
Baylor insists she is better at this than her mother is.
Jaclyn notes that with Jon around she is a little lost about what to do.

Keith and Missy are the parents. Dale is not an effective parent.
Oh and Keith has an idol but nobody seems to know or care.
But Jon will want to burn the idol. (Which means he's looked for it.)

SOTS Bullet list

Hero Challenge: ??? VS. ???
But first... a swap.
Hunahpu wins HC and asks for food staples instead of reward item.

Exile: Jon and Wes???

Immunity Challenge:
Nu-Hunahpu wins Immunity

AV1a: Baylor/Missy, Dale/Kelley and Keith all vote for Jon.
All of them know that he doesn't have an idol and a majority of them have experienced his "dark-side".
AV1b: Baylor/Missy, Dale/Kelley and Jon/Jaclyn all vote for Keith, Keith plays an idol and Jon is booted with 1 vote.

AV2: Jon/Jaclyn, Baylor/Missy and Keith vote for Dale.

AV1 = Jon (alt. Kelley)| AV2 = Dale (alt. Kelley)

* Phew it's done and I now have 2 weeks off!
* I won't know what to do with myself. Thanks FloPo!


michel2 4545 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

10-21-14, 07:47 PM (EST)
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53. "RE: SOTS | Episode 5"
Great job, Tribe.

I'm thinking that Drew may have gotten some of his info on Kelley from Jaclyn. Dale is so bad at this game that he must have told everyone in Coyopa just how smart, just how strong and just how clever his daughter is. Baylor, Jaclyn and Jon may very well see Kelley the same way Drew did and convince Missy to vote her out.


kingfish 20752 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-21-14, 08:53 PM (EST)
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54. "RE: SOTS | Episode 5"
LAST EDITED ON 10-21-14 AT 08:55 PM (EST)


Except, how does this lead to a Natalie boot?


Outsider32 584 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

10-22-14, 01:34 AM (EST)
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55. "RE: SOTS | Episode 5"
The missing ones are the ones that switched, thats why their pictures were not shown. I don't think there's a LO duel this week because of the switch.

Flowerpower1 4388 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

10-22-14, 12:27 PM (EST)
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56. "RE: SOTS | Episode 5"
Tribe, great job as always! There are always so many paths to the boot, some seem obvious, some, not so much. But, I really appreciate your putting this out week after week, you always do a stellar job and I always get a chuckle or two out of them! Thanks!

Just wanted to add that this week we know that Jiffy will not be wearing this outfit...

But, he will be wearing this one...

Which is just like this one...

Since it is the same outfit that he wears for the Coyopa beach "quitter", can we speculate that it could be this episode...Yes. But, Jiffy is wearing that outfit on the day of the Hero Challenge, so is someone likely to quit on that day? I don't think so. We have shots of Dale, Jacklyn, and Baylor on the post IC/pre TC day...But, who knows....Jiffy could wear the same outfit everyday if he wanted to, so it's too hard to pinpoint. Most likely the quitter will do it before the tribes are merged, however, which puts it sooner rather than later.

Just something to ponder...


dabo 26942 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-22-14, 12:42 PM (EST)
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57. "RE: SOTS | Episode 5"
TY as always: even though I don't post my appreciation every week I really do try to keep up. This week I am going with Kelley as the boot. With the swap as a reminder that a merge is impending, challenge strength becomes unimportant versus numbers, and old Coyopa need to gain on old Hunahpu.

Sheldor 4681 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

10-22-14, 01:43 PM (EST)
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58. "RE: SOTS | Episode 5"
Great job Tribe!

I was wondering if Jeff will require the Reward Challenge participants to be 2 players who have NOT done a Reward Challenge:

Nu-Coyopa: Baylor, Missy, Dale, Kelley
Nu-Hunahpu: Natalie, Reed, Josh, Alec

If so, then...

For Nu-Coyopa Dale, Kelley, Missy, Jaclyn are seen after the RC so either Dale/Kelley/Missy won and chose someone to go to EI (Baylor, Jon or Keith) or Baylor lost and went to EI.

