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anotherkim 14420 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

08-18-04, 09:31 PM (EST)
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I was all prepared to be loving Will. He was on the ball, playing low key, tossing out little zingers here and there, planting a little doubt, working the side-alliances...then this week...BAM. What a total pill! I can only guess that Karen-exposure has totally fried his brain. His self-righteousness over Adria not constulting him is laughable since he said that he didn't WANT to be involved. He has whined, b!tched and moaned more than anyone since Ally. I cannot wait to see him gone. Good riddance.

--I hate Karen even more.


  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: Will....bah!!! motormouth 08-19-04 1
   RE: Will....bah!!! vixie 08-19-04 2
       RE: Will....bah!!! nicalai 08-19-04 3
           RE: Will....bah!!! RealityAddict 08-19-04 4
               RE: Will....bah!!! vixie 08-19-04 5
                   RE: Will....bah!!! bdemoney 08-19-04 6
                       RE: Will....bah!!! rileybbfan 08-19-04 7
                           RE: Will....bah!!! vixie 08-19-04 8
                               RE: Will....bah!!! Lasann 08-19-04 9
                                   RE: Will....bah!!! vixie 08-19-04 10
                                       RE: Will....bah!!! Just Plain Bill 08-19-04 11
                                           RE: Will....bah!!! vixie 08-19-04 12
                                               RE: Will....bah!!! poochie 08-19-04 13
 RE: Will....bah!!! munson 08-19-04 14
   RE: Will....bah!!! vixie 08-19-04 15
 RE: Will....bah!!! Gypsy39 08-19-04 16
 RE: Will....bah!!! whoami 08-19-04 17
 RE: Will....bah!!! Nanook 08-19-04 18
   RE: Will....bah!!! Just Plain Bill 08-20-04 21
 And the Lex award goes to..... true 08-19-04 19
   RE: And the Lex award goes to..... Gypsy39 08-19-04 20
   RE: And the Lex award goes to..... redheaded_sweetheart 08-20-04 22
   RE: And the Lex award goes to..... sum1smum 08-20-04 25
       RE: And the Lex award goes to..... true 08-20-04 26
           RE: And the Lex award goes to..... bdemoney 08-20-04 27
               RE: And the Lex award goes to..... true 08-20-04 28
                   RE: And the Lex award goes to..... bdemoney 08-20-04 29
                       RE: And the Lex award goes to..... RealityAddict 08-20-04 31
                           RE: And the Lex award goes to..... true 08-20-04 34
                       RE: And the Lex award goes to..... true 08-20-04 33
                           RE: And the Lex award goes to..... bdemoney 08-20-04 35
                   RE: And the Lex award goes to..... Lasann 08-20-04 36
   RE: And the Lex award goes to..... Estee 08-20-04 30
       RE: And the Lex award goes to..... bdemoney 08-20-04 32
 RE: Will....bah!!! yourstruly 08-20-04 23
   RE: Will....bah!!! munson 08-20-04 24
 RE: Will....bah!!! Toasted_N_Texas 08-20-04 37
   RE: Will....bah!!! Gypsy39 08-20-04 38
   RE: Will....bah!!! twinpoweractivate 08-20-04 39
 RE: Will....bah!!! vixie 08-21-04 40

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motormouth 4507 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

08-19-04, 00:09 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Will....bah!!!"
As much as I hate to, I think I agree. I am hoping he can redeem himself (if he stays) next week. Karen is a nut. (not the good kind)

*Courtesy of IceCat*


vixie 727 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

08-19-04, 02:20 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: Will....bah!!!"
Yep, Karen has a corner on the psycho dept this game, I think. Compared to Jases sophomoric antics during his brief reign, she is the queen.
They're coming to take her away, haha, they're coming to take her away, hehe...the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time, and Ishe'll be happy...oooooops! That was a Freudean slip if ever I've made one!
The dog is innocent this time!

nicalai 133 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

08-19-04, 08:43 AM (EST)
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3. "RE: Will....bah!!!"
karen's voice has this weirdness about it. everytime she speaks, it just makes me cringe and kind of get scared.

