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"Season 38 - Edge of Extinction: The..."
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05-04-19, 04:11 PM (EST)
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39. "Episode 12 -"That Felt Good.""
That Felt Good

Previously on Survivor, a big player was eliminated but it seems like Jeff didn’t care.

Vata Night 29

Devens gave us the first interview of the evening: “Tribal Council did not go according to my plan; War Dog gets voted out. I thought I had a great relationship with Ron but this is the second time he’s lied to me and gotten rid of someone I was working with so I’m in a desperate situation right now.”

Ron’s interview: “After we vote out War Dog everybody is happy with me except for Devens because I’ve lied to him at every Tribal so I have to do something to bring him back closer. My goal is to make everyone think that I’m working with them because when everyone thinks you’re on their side they are not going to vote you out.”

That’s the nice beginning for Ron’s final episode because it shows all his satisfaction, his belief that he is running the game. We’ll see his arrogance grow during each segment of this episode.

Ron gave Devens the expired “Advantage Menu” that he had found on day one, reminding us that it was expired but since he had cut out the bottom section of the parchment, Devens didn’t know that. Ron was counting on Devens relaxing and being an easy vote

Devens’ reaction: “So Ron gives me this little menu which plays just like a regular Immunity idol. Not too shabby! I honestly don’t know why Ron would give this to me. I’m totally confused. I hope that I don’t have to rely on this advantage so I need to keep trying to play as hard as I can but I’m optimistic. I’m the Phoenix; I keep rising from the ashes.”

Day 30 – The Reward Challenge

I’ve always said that winning rewards, especially the ones that are really desired like this one, is a bad idea. The result of this episode proves it once again.

Ron won reward and picked Julie and Gavin to share it.

Victoria’s interview: “Seeing someone as important as my dad is to me and have it taken away it just sucks and it absolutely makes me think twice about what kind of relationship I have with Ron, what kind of strategy he’s really playing. If there’s ever a reward where picking someone is crucial it’s the Loved Ones visit. Who you pick can make or break your game.”

Well said but considering that no one could really argue against Ron’s choices, selecting two married couples, including one that didn’t even have time for a honeymoon, makes Victoria sound petty. Probably all four losers shared this negative sentiment but the editors’ chose to show it to us through Victoria, not a good sign for her.

Vata Day 30 – The Reward Picnic

Gavin’s interview: “Ron came through in the clutch and he picked me for this family visit so I am super grateful to him. Luckily, Carlye supports my dream but deep down inside I still feel like who doesn’t go on their honeymoon because of Survivor... I have so much to play for.”

What should we make of this interview? On one hand, letting us hear about Gavin’s reason for playing the game is essential for us to consider him as a possible winner and his personal story would certainly play well for a jury but on the other it paints Gavin as one of the biggest turncoats we’ve ever seen. Stephenie famously voted out Judd after telling Judd’s wife that they were going to the end together and the votes that Gavin would soon put on Ron feel just as evil and just as misguided.

Ron confessed all his bad actions to his husband, adding that he was in control of the game. Then he told us that his picks had nothing to do with sentimentality but were done so that he could control Julie and Gavin.

Back in camp, Devens was out searching for an idol. Wondering if someone could have sent him a clue, Aurora went through Ron’s bag.

Although most of the tribe, Lauren in particular, encouraged her, the blame went almost all on Aurora.

Aurora didn’t find anything and she was caught red handed by Devens.

Devens’ interview: “So I’ve been out searching for the idol again and I come back to camp and I see Aurora closing the flap of my bag and she’s busted but she didn’t even hide it. She doesn’t give a damn about nothing. Thank god Aurora didn’t find the advantage that Ron gave me but I also want to make it awkward for her in camp; I want to let everyone know that Aurora is going through bags. Could we trust Aurora? I’ve been searching all day and it’s a pain man! I’ve been looking all over this place and I can’t find anything but if there’s an idol out here for me to find I’m ready to put in the work because you only get one chance, in fact this is my second chance because I came back from the Edge so, if I go for it there’s nothing that I can’t do.” Finding a clue, Devens said he might have stumbled on a million dollars. The idol itself was about 15 feet off the ground and Devens told us he was afraid of heights. He added: “Survivor is a grind and I’m grinding.”