For Nu-Hunahpu Reed, Natalie, Julie, and Jeremy are seen after the RC so either Natalie or Reed won and chose someone to go to EI (Josh, Alec, or Wes) or Josh or Alec lost and went to EI.

Press Image Camp Shots this week are skewed since they hid all the players that switched (though forgot to crop out the feet of Missy and Kelley)

3: Jaclyn
2: Dale
1: Baylor

2: Julie
2: Jeremy
1: Reed
1: Natalie


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-23-14, 12:36 PM (EST)
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59. "Hindsight | Episode 5"
Well, let's see here...

SOTS Bullet list

Hero Challenge: ??? VS. ???
But first... a swap.
Hunahpu wins HC and asks for food staples instead of reward item.

Exile: Jon and Wes???

Immunity Challenge:
Nu-Hunahpu wins Immunity

AV1a: Baylor/Missy, Dale/Kelley and Keith all vote for Jon.
All of them know that he doesn't have an idol and a majority of them have experienced his "dark-side".
AV1b: Baylor/Missy, Dale/Kelley and Jon/Jaclyn all vote for Keith, Keith plays an idol and Jon is booted with 1 vote.

AV2: Jon/Jaclyn, Baylor/Missy and Keith vote for Dale.

AV1 = Jon (alt. Kelley)| AV2 = Dale (alt. Kelley)

Boy, I failed miserabley.
The Jaclyn/Baylor dynamic was expected, but did NOT turn out the way I thought it would.
Jon was clearly more kind, generous and compassionate than I took him to be.
Keith seems more bonded to Missy than I had predicted and Missy/Kelley were nowhere as close as I thought they might be.
Dale was finally, the Dale we've come to expect. A self-righteous old curmudgeon with a tendency towards tantrum-throwing. They're not eating YOUR tribe's rice. They ARE your tribe! It's their rice too!
He still does not sound like a quitter to me, but I doubt he'll last much longer anyways.
Interesting to hear that both Baylor and Missy had similar tribal experiences. Dale labeled Baylor as a trouble-maker. Somehow, Kelley, even though Missy saved her, labeled Missy a trouble-maker. Talk about non-grateful.
(I hope they continue to make trouble.)

Speaking of trouble...
Next up is Flowerpower!
She's gonna lead you down the spoiling path of least resistance for the next couple of weeks.
Until I can get my act together.

Wish her luck! Help her out if needed!
Make sure to read her SOTS before making a rash decision.
Unless of course she votes for Dale again.


Flowerpower1 4388 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

10-28-14, 09:22 PM (EST)
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60. "SOTS | Episode 6"

Make Some Magic Happen

Welcome to the episode 6, State of the Spoiling, the one stop shop for collecting the consensus across the boards as to the events of the episode. Just a quick reminder that it's a great time for all of us here at Blows to go back and give our guidelines the once over, they really are the reason we all have such a fun, exciting, and CIVIL board. As in the immortal words of S1, Colleen,

Be nice and play fair!

Most people agree that our title, Make some Magic Happen, could indeed be Dale as he tries and fakes out his peers into believing that he does have an immunity idol, therefore deflecting the vote. He knows that he is seriously on the chopping block. For all the folks that speculated whether Dale would be our quitter, I say we can rest assured...these are not the actions of a quitter! Nor is this the face of a quitter...

For a recap of the action last week, check out the East Coast Spoiler Thread, here. The tribes were swapped, 3 couples and 1 single on nuCoyopa, and 5 singles and 1 couple on Hunahpu. Luckily for Keith, there were 2 couples that couldn't get along and therefore, Jon and Jacklyn were the hottest couple period, moving them right on up the totem pole. In the end, J/J matched up with Missy/Baylor and voted the threatening Kelly out. Jiffy tells them, "after tonights TC, you can go back to camp and work together as one tribe".

Misdirection Clues, Tweets, and Press

1. In a rare move, a very hungry Hunahpu tribe makes a desperate trade for rice. This is a no brainer. The Huns have eaten wayyyy too much rice, two times per day. Josh called them out last week in confessional asking, "I am shocked people were not smarter!" Waiting until after the IC was over, Reed bravely asks Jiffy for some more rice. Here he is bringing it to them, the morning after TC...

Jiffy scolds them...