RealityAddict 327 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

08-19-04, 09:05 AM (EST)
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4. "RE: Will....bah!!!"
Karen's voice is nasaly and yuck! I, too, cringe when she speaks...especially when she draws out her words when she's trying to be funny in the diary room...SHUT UP PLEASE!


vixie 727 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

08-19-04, 10:25 AM (EST)
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5. "RE: Will....bah!!!"
Oh, I always thought she was dragging out her words cuz she was spacing out and forgetting what she was about to say.

bdemoney 745 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

08-19-04, 10:34 AM (EST)
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6. "RE: Will....bah!!!"
Ok, I'm sure this is going to go over like a lead balloon, since it seems no one else feels this way, but I just wanted to take a minute out of my day to say some nice things about Karen.

First, she's not a b*tch, so you can't really dislike her for that reason. Yes, she is a little crazy, but aren't we all? (hee, hee) In fact, I think if I was stuck in a house with a bunch of other strangers 24/7 and my every move was being filmed it would drive me crazy too!

Personally I like she, Will, Nakomis, and Marvin and am rooting for one of them to win. I am not a big fan of the twins anymore and have never really liked Diane much. I am still reserving my opinions on CB and Drew. Sometimes I like them, other times they bug me.

Now I know this is the bashers board and everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I just feel that Karen is getting a really bad rap, so thought I'd say something nice about her for a change....


rileybbfan 53 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

08-19-04, 11:15 AM (EST)
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7. "RE: Will....bah!!!"
that was nice bdemoney. personally i don't have anything against karen either like you said. yea she is a little looney but hey it keeps the live feeds interesting, hehehe.

vixie 727 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

08-19-04, 11:25 AM (EST)
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8. "RE: Will....bah!!!"
Okay, okay fine! I actually do like her, too. Yes, a supreme loon..but being a somewhat, sometimes recovered nutcase myself (bwahahahaha) SHUT UP DOG, I am! Anyway, I know for a fact that I would be round the bend were I locked in there for long. And talking to myself...please, I do that detail. Given a few weeks in a house with a dozen others, my former personality disorder would pop right back into existance, of this I am positive. Anyway, I don't dislike her, I actually agree in that I'm pulling for Nakomis, Marvin, Will (I know, I know) and Karen above the others. No likey twinies no mo.

Lasann 3616 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

08-19-04, 11:41 AM (EST)
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9. "RE: Will....bah!!!"
I don't get why Karen is a loon. She has been absolutely right about the sub-alliances. She talks about it, maybe too much, but she is an observer and knows what's going on. I think she is a little more introverted than the others and that's why she comes off looney - just my opinion, being an introvert myself. I have been routing for Nakomis and Will all along and this week hasn't changed my mind. Talk about loons, Adria was a loon when she was on the block, she has been a loon this week. Once a loon aways a loon (without analysis which she will never recognize she needs). What about that????!!??

vixie 727 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

08-19-04, 11:57 AM (EST)
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10. "RE: Will....bah!!!"
Welcome Lasann, I couldn't agree more about Adria...what a looney crybaby she was. But so far as Karen is concerned, I would never imply that being looney excludes one from being observant or intelligent. I'm just saying, from experience ya takes one to know one. I'm just saying...

Just Plain Bill 76 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

08-19-04, 12:15 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: Will....bah!!!"
Having only seen the broadcasts and not the live feeds, Karen hasn't come across that looney until very recently. In fact, during the first couple of weeks she got virtually zero 'face time' on the air.

But seeing anyone's bizarre or irrational behavior as time in the house gets longer and longer, reminds me of Mike's comments to JC upon being the first evicted. He said that he had no idea that being sequestered in an environment like BB would be so psychologically stressful and that he wasn't sorry to get out of there in the slightest. Mike is a 'regular guy' and not a 'wannabe' anything and I took his insider's view as accurate. I'm thinking that being totally isolated with no distractions -- TV, music, books -- is a heckuva lot tougher than it appears from the outside.


vixie 727 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

08-19-04, 12:43 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: Will....bah!!!"
Couldn't agree more, Bill. The Jase and Scott show precluded much normal behavior from Karen starting off. I still say, "Takes one to know one" and I'm THE one!
DEAL DOG, deal!

poochie 12 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

08-19-04, 05:28 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: Will....bah!!!"
Count me in on the "Will, Marvin, Karen,& Nikomas fan club". The only looniness I see on Karen's part is when on a couple of occasions she talked to herself. (oh man, I can do that too once in awhile) The girl is smart and observant. Actually, I think of all the women in the house, she would be the one I would feel most comfortable with.

