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"James and Jai?"
Sagebrush Dan 9983 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-13-04, 02:18 AM (EST)
3. "RE: James and Jai?" |
I didn't see Boy Meets Boy cuz ain't got no cable.I found most of the guys on PIS annoying, and the production itself was dead (about all they did was fight about who was gay and who wasn't). I did like the hot tub scene with whats-his-name in his underwear. The woman in PIS had all the charisma of a weed eater. IMHO, I believe that Queer Eye perpetuates stereotypes, but not in a bad way. It shows the fun and acceptability of those stereotypes. It shows that those stereotypes are of value to society. In the past, being into interior design or hair stuff was a point of mockery; Queer Eye has turned those things into something to celebrate. Like in the late 1960s and early 1970s, it was taboo for African American men to tap dance; Gregory Hines managed to turn that stereotype into something worth celebrating. What Gregory Hines did for tap, I believe the guys of Queer Eye are doing for gay stereotypes. I used to build miniature floats for pretend parades when I was a kid. In a town of 150, that's a bit odd. I also twirled baton in grade school (I became the class mascot--they were too young and too sheltered to be homophobic). I went through my time of horror that I did that, but now I celebrate it, thanks in part to Queer Eye. Now I'll go PM you that I answered this. CASH Secretary of Hospitality
Handcrafted by RollDdice The fool that persists in his folly becomes wise.
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jeffred 39 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"
08-24-04, 01:03 AM (EST)
23. "RE: James and Jai?" |
I wouldn't be surprised if James and Jai were seen together, but that doesn't mean they are together. Jai and Robb are very good friends. Robb and James have been hanging out together while James was in New York for his Play (My Big Gay Italian Wedding).
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