There has never been a tribe that has needed as much help. First, you lose your flint. Now, you're completely out of rice, and you need help again.

We hear that the tribe is worried...Jeremy: "Jeff is gonna clean us out. I'm not having that.", Alec: "I just hope he doesn't tear down our camp.", Julie: "I'm scared of whatever is about to go down."

To the delight of us all, Jiffy tells them, JP: I have rice, but it's going to be a stiff penalty. We KNOW that they will indeed trade for it! ;-/

2. One castaway on the Coyopa tribe concocts a plan to use a fake idol to try and insure their safety.

This is easy...After waking up, Dale sneaks his "fake" idol out of his bag and puts it in his pocket. He chases down Jon...

Dale, in confessional goes on to tell us:

Just reading the votes last night, I know who’s next, me! So, I have to do something drastic so I don’t go home. I am on the chopping block, but, I am not dead till I see my name written 4 times.

Dale catches up with Jon:
Dale to Jon: so, just so you know, I know I am on the chopping conf: it’s not a true idol, I just took it off the water well the first day here. They don’t know it’s not, but they are going to spend a couple restless nights thinking it is.

To Jon, Dale:so, I won’t be going home next time.
Jon: Okay, that doesn’t look like it

Reward Duel

We see that it will indeed be between Reed and Baylor...

This is a very tough one to here they are arriving at the IC mats...

Here is how I see it...*Baylor and Reed are both very nimble and can scale the obstacles at the hero challenge
*Baylor has her water bottle and her bag on her shoulder when she arrives at the IC. It COULD be her that went to EI. I went back and checked all the arrival mats to the IC's and the returning player from EI does NOT always go on the ends. Other people beside the returnee always bring their bag.

Making a long story short, I really think there is no way that they would send Dale to EI to get another clue to a possibly re-hidden II. So, I speculate that Baylor lost and went to EI with Josh.

Immunity Challenge

The immunity challenge vidcaps are all located in our Vidcap Thread, here.

Here are a few...They start on Jiffy's go, scale a giant wall, roll a big square structure to various obstacles that the square goes under, they flip a puzzle piece bag around a cork screw and go to the next obstacle, then solve some sort of a puzzle with the pieces....

Who wins: Press image shots post IC tell us Hunahpu wins...again!



*Show starts with a confessional from Dale on Kelly's vote out at night.
*Next AM, Jon arises to go catch some crabs, Dale follows with his fake HII in his pocket and exposes the fake. Jon says in confessional that this could really screw up the plans if it's real.
*Cut to camp Hun:

Jeremy and Reed are their chipper old selves....until...

Jiffy arrives carrying a big package....ready to employ the stiff penalty! ;-D They eagerly accept! I predict they will have to tear down the shelter...ground zero, again!
*Next up: Hero Challenge, could be food for a reward, there are smiles!


I suspect whether they split votes or not, Dale is toast. If they do split votes, I think they will put them on Keith. But, he will not play his idol, because he knows that Dale's is a fake.

*In the Media thread, located here, there are some interesting things, especially a quote from Jiffy regarding our winner,
This line in particular, "You don’t have any “favorites” to win because for every Jeremy or Josh, who seem to be playing very hard, you have a Drew or a Keith, who can mess things up because of their very different style of game play. That leaves this thing wide open for somebody to steal it."

So, sounds as if Josh or Jeremy will not be our winner....who will "steal it"?

Also, Kelly noted that Jon and Missy have a very close, almost a mother son relationship...alliances not shown will prevail? Food for thought.

For another great read, see Michel in the editing thread, Survivor 29, the Characters and their Stories.

And, Dabo in the Confessionals Thread.

Last, but not least, go and VOTE!

In honor of HALLOWEEN, I thought I would take a little stroll down memory lane. I went back and grabbed vidcaps from all the past Halloween SOTS'...enjoy! See if you remember them all!

Double LOSER

And, finally our masquerade party shots...

And, my personal favorite...



Georganna 693 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

10-28-14, 09:39 PM (EST)
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61. "RE: SOTS | Episode 6"
Thank you.

michel2 4545 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

10-28-14, 10:00 PM (EST)
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62. "RE: SOTS | Episode 6"
LAST EDITED ON 10-28-14 AT 10:04 PM (EST)

Great SOTS, FP. I really enjoyed the walk back memory lane and especially that picture of Judd, one of the funniest villains ever.