Adria lost me this week, Michael never had me, though he equally has had my sympathy and has annoyed me, manipulating Diane is walking around feeling guilty as Will professes his misguided faith in her and Drew is proving a doofus. True, a very cute doofus but, for now, he's Diane's little kissy lapdoggy and totally ineffectual in the game. Natalie, wellll, trying to keep her separate from youknowwho (okay, it's Adria) and thus, am reserving judgement.

Just my two cents worth.


munson 1314 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

08-19-04, 06:30 PM (EST)
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14. "RE: Will....bah!!!"
I have to disagree but just a little. I still like Will's catty remarks in the DR and think he can still provide a laugh or two, even if he did start to take the whole thing too seriously. And since I despise the twins, his behavior this week played just about right with me.

I do find it interesting that your Will bash couldn't be sustained for more than two posts until it turned into a Crazy Karen thread!


vixie 727 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

08-19-04, 09:13 PM (EST)
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15. "RE: Will....bah!!!"
nodding (wagging) Good grief, can't I do anything by myself? (sneeze)

Gypsy39 12 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

08-19-04, 09:43 PM (EST)
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16. "RE: Will....bah!!!"
Will was my favorite at first as was Karen, now I despise both of them with a passion. WIll, what a crybaby loser. He gave a 100 percent to who? Adria? I don't think so. He was backstabbing her the whole way. Karen is a liar and a phony. She has also backstabbed. I liked both of them until they started turning on thier alliance a couple of weeks ago and throwing the HOH to let everybody else take the heat. And then what about thier secret alliance? Just those 2, that's not lying? If I just watched the show, I might feel different. But I read the live feeds and W&K have been anything but virtuous, but they put down everyone else for not playing clean. And their constant ref. to them being Dani and Jason, please! At least D&J knew how to play the game. Nacomis is a freaking weirdo! Talking about knives and bashing peoples faces over a game? Get a grip. Her constant patting herself on the back for that Jase strategy, get over yourself. Marvin, I've warmed back up to him. I didn't like him this week, but it's hard to stay mad at him because he is likeable. I'm glad he got to stay. I would rather see Nac and Karen gone first. THe rest are tolerable, for know. I don't really care who wins, none of them I'm inlove with. I just don't want to see N&K win.

whoami 2936 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

08-19-04, 10:17 PM (EST)
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17. "RE: Will....bah!!!"
I never did like Will from the start. He always seemed to be fake to me in everything he did. Now that he was on the block his true colors came out, good riddens that he is gone now.
The way he treated A after he was voted off was bad sportsmenship. If A goes next week they will be in the serquester house together for one week and have a long time to talk things out.

You know, I spent a fortune on deodorant before I realized that people didn't like me anyway.


Nanook 189 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

08-19-04, 11:07 PM (EST)
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18. "RE: Will....bah!!!"
Will is a crybaby and a sore loser. Has he forgotten this is a competition for $500,000? All the other houseguests left with grace. Why couldn't he? He's also a hypocrite, because he was plotting against the twins. Also, what about his secret alliance with Karen? I'm sure Nakomis will be happy when she finds out about that. Will's comment "if karma is a boomerang, I'll be seeing you sooner rather than later" was so idiotic. If Adria joins him next week, it has nothing to do with karma. His meeting with Julie Chen was the saddest display ever. All he did was b*tch, whine, pout, and cry. Turning his head in disgust and making a cross with his fingers during Adria's goodbye message was so childish. I would have expected a little maturity from a medical professional. Funny how he talked about Adria showing her true colors, because he has certainly shown his this week. Thank God I don't have to watch him anymore.

My liking for Nakomis is also diminishing. I really liked her in the beginning. She should have stuck with the long purple hair, because it seems when she got rid of it, she got rid of her class. Maybe when she dyed it red, it was one dye job too many, and the chemicals seeped into her brain, making her a pompous @ss. This ungrateful child didn't even apply to be on this show. She was asked, only because of Cowboy. She should show some gratitude.