Devens would make for a very popular winner but can he make it to the end? It’s very doubtful but Survivor’s history is loaded with unlikely winners, players who faced seemingly insurmountable odds. Will this be a repeat of those stories? We’ll have to wait and see. Walking up a hill, Devens adopted a “I’m on top of the world” pose.

Vata Night 30

With an idol just sitting there in the middle of camp, Devens did what any Survivor would do; wait for everyone to fall asleep and simply go for it.

Devens’ interview: “It’s the middle of the night, it’s dark and everyone is sleeping; it’s now or never. I’m getting that idol but it’s easier said than done because it’s 15 feet up in the air in the middle of our camp. I’m going for it; I’m going to climb this tree like a ninja, get it and get the hell out of Dodge...I got away with the loot scot free. No one even knows they were robbed. When everyone else is sleeping, I’m working and it pays off. This is my salvation in the game... I’m on top of the moon.”

This scene is presented as a huge victory even if it means only three more days. So, how shall we interpret it? Is it a prelude to Rick’s victory march? It’s possible but it could also be a tip of the cap to production’s obvious favorite. They found a charismatic character so they are giving him every chance to interact with the audience even placing a commercial to serve as a cliff hanger between the scenes where he found the clue and then when he grabbed the idol.

Day 31 – The Immunity Challenge

It was a little weird seeing everyone starting on the third foot hold. I’d say that everyone survived the top two and we joined the challenge in progress.

Devens promised that he’d take all 5 of his rivals to the Final 3 if they gave it to him. Lauren rolled her eyes at that, saying that Devens had problems with math.

Lauren and Aurora were shown smiling when Devens fell. Devens only addressed Aurora, telling her that she’d become a target once he’s gone.

After his problems with math, Devens had a lesson in grammar, Aurora correcting him after he said: “You guys are doing good.”
It came down to a showdown between Lauren and Gavin and, once more, Lauren came just short.

Gavin won his second immunity challenge.

After many deviations we were back to Survivor’s Standard Operating Procedure: Ron had the Kiss-of-Death confessional spot, gloating that they had Devens right where they wanted him.

Vata Day 31

Devens had the first confessional: “ The immunity challenge was a massive failure and an embarrassment. We get back to camp and no one is talking to me, like there’s nothing to talk about. Like; OK it’s Rick. Easy! I don’t think anyone wants to work with me except maybe Ron and he may be totally full of it.”

Ron and Julie joined Devens in the woods. Julie assured him that it was going to be Aurora, 100%.

Ron, in confessional, told us they were voting against Devens but, in case he had an idol, Ron wanted Devens to vote for Aurora. He and Julie told Gavin that they were on the same page and voting Rick.

Victoria’s interview: “Tonight’s vote should be simple; even Rick knows it’s Rick. The problem is we don’t know if he has some kind of idol or advantage. At this point, we have to assume he does. If we didn’t split the votes then whoever Rick votes for goes home. But I want to be the one to decide who goes home.”

Giving this confessional to Victoria gives her credit for getting the ball rolling against Ron which is one of the most crucial votes of the season. If she is in the Final 3 she’ll certainly point to this move as her big move and the audience will agree.

Lying down on the beach, Victoria told Lauren that she’d rather be on the same side than against one another. Victoria wanted to vote Ron. Lauren really wanted Ron out of the game.

Lauren’s interview: “Ron picking Gavin and Julie for the “Loved Ones” made it very clear that he is not working with me and so he’s going to wind up on the wrong side of the numbers which I have no problem with.”

Informed of this new development, Aurora told Victoria and Lauren that she had an extra vote and that it was expiring after this vote. She asked if they believed in Gavin because her plan was to give her extra vote to Gavin because he was immune and therefore guaranteed to vote in case of a tie.

Aurora’s confessional: “If there is a tie where I am one of the names being written down, I can’t revote. So the only way to insure that my additional vote will count is to give it to Gavin because, with Gavin having immunity, he is the one person who is guaranteed to be able to vote in a revote which allows us to stay in control but I’m putting a lot of faith in Gavin. I just hope I don’t go down in history as one of the Survivor Idiots.”