I'm with you on Dale and I think that hearing this quote tells us that there will be irony in his elimination: "I am not dead till I see my name written 4 times."
Dale think he's outsmarted them but they'll simply split the votes. He won't see 4 votes against him, only 3 but it will still be enough to "kill" him.

ETA: From what season was that broiled fish? I remember it meant something when we saw it but I can't place it.


Flowerpower1 4388 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

10-29-14, 06:44 AM (EST)
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64. "RE: SOTS | Episode 6"
Survivor: South Pacific....Ozzy after being voted out on Redemption!


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-28-14, 11:10 PM (EST)
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63. "RE: SOTS | Episode 6"
How phun!
Thanks for compiling and supplying lots of caps and links. So professional. Not like that other guy who does these.
I'm with you all the way on the major points.

Regarding the Hail Mary move by Dale.
It is noted that Jon replies.
Jon: Okay, that doesn’t look like it ...

I'm betting the editors have cut out the end of his comment. It should read...
Jon: Okay, that doesn’t look like it could possibly be an idol. Sorry, Dale, but I don't think anyone's gonna fall for it.

The story being shoved down our throats is the Hungry Hungry Hunahpu, to detour away from the let's point fingers and laugh at the old curmudgeon, because that's exactly what the episode is going to be. No one falls for Dale's attempt to play an idol. (If Jon doesn't believe it, I guarantee he'll tell both Jaclyn and Missy it's a false idol.)

I don't think they'll deflect to Keith. I think Baylor will still be Dale's target. (But Jon knows that getting rid of Baylor will alienate him from his "mother", Missy. And Keith has already claimed his attachment to Baylor/Missy, so unless Jon wants to create a tie, choosing between Dale or Baylor is kinda already made for him.)

And I believe your pick of Dale might be the correct one this week. It does look like his time has come.

Side-Note: Isn't it fun searching through the archives from time to time? Just got finished re-reading some old BTS threads. Angelfood, Estee, Spanky and a very young Rolly leading the charges. I believe it should be a yearly requirement to archive-dive. Such wealth of DAWdom.


Flowerpower1 4388 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

10-29-14, 10:37 AM (EST)
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66. "RE: SOTS | Episode 6"
Yes, Tribe, I agree that Dale will want to vote out Baylor. Still.

sn't it fun searching through the archives from time to time? Just got finished re-reading some old BTS threads. Angelfood, Estee, Spanky and a very young Rolly leading the charges. I believe it should be a yearly requirement to archive-dive. Such wealth of DAWdom.

Yes Tribephyl (started in Season 2), I love to go archive diving, and see all the old siggies of yesteryear. I even found an SOTS from Team Joisey.

Just for phun I noted when peeps of yesteryear and today began with Survivor Blows:

Season 1: Survivor Blows, AyatollahKhomeini, weltek, Icecat, skierdude10, mavsfan
Season 2: Shakes the Clown, Tribephyl, Krautboy, Bebo, Outfrontgirl, Ayak, PepelePew, dabo, ivoryelephant, Bungler, Canadagirl
Season 3: Nightscribe, Sherpa Dave, George Tirebiter, Dakota, Dan Bollinger, Canada Girl, Festerfan, JohnMc, Cowboyroo, sweetpea,
Season 4: jkokoj, Samboohoo, Team Joisey, nailbone
Season 5: DracoMalfoy, Brownroach, frisky, Veruca Salt, DeviousWeasel, Spidey, forehead, mistofleas, FSUguy, Jims02, JSlice, Volsfan, Left Pinky
Season 6: Markopolo100, RoundRobin, ThaiBeach, Drive my Car, whoami, buckeyegirl, Silvergirl1, rudyrules, Doodlebug
Season 7: munson, aethelstan, Corvis, frisky, strid333, KObrien_fan, udg, blacknwhitedog, Flowerpower, ScarlettOHara,
Season 8: miamicatt, Redbeard, Estee, dreamerbeliever, sylvester, molaholic, emydi,
Season 9: kingfish, weecama
Season 10: michel, applejack
Season 11: kircon, Vince 3
Season 12: whoami, mJewel
And, on and on!