It must have been that the exposure to Karen really has warped both Will and Nakomis. They were both likable people who turned ugly.


Just Plain Bill 76 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

08-20-04, 00:36 AM (EST)
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21. "RE: Will....bah!!!"
> I would have expected a little maturity from a medical professional. Funny how he talked about Adria showing her true colors, because he has certainly shown his this week. Thank
God I don't have to watch him anymore. >

The venting was a tad much. It's interesting how the departure talks can really impact one's impressions. Jase & Scott both went up in my book (they couldn't have gone any lower, actually) when they left. Regardless of their behavior inside, they came back to the real world. Will's reaction was disappointing. He should be heeding his own words re karma.


true 9689 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

08-19-04, 11:29 PM (EST)
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19. "And the Lex award goes to....."

Congratulations Will, you can pick up your parting gifts, including a mirror, at the door. Enjoy your stay in delusion land.

What a BABY! I'm really no Adria fan, but puhleeze....POT meet KETTLE!

Funny how Will forgets that he was targeting the twins from the moment they entered the house...granted, he didn't have the balls to nominate them himself, he'd have just kept throwing HOH competitions til someone else got them out for him.

I think Adrias approach was all wrong, but she was right on target not to trust Will. The hideous lies he told when he got out, about Jesus coming to her in her sleep, were a really low blow, and flat out wrong. She never once said that.

His actions, and crying, whining, lying, comments tonight prove that Jase and Scott had more class in their fluff filled mandanas, than Will has in his entire body.

And don't even get me started on Julie Chen. What a poor excuse for a host. She should have called him out on his lies, and she should have pointed out that he was not exactly the loyal team player he was professing to be. I'm not even sure she has any idea what goes on in the house, and whoever writes her questions should be fired. To let Will viciously attack another player, without any question is horrible television, and this isn't the first time she's done it.

I also have to LOL at Diane and Jennifer. Could it have been any more obvious that they were both trying to throw HOH to the other one? What a couple of wimps. Now she can put up the twins with a clear conscience, no tough game moves for her, oh no. It will be interesting to see if the twins handle the situation better than Will did. Somehow I doubt they'll spend 7 straight days making nasty personal comments about Jennifer.

yeah, well, my butt launched a thousand tug boats just yesterday. --Executive Princess Pooh


Gypsy39 12 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

08-19-04, 11:50 PM (EST)
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20. "RE: And the Lex award goes to....."
Nanook and true, I totally agree with both of you. I about gagged when Will was sobbing about giving 100 percent. Give me a break. And all nak's talk about the twins being the new Jase and Scott. Will and Nak were the Jase and Scott. Thier behaviour was totally nasty in the house. No reason for it. Especially Nakomis. The threats and the word she used for N&A, I could never call my worst enemy (and I'm no saint) zero respect for her. Yuck! I agree about Jase and Scott. At least they left with some diginity. More than I can say about Will. What a joke.

redheaded_sweetheart 276 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

08-20-04, 00:50 AM (EST)
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22. "RE: And the Lex award goes to....."
I absolutely agree with you -- Will is as totally full of himself as Jase ever was and as for Julie Chen, has she ever called out a contestant for their behavior?!

sum1smum 63 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

08-20-04, 03:16 PM (EST)
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25. "RE: And the Lex award goes to....."
Somehow I
>doubt they'll spend 7 straight
>days making nasty personal comments
>about Jennifer.

Actually, I just quickly read today's live feed report over at TVClubhouse (slow day at work today), and the twins have been recorded sitting on the hammock, doing just that.... They're not looking too admirable these days.


true 9689 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

08-20-04, 03:34 PM (EST)
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26. "RE: And the Lex award goes to....."
Actually, I just quickly read today's live feed report over at TVClubhouse (slow day at work today), and the twins have been recorded sitting on the hammock, doing just that.... They're not looking too admirable these days.

