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"Dear LOJ...."
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DrKegel 430 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

09-03-06, 11:13 AM (EST)
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83. "RE: Dear LOJ...."

I think what's being left out here is what James said to Hi, Honey aka Chenbot. He made a remark that Kaysar aligned himself with CT before anything even started. Now is this true? Was it careful editing that was done so as not to tarnish Kaysar's rep?

As for respecting either ho's gameplay, can't do it. Dani and James were stupid to align themselves with CT, but they did it at a time that BB6 had the power and, more importantly, the didn't spread their legs and think that this was acceptable gameplay. Both ho's did. Dani and James were also thinking for themselves. The latest HOH's nominations were enough to sicken anyone, but especially someone that hates to see women being so stupid as to believe known liars ... and actually share a bed with them before they confirm anything being said.

The more I think about Will, the more I love his gameplay. He hit everyone on their Achilles' heel. He did it with Kaysar when he said his move to get rid of floaters was "brilliant." (No, Will! You get rid of alliances first - like CT! But you did plant that seed of the "evil" floater.) And telling Dani that she was the smartest player to never win and that she should have won her season. (Not! Everyone knows the last time around Dani acted like a scumbag - being likeable enough to get a vote is part of the game. Or creating an villainous likeable character like Will did. She failed in this aspect.) And Howie didn't know what hit him. Spent the entire game looking like a cast member of Lost.

The "ho" aspect and the not thinking for themselves aspect is why I don't think either Janelle or Erika deserve to win. Spending the game more horizontal than vertical and thinking this is somehow admirable gameplay is silly and telling as to how these two chicks operate. And it broke my heart to see Janie Bird brain drag Will into the other room to discuss who was going up for nomination this last time around. And she just did what he said like a little whupped puppy dog. Not to mention the way he keeps her off balance by these fights and telling her secrets she spills to him. Yikes! And the truth is that both Janie Bird brain and Erika had the chance to win. As we say on the farm,

"They both been done whupped but good."