I even found the original, "Be nice and play fair"! On page 6!

Posted by our own webby, Survivor Blows, (an original).

And, Shakes the Clown, (at the start of season 2) first flaming...sorta, here. Looking back, Shakes really helped to shape this board, not allowing off topic threads and keeping the spec organized and logical, by narrowing in on fact or fiction.

Also found a few more Halloween costumes:

Jamie and Bobby Jon...


tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-29-14, 12:56 PM (EST)
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67. "RE: SOTS | Episode 6"
I re-found my first post. A vote for Amber (leading into the Michael evacuation episode) in the official S2|Ep6. Vote thread.
Which of course, in it I admit it is my first post, but I was a devout lurker "for the last few weeks".
In truth I signed up at Blows during the "Gervase X" and "Black Gretchen" days. And I swear, I was a bit smitten with George Tirebiter, JOhnMC and mistofleas, whom I know all arrived before me.

Another thing I know...

Season 1: AyatollahKhomeini
Season 2: Ayak

AyaK is AyatollahKhomeini or was. His original nic was deemed possibly inflammatory by the powers that be. And since he was to be a blue peep, it was decided he changed nics.
One of VERY few folks whom were allowed to have multiple nics in the beginning.

And one more thing I know... is that (He whom shall not be named) "#####" is still a swear word according to this site. One of the very few peeps who was banned and scraped clean from the archives and to this day it is still a sin to type his name.
And no, it's not Shakes.


Flowerpower1 4388 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

10-29-14, 01:32 PM (EST)
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68. "RE: SOTS | Episode 6"

Thanks for the history lesson, Tribe! I love it....I knew peeps were most likely on before I noticed....I did NOT go in every thread, but really looked for the thread authors...

Now, I know Shakes did get pretty down and dirty but he was tolerated as one of our own. If you look at one of his first posts, he really did want constructive speculation based on physical evidence, but he also loved logical deduction as well. That's why I was drawn to this board because it was civil, and very logical.

But, for gosh sakes, now you really have me curious! Was he banned before Amazon? That's really when I was present for the entire season as a lurker. I came here to get answers for the Fantasy game, back in the day when they gave a CAR away as their first prize.

Come on, Tribe! What did his/her name start with, end with? Who is it? Chill one?


kingfish 20752 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-29-14, 02:12 PM (EST)
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69. "RE: SOTS | Episode 6"
LAST EDITED ON 10-29-14 AT 02:16 PM (EST)

My first guesses are both "shes", one of which is on my personal list of "he/she who shall not be named"

I started posting in the latter half of 2004. I only know this because I still have a dated wavy flag message from KOBrien noting my nakedness, and offering to cover it with a siggie. She had a soft spot in her heart for fishes.

And, as we were all to learn, flashing was my forte.

In 2005 I received the first of two (for the year) warnings for exceeding the PGness of whatever forum I was posting on. I think Icy and Bebo both conceded the humor, but they also saw the transgression. Oh well. I then knew where the line was.

Soon after that I joined Loser Lodge and we all witnessed the birth of the Dominatrix trio, of which you, FP, were one. Emydi was another, and I can’t remember the other two (yeah, we had four in our trio) except as mental images in my mind’s eye. I blame it on the liberal bar booze measuring policy then in effect at the Lodge.


Flowerpower1 4388 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

10-29-14, 03:15 PM (EST)
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70. "RE: SOTS | Episode 6"
King, I remember it well, when you arrived at a breathe of fresh air! Definitely, a sharp penned, lusty lad, always a wonderful addition to the nefarious souls at the lodge...As for the dominatrix quadruple...perhaps Vixen the Fox or Dear Abby were in? Emy...*shudder*!


CTgirl 8013 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-29-14, 04:16 PM (EST)
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72. "RE: SOTS | Episode 6"
Perhaps it was Babs AKA Wallflower? I join Loser Lodge, and you guys clean up your act (a bit!)

kingfish 20752 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-29-14, 04:32 PM (EST)
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73. "RE: SOTS | Episode 6"
LAST EDITED ON 10-29-14 AT 04:35 PM (EST)

Ah yes, Dear Abby it was. And Babs. Babushka. Maybe Kermie. I think there may have been more than four.