While it worked out for Aurora, we have to say that her reasoning is quite circuitous. It gets even worse when we know that she voted for Devens making a tie more likely. If she had simply used her two votes on Ron then she wouldn’t have had to worry about Gavin.

The next scene showed us that it was Lauren who talked to Gavin and talked to him about their plan to vote against Ron. That is quite surprising considering that Victoria was with Gavin in Kama. It shows that the other players view Lauren as an honest person which is a great sign for her.

After talking to Lauren, Gavin had and interview: “The plan for tonight is there is going to be a majority voting for Rick Devens and then we have to decide who is going to be the next biggest threat just in case Devens pulls out an idol. They are saying it’s got to be Ron but Ron just gave me one of the greatest days of my life yesterday and now I’m supposed to turn around and blind side him. Aurora has an extra vote and she is giving it to me since I have immunity; if there is a tie vote, I’m guaranteed to vote again. I’m not sure I want to vote Ron and burn bridges before I have to. I know Ron and Julie want Aurora to be the backup plan but that could possibly damage the relationships I have made with Lauren and Victoria. It’s a tricky situation, like a double-edged sword.”

Devens had the final words: ‘For me, tonight’s Tribal Council is about figuring out if Ron is really with me. So the plan is to use what Ron gave me which he says is an immunity idol and vote Aurora out. Tada-dum-dum: Redemption for Ron or a villain in our midst? Tribal will tell and an idol ready to be played. Who will benefit and who will go home? Stay tuned for the details. I’m Rick Devens and that’s out top story at Vata Beach.”

All the questions that would be settled with this vote have nicely been established. The first question concerns Devens: How would he play it? The biggest question concerned Gavin: Would he flip on another ally? We hadn’t really seen Victoria and Lauren establishing a relationship with Gavin but apparently it was more important to the young man than the bond he had with Ron and Julie.

Tribal Council

Right off the bat, Devens informed everyone that Aurora went through his bag.
Her explanation showed she had no remorse.

That didn’t seem to sit well with the jury.

Victoria told Jeff that Devens was the most likely player to have an idol and so they needed a Plan B.
Ron pointed out that the game wasn’t as random as Jeff suggested. He knew how he would vote and with whom he would work. He didn’t say he felt safe but he thought he had an handle on what was going on.
Asked about his picks for reward, Ron said he was heartbroken for Victoria and Lauren because they had their dads there.
Lauren told Jeff that Ron’s choices were very revealing.
Gavin said he wished no one was holding a grudge against him for being selected.
Julie liked Jeff analogy that this game’s rhythm was a lot like a pinball machine because she had been in multiple alliances.
Devens felt he was being ignored by the others.
Victoria explained that she wouldn’t want to sit next to Devens in the Final 3.
Devens understood that but he described himself as an extra vote to get to the Final 3.
Gavin said it was about trusting your gut that you were with the right persons.

It was time to vote.

The cameras showed us Ron voting against Devens.

There couldn’t be any doubts about his status as a “Villain”.

Peeking over his shoulder, we saw that Rick voted against Aurora.
Lauren lifted a parchment that simply read: Ron. She said: “If you don’t go home tonight, at least there’s been a line drawn in the sand.”

Just like there couldn’t be any uncertainty concerning Ron’s vote, the viewers had to be shown who was slaying that Villain.

When Jeff had tallied the votes, Devens looked over at Ron who encouraged him to go ahead. So Ron stood and presented his Survivor menu, asking Jeff to serve him an immunity idol.
Jeff took the menu but explained that it had expired on Day 9.

Quite theatrically, Devens turned to Ron and Julie, accusing them: “Ron and Julie; you are Villains! I was already going home; you just wanted me to look stupid. So that my kids think I’m an idiot. Except, you’ve proven time and time again that you are untrustworthy and disloyal and Julie has proven time and time again that she loves lying to people’s faces so I would like to play this Hidden immunity Idol for myself. You guys are gems.”

The jury (and the audience) just loved it.

In the end, we had votes from Ron, Julie, Victoria and Aurora that didn’t count.