I'm not doubting you, but could you post a link to this conversation? I've been watching the feeds, and I haven't seen them personally belittle or bash anyone the way that Will and co. did constantly. Not to say they won't start when they get nominated.

yeah, well, my butt launched a thousand tug boats just yesterday. --Executive Princess Pooh


bdemoney 745 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

08-20-04, 03:57 PM (EST)
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27. "RE: And the Lex award goes to....."
Here is what I read in a live feed transcript from last night (8/19) located at: which states:

Adria says Nakomis makes her ill. She should not have come to Adria and told Adria what Adria should have done. Adria resents being preached at by someone ten years younger than Adria, and predicts they will hear some asinine speech tomorrow with Nakomis telling everyone she’s made a decision for the best of the house. Which would be unlike their week, I guess, with it’s pretty ceremony speeches and preachy lectures about how to play on a team. Their raw feelings don't stop Natalie from finding Nakomis after the food competition, drawing her aside for a big hug and a straight up, “I love you, girl, no matter what you do.” Not everyone can say they’ve hugged their blood enemies today.

Personal aside--Granted it's not 7 days worth of b*tching but Nakomis had only been HOH for a couple of hours when they started ragging about her, to then turn around and say they "love" her. That seems worse to me than what Will did last week. At least he made his disdain for A/N known to them. (to a degree)

Also see this listed at TV Clubhouse from today's live feeds:

Just came back onto feeds to find Adria and Natalie making fun of Nakomis.

Saying that they can just imagine the House meeting where Nak will talk about the house decision about putting up both of the twins.

Now saying that Nak should have kept smoking as she is so different since being on the patch (!!!)

Just what I was able to find when combing the live feed transcripts breifly. Sounds like whoever is on the block (or planning on being nominated, in this case) just starts ragging about the HOH in question...


true 9689 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

08-20-04, 04:11 PM (EST)
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28. "RE: And the Lex award goes to....."
Thanks bd! I was watching the feeds last night, and I had a different take on the twins conversation, and it's obvious the above contains quite a bit of bias.

The twins told Will they loved him too, and honestly, I think they did like him, but they knew that he was more of a threat to them in the game. The have been more rational, and less emotional than Will had been. Not that I'm saying they were right, or smart, just less emotional. Like Jase said "it's just a game." Will acted like they killed his first born.

As far as the other quote goes, I can say with fair certainty, that quitting smoking does cause one to have a change in personality, not always for the more pleasant. (at least initially)

Things may change, but I don't think any of that ranks up there with the "demon spawn" "Rosemary's baby" comments, or the physical threats, that were used toward the twins by Will and Co.

Of course, some catty comments are expected in this type of show, but if you've seen the live feeds, it's obvious which side is the most catty, and cruel.

yeah, well, my butt launched a thousand tug boats just yesterday. --Executive Princess Pooh


bdemoney 745 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

08-20-04, 04:23 PM (EST)
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29. "RE: And the Lex award goes to....."
I will have to keep in mind when reading live transcript feeds that people's words may be distorted or become biased in a certain way...I have a tendency to take things on face value when I read them. Forgetting that there will probably be an obvious slant.

That being said, I am still not a big twins fan, and am hoping one of them gets booted this week! But know there are many out there who really like them. Guess it just depends on how you perserve all of the craziness in the house!


RealityAddict 327 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

08-20-04, 04:27 PM (EST)
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31. "RE: And the Lex award goes to....."
money and true -- you guys have been so polite to one another in these recent posts even though you seem to disagree...I really like that! This makes for good reading. Thanks for posting informatively and not freaking out when someone doesn't nod to everything you type


true 9689 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

08-20-04, 04:33 PM (EST)
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34. "RE: And the Lex award goes to....."
Thanks! Very nice of you to say that.

yeah, well, my butt launched a thousand tug boats just yesterday. --Executive Princess Pooh


true 9689 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

08-20-04, 04:32 PM (EST)
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33. "RE: And the Lex award goes to....."
Luckily for me, I don't have to take sides, as I don't like any of them! heehee.

I have gone back and forth, and right now, I'd say CB is the least annoying to me, and just last week, I thought he was the most annoying. LOL!

I'm not a twin fan either, but I don't hate them. I think they've been taking a lot of heat for stuff that they didn't really do/say. That's what bothers me enough to post, I guess.

yeah, well, my butt launched a thousand tug boats just yesterday. --Executive Princess Pooh


bdemoney 745 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

08-20-04, 04:37 PM (EST)
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35. "RE: And the Lex award goes to....."
Isn't it funny how our opinions can change so quickly on people inside the house? One minute you like them, the next you can't stand them. Guess that's what makes it all kinda fun to discuss!