Ya'll were naughty. That was nice.

And you (and you too CT) are all still in my life. I am humbled.


kingfish 20752 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-31-14, 11:46 AM (EST)
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81. "RE: SOTS | Episode 6"
I think Scarlet may have been in the mix also.

tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-31-14, 12:14 PM (EST)
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82. "RE: SOTS | Episode 6"
The tri-fecta was FloPo, D'Abby and Babs.
Vix and MizScarlett were singular ladies but often played well with the members of the tri-fecta. Emydi, was the dominatrix. Not to be confused with Trixi, who was D'Abby's alter ego. CT, or Mass Peaches, was/is a very close friend of Trixi. Of which I believe that I might actually be the closest to MassPeaches, at least geographically.
Confused yet?

tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-29-14, 05:24 PM (EST)
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74. "another trip down memory lane..."
Granted, it's not current, not found on Blows and doesn't highlight any of the fine efforts any Blowhemian has contributed to the cause.
But it does highlight some of the better known spoils from S1 through S10.

Ahhhh... Tapewatcher. Uncle Camerman. Deep Kangaroo. Deb's Friends. Buff-O-Matic in Thailand. Patagonia3. Tammy with Immunity and Tom with Immunity ...
The sources, the spoilers, the slip-ups and the cover-ups.

...and my very first siggie.


Round Robin 2914 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

10-29-14, 05:41 PM (EST)
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75. "RE: SOTS | Episode 6"
I think I was here as far back as S3 in Africa. Seen a lot of great posters come and go and even got in pi$$ing matches with a few. The place just ain't as good as it once was without some of those who have left.

Brownroach 15341 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-30-14, 02:04 AM (EST)
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77. "RE: SOTS | Episode 6"
applejack! He was in Australia, and he did great analysis of the background music and how it shaped the effect of each scene and the characters involved. I loved reading his posts.

suzzee 5961 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-29-14, 10:15 AM (EST)
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65. "RE: SOTS | Episode 6"
Hilarious monkey shot! Great SOTS too. Why do I think of Tina & Colby when the mother/son relationship of Jon and Missy is mentioned.

I should be watched....closely.


Flowerpower1 4388 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

10-29-14, 06:16 PM (EST)
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76. "RE: SOTS | Episode 6"
Suzzee aka Hurley, *sigh*, wouldn't it be funny if Missy got her "son" Jon to the end and not her daughter, about sibling! Time will tell!

CTgirl 8013 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-29-14, 04:14 PM (EST)
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71. "RE: SOTS | Episode 6"
Magnificent job FloPo!

I miss the days of extra promos and 3 clues where you could really piece together the story. Now sometimes CBS hands the boot to us on a silver platter (or not, at least they keep us on our toes!) I'd also like to give a shout-out to Tribe and Scarlett O'Hara for all the photochopping they did for us SOTS authors!

I agree, I can't imagine who else would be getting the boot tonight besides Dale. These story lines are getting boring; it's time to merge these tribes!!


kingfish 20752 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-30-14, 12:33 PM (EST)
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78. "RE: SOTS | Episode 6"
No one mentions the OFG theory anymore. That was one contentious but intelligent lady.

tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

10-30-14, 06:46 PM (EST)
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79. "Hindsight | Episode 6"
BOOT: DALE....again

I say a well done job all around. We certainly weren't with the majority of feelings across the boards, we were better than them!
Who knew that Reed wouldn't pick Josh though.

Also, the pictures, the links, the wall of alumni, the walk down memory lane and the injections of humor were just perfect.

Now, to the business.
FloPo, could you please start a new thread with your next SOTS.
S29 | State Of The Spoiling | The Merge and Beyond...

And try to make me look a little better, please. By perhaps not getting everything correct.


Flowerpower1 4388 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

10-30-14, 08:11 PM (EST)
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80. "Tribe..."
I <3 you! You do so much each and every week, I would be happy to do the next SOTS, it was PHUN! xoxo


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