Rick’s vote was against Aurora as we had seen.

Lauren and Gavin’s two votes were for Ron who was sent to the Edge of Extinction.

Lauren expressed everyone’s feelings by saying: “That Felt Good”.

Everyone’s feelings? Well everyone except Julie of course.

The Story

The story is going along the line that Devens had envisioned when he tried to rally War Dog and Ron together. Ron followed War Dog to Extinction Island and Rick is in grave danger of being next. The passengers are now running the plane so we could be in for a rough landing!

The Characters

The old tenants of the Island of Extinction
Reem, Julia, David, Aubry, Chris, Eric, Joe, David, Kelley War Dog:
We had been expecting fireworks to greet War Dog but there wasn’t even a visit to the island this week. It seems a clear indication that our eventual winner isn’t on the Edge of Extinction.

The New Resident:

Ron: Reem must have a thing for older gay professors because she was quite civil when he arrived. With Devens showing how untrustworthy Ron actually is then Ron would not only have to win the return challenge but also the following Immunity Challenges. He hasn’t shown that he can win an individual challenge.

The Threat

Devens: He said that it took him a long time to find that lifesaving idol so we can assume that others spent time looking for it also. He was quite lucky that there even was an idol to find at this late date but count on production to make sure safety is available when a favorite is in trouble. It’s evident that Devens is the jury’s favorite also and it’s not only his personal charm operating; he had the chance to mingle with the three older tenants, was best friend with another and while he played a big part in eliminating Julia she has other “enemies”. He has no allies so he’s the natural target and, unless he wins out, he won’t be our Sole Survivor.

The Goats:

Julie: She wanted to be liked by everyone but, with one move that wasn’t entirely her doing, she’s become everyone’s least favorite. On a small scale, it’s another example of how power can corrupt people. She was quite likable when she was in danger but when the game changed and she found herself on top, she started doing evil things. Players could decide to keep her to the end because she’d never get any votes except for Ron’s but will they be willing to sacrifice one of the three seats?

Aurora: Here is another person that is disliked by the jury. The reactions they gave when informed that she went through Rick’s bag were unequivocal and we’ve had camp scenes that showed she isn’t the friendliest out there.

Gavin: He had a good thing going with Eric that he sacrificed to go with Julia and Victoria. Next he sacrificed his alliance with Julia to go with the numbers that Rick, War Dog and Ron had just assembled at Tribal Council. Now, he turned on Ron immediately after receiving a nice gift from the school teacher to go with Victoria again and Lauren. This tells us three things: First, the jury must not like him very much. Secondly, Victoria and Lauren should not trust him and, finally, Carlye should consider just what he will do to be with Victoria and Lauren.

The Contenders:

Victoria: It is really hard to assess her chances of winning the game because she’s had a very up and down role this season. She did tell us that she wasn’t there to make friends and that she’d betray everyone but she has been loyal at times and disloyal at others. This vote against Ron is a big accomplishment but she didn’t even vote against Ron! How will the jury evaluate that move?

Lauren: What Lauren has working for her is that she is the only player out there that can say she is trustworthy. Granted, Reem and Chris could object but the players left in the game have seen a woman that hasn’t been devious at all. Of course, that makes her a passenger but being the only Manu player that has truly infiltrated the Kama alliances then she can present a very solid case. It didn’t work for Laurel in Ghost Island when even the members of her original tribe voted against her but it has worked for Vecepia, Chris, Danni and Denise in the past. What did Laurel do wrong that can help us predict Lauren’s fate?

Well, contrary to Vecepia, Chris, Danni and Denise, Laurel had many opportunities to decide which way to go. Taking Chris in Vanuatu as our guide, he had one opportunity to flip the game and he went with three members of the women’s tribe to do it. Then he stayed loyal to those three. Vecepia, Danni and Denise also seized a big opportunity when it presented itself and then stayed loyal to the people who had betrayed their alliance. On the other hand, Laurel never flipped the game and the others never really knew on which side she stood. Instead of being seen as someone who saw her opportunity and seized it (which she did) Laurel was seen as Dom and Wendell’s puppet.