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Table of Contents
  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 Dear LOJ....   shakes the clown     08-31-06       
   RE: Dear LOJ....   Buggy     08-31-06     1  
     RE: Dear LOJ....   nailbone     09-01-06     54  
   RE: Dear LOJ....   MarkP     08-31-06     2  
   A janelle and Erika duet   AyaK     08-31-06     3  
     RE: A janelle and Erika duet   nailbone     09-01-06     55  
   Dear shakes...   ARnutz     08-31-06     4  
     RE: Dear shakes...   shakes the clown     08-31-06     5  
         RE: Dear shakes...   ARnutz     08-31-06     6  
             RE: Dear shakes...   alwaysintruble1     08-31-06     7  
                 wow   shakes the clown     08-31-06     8  
                     Speaking of Will....   true     09-01-06     11  
                     RE: wow   alwaysintruble1     09-01-06     12  
                         double wow   shakes the clown     09-01-06     14  
                             RE: double wow   alwaysintruble1     09-01-06     21  
                             RE: double wow   sarasota55     09-01-06     28  
                             RE: double wow   nazpink     09-01-06     49  
                         RE: wow   nailbone     09-01-06     56  
                     RE: wow   yamihooked     09-01-06     35  
                         speaking of dumb   shakes the clown     09-01-06     39  
                             RE: speaking of dumb   KScott     09-01-06     41  
                                 RE: speaking of dumb   ARnutz     09-01-06     47  
                             RE: speaking of dumb   yamihooked     09-01-06     75  
                 RE: Dear shakes...   Hooters     09-01-06     9  
                     RE: Dear shakes...   nailbone     09-01-06     57  
     RE: Dear shakes...   rjrabbit     09-01-06     76  
   RE: Dear LOJ....   JoshInSGV     09-01-06     10  
     RE: Dear LOJ....   Glass     09-01-06     13  
         wrong   shakes the clown     09-01-06     15  
             RE: wrong   Glass     09-01-06     17  
                 RE: wrong   nazpink     09-01-06     50  
             RE: wrong   Miami Joe     09-01-06     27  
                 RE: wrong   Fishercat     09-01-06     52  
             RE: wrong   nailbone     09-01-06     58  
         RE: Dear LOJ....   JoshInSGV     09-01-06     16  
             RE: Dear LOJ....   Glass     09-01-06     18  
                 RE: Dear LOJ....   JoshInSGV     09-01-06     20  
             RE: Dear LOJ....   sarasota55     09-01-06     29  
                 Except...   AyaK     09-01-06     44  
                     RE: Except...   tamarama     09-01-06     53  
                         RE: Except...   AyaK     09-01-06     72  
                     RE: Except...   true     09-03-06     82  
   RE: Dear LOJ....   Bob Tomato     09-01-06     19  
     RE: Dear LOJ....   realityshowgeek     09-01-06     22  
   RE: Dear LOJ....   Ahtumbreez     09-01-06     23  
     RE: Dear LOJ....   fedcamper     09-01-06     24  
         RE: Dear LOJ....   sportsjoe67     09-01-06     25  
             RE: Dear LOJ....   yamihooked     09-01-06     37  
                 RE: Dear LOJ....   kary1371     09-01-06     40  
                     RE: Dear LOJ....   tamarama     09-01-06     51  
   RE: Dear LOJ....   brvnkrz     09-01-06     26  
     RE: Dear LOJ....   kary1371     09-01-06     30  
         RE: Dear LOJ....   nailbone     09-01-06     59  
             RE: Dear LOJ....   kary1371     09-01-06     69  
   RE: Dear LOJ....   Snidget     09-01-06     31  
     RE: Dear LOJ....   tamarama     09-01-06     32  
         RE: Dear LOJ....   kary1371     09-01-06     34  
         RE: Dear LOJ....   abbahammer     09-01-06     36  
             RE: Dear LOJ....   kary1371     09-01-06     38  
                 RE: Dear LOJ....   abbahammer     09-01-06     43  
                     RE: Dear LOJ....   kary1371     09-01-06     45  
                     RE: Dear LOJ....   tamarama     09-01-06     46  
   RE: Dear LOJ....   yamihooked     09-01-06     33  
     are you serious????   shakes the clown     09-01-06     42  
         Can it   AyaK     09-01-06     48  
             RE: Can it   yamihooked     09-01-06     67  
         RE: are you serious????   Estee     09-01-06     61  
             RE: are you serious????   nailbone     09-01-06     62  
                 RE: are you serious????   Estee     09-01-06     64  
                     RE: are you serious????   nailbone     09-01-06     65  
         RE: are you serious????   yamihooked     09-01-06     66  
             RE: are you serious????   Estee     09-01-06     68  
             RE: are you serious????   man5996853     09-03-06     87  
   RE: Dear LOJ....   Captain_Savem     09-01-06     60  
     RE: Dear LOJ....   ARnutz     09-01-06     63  
         RE: Dear LOJ....   man5996853     09-01-06     70  
             RE: Dear LOJ....   kary1371     09-01-06     71  
                 RE: Dear LOJ....   Bob Tomato     09-01-06     73  
                     RE: Dear LOJ....   Captain_Savem     09-01-06     74  
                         RE: Dear LOJ....   Glass     09-01-06     78  
                             RE: Dear LOJ....   MarkP     09-02-06     79  
                     RE: Dear LOJ....   man5996853     09-01-06     77  
                         RE: Dear LOJ....   marius     09-02-06     80  
                             RE: Dear LOJ....   Glass     09-02-06     81  
                         RE: Dear LOJ....   AyaK     09-04-06     93  
                             RE: Dear LOJ....   yamihooked     09-04-06     94  
   RE: Dear LOJ....   DrKegel     09-03-06     83  
     RE: Dear LOJ....   yamihooked     09-03-06     84  
         RE: Dear LOJ....   sabj     09-03-06     86  
         RE: Dear LOJ....   geg6     09-05-06     104  
