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""Be The Survivor" S36 Ep09: "Sea Sl..."
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michel2 4544 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

04-21-18, 03:25 PM (EST)
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4. "RE: "Be The Survivor" S36 Ep09: "Se..."
>The Commission is merely disclosing its
>findings and publishing its appropriate
>conclusions. It is the RESPONSE
>from a bored viewer who
>is contradicting the Aruba Commission.

Finding #6 had nothing to do with the latest episode. It was just a pathetic attempt to rile me up.

>#1 - A player would consider
>making up an advantage to
>further themselves in the game.
>Tony helped his cause by
>making the advantage of the
>Idol with Special Powers greater
>than it really was. Yes,
>it comes with a risk,
>but risks and big moves
>win seasons.

But Tony DID have a super-duoer idol to protect himself. Jenna would be asking them to flush out her advantage with nothing to protect her.

>#2 - The same accusation was
>thrown at the Warren Commission
>for refusing to acknowledge an
>unproven conspiracy theory about a
>second gunman in the grassy
>knoll. Such are the criticisms
>all Commissions have to deal

You really need to rewatch the Seinfeld episode where Kramer accuses Keith Hernandez of spitting on him. Commissions are OFTEN wrong and more often their reports are put on a shelf to collect dust which is all they are worth.

>#3 - It’s not necessarily about
>winning or losing; it is
>about putting out an effort
>and not wimping out.

But since he wanted to throw that IC then looking like a wimp was perfect for Wendell. As long as he doesn't wimp out when he needs to win immunity.

>#4 - Criticizing the nauseating embellishment
>has been the Commission’s business
>from the onset. It is
>only in a bored viewer’s
>“script” that would suggest over-exaggerated
>emotion be the reason for
>a re-invite.

Jenna and Amber got re-invited to the first A$$ because of that.

>#5 - “Hey Laurel; hey Donathan...forget
>the fact you are currently
>part of the most powerful
>alliance so far this season
>with not only one, but
>TWO HIIs. Why don’t you
>throw that all away because
>I have a burnt stick
>with a face on it.”
> LOL. “Hi Jenna...what’s
>up? I’ve got an F---ing
>stick in my pants that
>will make you forget about
>eyelash boy forever.” LMAO. Those
>“scripts” wouldn’t even work in
>a Fairy Tale.
>If alliances were formed only among
>those who never casted a
>vote against a former tribemate,
>then pretty much everyone would
>go rogue and be playing
>the game by themselves.

Did you miss the part where BOTH Laurel and Donathan talked about getting rid of Wendell. If Michael had offered a better alternative, he could have gotten them on board. The problem was why get rid of Wendell if it's to giove the game to Michael?

>#6 - The Commission concludes “intellectualism”
>went into the hopper years
>ago when spinology, proposed “scripts,”
>and self-serving conspiracy theories were
>posted on these Boards.

Doubt is the mother of wisdom.

I seriously doubt the accuracy of what we're shown. You'd be wise to put just an ounce of doubt in that Kool-Aid.

>#7 - Castaways could have Rip
>Van Winkled their nights during
>Season One and it would
>not have matter with no
>idols or advantages to be
>proactively searched for and found.

Probst wasn't talking about finding idols but about sleeping comfortably thinking that you are a sure bet to make the Final 3. Gervase entered the merger thinking that his amicable manners would be a sure ticket to the Final 3.

>#8 - The Aruba Commission did
>not realize it was conversing
>with Mr. Jim Early who
>appears to be SO definitive
>that no idols or advantages
>were out there to be
>found this past episode.

The idol at the Naviti camp was found a long time ago and there were no games to be played at GI so it stands to reason that no idols were available. Anyway, what makes YOU so sure that Libby didn't didn't spend at least SOME time looking for an idol?

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Table of Contents
  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 "Be The Survivor" S36 Ep09: "Sea Sl...   RollDdice     04-18-18       
   RE: "Be The Survivor" S36 Ep09: "Se...   Aruba     04-19-18     1  
     RE: "Be The Survivor" S36 Ep09: "Se...   michel2     04-21-18     2  
         RE: "Be The Survivor" S36 Ep09: "Se...   Aruba     04-21-18     3  
             RE: "Be The Survivor" S36 Ep09: "Se...   michel2     04-21-18     4  
                 RE: "Be The Survivor" S36 Ep09: "Se...   kingfish     04-22-18     9  
                 RE: "Be The Survivor" S36 Ep09: "Se...   Aruba     04-23-18     15  
                     RE: "Be The Survivor" S36 Ep09: "Se...   michel2     04-23-18     18  
                         RE: "Be The Survivor" S36 Ep09: "Se...   Aruba     04-24-18     24  
                             RE: "Be The Survivor" S36 Ep09: "Se...   michel2     04-25-18     27  
     RE: "Be The Survivor" S36 Ep09: "Se...   kingfish     04-22-18     8  
         RE: "Be The Survivor" S36 Ep09: "Se...   Aruba     04-23-18     17  
   I never done nothing to her...   kingfish     04-21-18     5  
     You've never done nothing funny   michel2     04-22-18     6  
         RE: You've never done nothing funny...   kingfish     04-22-18     7  
             RE: You've never done nothing funny...   michel2     04-22-18     10  
                 RE: You've never done nothing funny...   kingfish     04-22-18     11  
                     RE: You've never done nothing funny...   michel2     04-22-18     12  
                         RE: You've never done nothing funny...   kingfish     04-23-18     13  
                             RE: You've never done nothing funny...   michel2     04-23-18     14  
                                 RE: You've never done nothing funny...   kingfish     04-23-18     20  
                                     RE: You've never done nothing funny...   michel2     04-23-18     22  
                                         It's only a big deal in your hea...   kingfish     04-24-18     23  
                                             RE: It's only a big deal in your...   michel2     04-24-18     26  
                                             RE: It's only a big deal in your...   kingfish     04-25-18     29  
                                             RE: It's only a big deal in your...   michel2     04-25-18     30  
     RE: I never done nothing to her...   Aruba     04-23-18     16  
         RE: I never done nothing to her...   michel2     04-23-18     19  
             RE: I never done nothing to her...   kingfish     04-23-18     21  
             RE: I never done nothing to her...   Aruba     04-24-18     25  
                 RE: I never done nothing to her...   kingfish     04-25-18     28  

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