Where does Lauren stand? This vote was certainly her opportunity to change the dynamics of the game and she didn’t miss it but it was only a Plan B. Devens’ theatrics overshadowed everything else that happened during this Tribal Council so maybe Lauren needs to do a little more in order to truly impress the jury. At least they know she has an idol so they can admire her composure. They can see that she is aware of what is brewing. Otherwise she’d have wasted her idol by now.

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 Season 38 - Edge of Extinction: The...   michel2     02-03-19       
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   RE: Season 38 - Edge of Extinction:...   Flowerpower1     02-20-19     4  
   RE: Season 38 - Epsiode 1: Holy Cr...   michel2     02-23-19     5  
   Episode 2 - God! Come On!   michel2     03-02-19     6  
   Episode 3 - Easy Target   michel2     03-09-19     7  
     RE: Episode 3 - Easy Target   Flowerpower1     03-11-19     8  
         RE: Episode 3 - Easy Target   michel2     03-12-19     9  
             RE: Episode 3 - Easy Target   Flowerpower1     03-25-19     12  
                 RE: Episode 3 - Easy Target   michel2     03-25-19     13  
                     Dreamz   Flowerpower1     03-27-19     14  
   Episode 4 - New Dynamic, Same Resul...   michel2     03-17-19     10  
   Episodes 5 and 6 - The Comeback Kid...   michel2     03-24-19     11  
     RE: Episodes 5 and 6 - The Comeback...   Flowerpower1     03-27-19     15  
   Episode 7 - The Fogs of War   michel2     03-30-19     16  
     RE: Episode 7 - The Fogs of War   Flowerpower1     03-31-19     17  
         RE: Episode 7 - The Fogs of War   michel2     03-31-19     18  
             RE: Episode 7 - The Fogs of War   Flowerpower1     04-01-19     19  
     RE: Episode 7 - The Fogs of War   Sheldor     04-02-19     20  
         RE: Episode 7 - The Fogs of War   michel2     04-03-19     21  
         RE: Episode 7 - The Fogs of War   Flowerpower1     04-03-19     22  
   Episode 8 - A Pilot Wins In The End...   michel2     04-06-19     23  
   Episode 9 - You're Spilling the Bea...   michel2     04-13-19     24  
     RE: Episode 9 - You're Spilling the...   Flowerpower1     04-14-19     25  
   Episode 10 - There are Bigger Threa...   michel2     04-20-19     26  
     RE: Episode 10 - There are Bigger T...   Sheldor     04-22-19     27  
         RE: Episode 10 - There are Bigger T...   michel2     04-22-19     28  
             RE: Episode 10 - There are Bigger T...   Sheldor     04-23-19     29  
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                 RE: Episode 10 - There are Bigger T...   Chez     04-24-19     31  
                     RE: Episode 10 - There are Bigger T...   Sheldor     04-29-19     34  
         RE: Episode 10 - There are Bigger T...   Sheldor     04-29-19     33  
   Episode 11 - Sweet Revenge:   michel2     04-28-19     32  
     RE: Episode 11 - Sweet Revenge:   Sheldor     04-30-19     35  
         RE: Episode 11 - Sweet Revenge:   michel2     04-30-19     36  
             RE: Episode 11 - Sweet Revenge:   Sheldor     05-01-19     37  
                 RE: Episode 11 - Sweet Revenge:   Bebo     05-01-19     38  
                     RE: Episode 11 - Sweet Revenge:   michel2     05-04-19     40  
   Episode 12 -"That Felt Good."   michel2     05-04-19     39  
     RE: Episode 12 -"That Felt Good."   Flowerpower1     05-05-19     41  
         RE: Episode 12 -"That Felt Good."   michel2     05-05-19     42  
             RE: Episode 12 -"That Felt Good."   coldbrewer     05-05-19     43  
   Episode 13 - Playing Hide n' Seek:   michel2     05-12-19     44  
     RE: Episode 13 - Playing Hide n' Se...   Sheldor     05-13-19     45  
         RE: Episode 13 - Playing Hide n' Se...   michel2     05-14-19     46  
             RE: Episode 13 - Playing Hide n' Se...   Sheldor     05-19-19     47  
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