             RE: Dear LOJ....   kary1371     09-05-06     107  
             RE: Dear LOJ....   nailbone     09-05-06     124  
                 RE: Dear LOJ....   sabj     09-05-06     131  
     RE: Dear LOJ....   true     09-03-06     85  
         RE: Dear LOJ....   kary1371     09-05-06     108  
   RE: Dear LOJ....   Bob Tomato     09-03-06     88  
     RE: Dear LOJ....   Buggy     09-03-06     89  
         RE: Dear LOJ....   Bob Tomato     09-03-06     90  
         RE: Dear LOJ....   michel     09-04-06     91  
             RE: Dear LOJ....   Issis257     09-04-06     92  
     RE: Dear LOJ....   nailbone     09-05-06     98  
         RE: Dear LOJ....   Buggy     09-05-06     100  
             RE: Dear LOJ....   nailbone     09-05-06     102  
         RE: Dear LOJ....   kary1371     09-05-06     109  
   RE: Dear LOJ....   tribephyl     09-05-06     95  
   RE: Dear LOJ....   KaysarMolester     09-05-06     96  
     RE: Dear LOJ....   sportsjoe67     09-05-06     97  
         RE: Dear LOJ....   nailbone     09-05-06     99  
             RE: Dear LOJ....   Buggy     09-05-06     101  
                 RE: Dear LOJ....   nailbone     09-05-06     103  
                     Bros before Hos and....   Issis257     09-05-06     106  
                         RE: Bros before Hos and....   kary1371     09-05-06     110  
                 RE: Dear LOJ....   AyaK     09-05-06     105  
                     RE: Dear LOJ....   Bob Tomato     09-05-06     111  
                         RE: Dear LOJ....   Savahnna     09-05-06     113  
                         RE: Dear LOJ....   nailbone     09-05-06     120  
                             RE: Dear LOJ....   Bob Tomato     09-05-06     128  
                                 RE: Dear LOJ....   nailbone     09-05-06     129  
                                     RE: Dear LOJ....   Bob Tomato     09-05-06     130  
                                         RE: Dear LOJ....   nailbone     09-05-06     132  
                         RE: Dear LOJ....   man5996853     09-05-06     123  
                             RE: Dear LOJ....   nailbone     09-05-06     125  
                     RE: Dear LOJ....   Savahnna     09-05-06     112  
                         RE: Dear LOJ....   Issis257     09-05-06     114  
                         RE: Dear LOJ....   nailbone     09-05-06     126  
                             Yes   AyaK     09-05-06     135  
                                 RE: Yes   Savahnna     09-05-06     136  
         RE: Dear LOJ....   man5996853     09-05-06     122  
   RE: Dear LOJ....   kary1371     09-05-06     115  
     RE: Dear LOJ....   Issis257     09-05-06     116  
         RE: Dear LOJ....   sportsjoe67     09-05-06     117  
             RE: Dear LOJ....   Bebo     09-05-06     118  
         RE: Dear LOJ....   chappi66     09-05-06     119  
             RE: Dear LOJ....   yamihooked     09-05-06     121  
                 RE: Dear LOJ....   nailbone     09-05-06     127  
                     RE: Dear LOJ....   seahorse     09-05-06     133  
                         RE: Dear LOJ....   nailbone     09-05-06     134  
                     RE: Dear LOJ....   yamihooked     09-05-06     137  
                         RE: Dear LOJ....   2thDr     09-05-06     138  
   Attention LOJ   shakes the clown     09-05-06     139  
     RE: Attention LOJ   2thDr     09-05-06     140  
         RE: Attention LOJ   Sues     09-05-06     141  
     RE: Attention LOJ   Bob Tomato     09-05-06     142  
     RE: Attention LOJ   nailbone     09-05-06     143  
         RE: Attention LOJ   frisky     09-06-06     147  
     RE: Attention LOJ   yamihooked     09-05-06     144  
     RE: Attention LOJ   true     09-05-06     146  
         RE: Attention LOJ   frisky     09-06-06     148  
             RE: Attention LOJ   Sketchyboi     09-06-06     149  
                 RE: Attention LOJ   frisky     09-07-06     168  
   RE: Dear LOJ....   KaysarMolester     09-06-06     150  
     RE: Dear LOJ....   sportsjoe67     09-06-06     151  
   RE: Dear LOJ....   okaychatt     09-06-06     152  
     RE: Dear LOJ....   Miami Joe     09-06-06     153  
         RE: Dear LOJ....   abbahammer     09-06-06     154  
   RE: Dear LOJ....   Jims02     09-06-06     155  
     RE: Dear LOJ....   AyaK     09-06-06     156  
         RE: Dear LOJ....   Captain_Savem     09-06-06     157  
             RE: Dear LOJ....   Issis257     09-06-06     158  
                 keep dreaming   shakes the clown     09-06-06     159  
                     RE: keep dreaming   sabj     09-06-06     160  
                     RE: keep dreaming   Captain_Savem     09-06-06     161  
                         RE: keep dreaming   shakes the clown     09-06-06     162  
                             RE: keep dreaming   Ahtumbreez     09-07-06     170  
                         RE: keep dreaming   AyaK     09-07-06     172  
                     Shakes Shakes Shakes   Issis257     09-06-06     167  
                         RE: Shakes Shakes Shakes   MakeItStop     09-07-06     171  
                             ?   IceCat     09-07-06     174  
                                 RE: ?   nailbone     09-08-06     177  
             RE: Dear LOJ....   AyaK     09-07-06     173  
                 RE: Dear LOJ....   yamihooked     09-08-06     175  
                 RE: Dear LOJ....   JoshInSGV     09-08-06     176  
                     RE: Dear LOJ....   AyaK     09-08-06     179  
         RE: Dear LOJ....   okaychatt     09-06-06     164  
     RE: Dear LOJ....   okaychatt     09-06-06     163  
         RE: Dear LOJ....   Jims02     09-06-06     165  
             RE: Dear LOJ....   man5996853     09-06-06     166  
             RE: Dear LOJ....   JoshInSGV     09-07-06     169  
                 RE: Dear LOJ....   Quest     09-08-06     178  

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