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Conferences Grey's Anatomy Forum (Protected)
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TR Knight rumored to be leaving the show
If it's true, will there be a void in the show for you? How would you get rid of his character? http:/%2
5 messages
02-01-07 06:21 PM
1/25 - Great Expectations episode
Ack! Great ending! We get TWO marriage proposals. One from Burke; the other one from George. I was literally hanging, and then they end it
8 messages
02-01-07 03:00 PM
Did you all see
Isaiah is going into counseling for his comments? Whats that all about? What kind of counseling to you get? and do you seriously think that he
3 messages
01-30-07 03:53 PM
Jan 18 Episode - Who else cried?
I'm not to proud to admit that I had tears. That scene when they were saying good-bye to George's dad fogged me right up. I was wondering how th
16 messages
01-29-07 10:44 PM
Congrats, Chandra Wilson
The Screen Actors Guild (SAG) voted Dr. Bailey best supporting actress. She's my favorite!!!! I love Bailey, her character
1 messages
01-29-07 05:55 PM
Did you watch the great expectation episode?!? is so please read!
First of all WOW! the last episode was intense. But in the last scene when George proposed to Callie there was an amazing song in the backgroud and
1 messages
01-26-07 02:13 PM
Greys Anatomy
I love this program, I do feel that Isaiah stepped over the line with his comments once again during his backstage interview after the awards show..
5 messages
01-23-07 01:48 PM
Golden Globe!!!!
Congratulations on the Drama Series win, Grey's Anatomy!!!!!!!!!! Kudos, too, to Hugh Laurie of "House". E
1 messages
01-21-07 03:20 PM
T.R. Knight on Ellen
What a nice guy! He doesn't dance much anymore since he was made fun of earlier. (I thought he was downright cute with Izzie though.
1 messages
01-18-07 04:06 PM
Jan 11 - Finally, a new episode!
Sooo??? What did you think?? I thought it was a good show, though I cringed when Addison and Alex almost.... Why do they have
11 messages
01-16-07 05:30 PM
I had a dream...
that I was engaged to Patrick Dempsey. Unfortunely, he was cheating on me : ( Cheesey, I know, but i've been all about Dr. McDreamy ever
1 messages
01-15-07 10:00 AM
Hiatus just too darn long
Ok, it's been way too long without a new almost made me love ER again. I need my Grey's Anatomy! http:%2
6 messages
01-11-07 10:19 PM
For Sale - TV and Boot
Of course, the fact that the boot is lodged in the screen of the TV may hurt the offers I get. Anyone else getting p1ssed about all the r
5 messages
12-21-06 12:10 PM
Grey's Anatomy...another ER?? [View All]
this show is a lot like ER, but different. it has a comedy edge to it, but not like scrubs. And gotta love Patrick Dempsey...too cute.
25 messages
12-14-06 10:15 PM
Under the Tuscan Sun
Maybe it's a known fact, but I just watched "Under the Tuscan Sun" and was stunned. First of all, I flipped out when I saw Sandra Oh (i.e.
3 messages
12-07-06 05:53 PM
Eric Dane's new movie!
I can never decide between McDreamy or McSteamy, mainly because I LOVE Eric Dane… I also saw a commercial for that movie Wedding Wars and he is a
2 messages
12-06-06 01:03 PM
Callie on Ellen
She looked great....did a lot of dancing with Ellen. They did well together. Big discussion on how to pronounce her name. Not a typical S
2 messages
12-04-06 04:02 PM
If you want a good weekly synopsis by character.....
Check this site out...well written. It changes weekly. mET// http
0 messages
12-01-06 08:47 PM
Airing questions
Is it just happening in my local market, or is this show running past 10:00 most weeks? I haven't been able to get my DVR to record to 10:1
9 messages
11-30-06 02:05 PM
November 24th episode
Wow....what power....what a stunning turn of events.....I had to stay up and watch it on my DVR and I'm glad I did.... I'm shocked at G
6 messages
11-28-06 07:51 PM
George....please get a grip already!
Okay, now I love my Georgie...but lately he has been driving me crazy with his indecision, his lack of self confidence and his inability to step u
4 messages
11-28-06 10:11 AM
Grey's Anatomy on Oprah 11/17/06
The cast of Grey's Anatomy was on Oprah on 11/17/06. Things that were discussed included: Justin (Alex Karev) is the father of
2 messages
11-20-06 12:25 PM
November 16th episode tars/55247953342ae0406900bf.jpg
8 messages
11-17-06 10:09 PM
November 9th-Male bonding.
Ah, the men go camping. They definitely make better surgeons than outdoorsman. I felt like I was watching an adult version of "Stand b
8 messages
11-14-06 11:33 AM
Nov 2 Episode - Comments?
So what's up fellow anatomians? George and Callie? Will her comment lead him to commit? Do you even want him to go there?
12 messages
11-03-06 05:05 PM
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