By the way reality, thanks for the compliment. That is probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me around here (and probably the only compliment I may ever receive on these boards) so I will cherish your words!

True, thanks for the discussion........appreciate it! Now all, please resume in the Will bashing, as this thread is truly intended to do....


Lasann 3616 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

08-20-04, 06:40 PM (EST)
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36. "RE: And the Lex award goes to....."
I guess that the "effect" of the remarks depends on which side you're pulling for. I find A/N otherwised known as "tweedle dee and tweedle dum(b)-a, as being rude, nasty and extremely catty. Will's remarks made me laugh - his wit amuses me.

Estee 57126 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

08-20-04, 04:26 PM (EST)
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30. "RE: And the Lex award goes to....."
His actions, and crying, whining, lying, comments tonight prove that Jase and Scott had more class in their fluff filled mandanas, than Will has in his entire body.

I'll be the first to say it. I'm going to regret saying it, and I don't believe I'm saying it -- but... comparison to Will, I miss Scott and Jase. Particularly given their respective exits. No matter how the Horsemen acted in the hamster cage, they left with a degree of class. Will?

'This is Will.'
'This is Will's hissy fit.'
'Complain, Will, complain.'

Not that I want to see any of them go back in the house, or appear on any other reality show again. But there's something to be said for the way you act on your way out. The Horsemen had it. Will couldn't even spell it.


bdemoney 745 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

08-20-04, 04:29 PM (EST)
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32. "RE: And the Lex award goes to....."
'This is Will.'
'This is Will's hissy fit.'
'Complain, Will, complain.'

I still like Will and have to admit this had me rolling! Too Funny, Estee!!!


yourstruly 64 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

08-20-04, 03:01 AM (EST)
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23. "RE: Will....bah!!!"
I like to lurk and very seldom see myself so riled up
that I think about writing. However, Will made me so sick
not only am I taking the time to register. I am also actually going to vent.

I do not care how the HG play the game as long as I am entertained. If they want to be fools, I will laugh the
louder. However, Will's viscous attacks and his outright lies really put me over the edge.

Attacking her faith and expecting her to respect his, turning her nominations into a "I hate gays and blacks" thing, being hypocritical about what he himself would have done.

Why was he so paranoid before noms about going up? He was not any other time. Because he knew if he was A he would put himself up. He was hoping she was dumb enough not to. What did he expect that everyone was just going to let him and Karen just stroll to the win. When came down to it, he did not even have the balls to fight. He was furious that he would even have to. How dare anyone put me up?

I found the names such as demoness and Rosemary's Baby offensive. What does it say about one's own character to so attack another.

Disgusting!!!! To think I was rooting for him just over a week ago. Well hello, Will. Take off your blinders, baby, and take a good look at yourself.


munson 1314 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

08-20-04, 02:34 PM (EST)
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24. "RE: Will....bah!!!"
Will's entire performance was hilarious!

Best. Eveiction. Ever.


Toasted_N_Texas 9 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

08-20-04, 07:32 PM (EST)
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37. "RE: Will....bah!!!"
LAST EDITED ON 08-20-04 AT 07:41 PM (EST)

I still like Will and thought his exit was the best of all. So what???, Scott and Jase left gracefully but it is the only thing they did graciously. I found Will's commentary on the twins to be hysterical as did all my friends. A/N make me sick because of two reasons bringing the bible into the game and her ridiculous speeches. Faith has its place but not in a Reality Game! I seriously am offended by that and A's nomination speech would have sent me on a warpath too! As Marvin and Will seemed to go on.

I know that W/K/Nak were plotting against the twins early on but has anyone considered that it was when it came down to when they had too not before Drew and CB were out (the remaining 4 horseman that made everyone's life a living he!!). But I see no condemantion for Drew who in my opinion in the most spineless, wimpiest contender ever on BB.

Oddly enough after all this Marvin and Nak are my favs and hope to see them in the final 2!


Gypsy39 12 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

08-20-04, 11:05 PM (EST)
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38. "RE: Will....bah!!!"
WIll and Karen have been plotting for A to leave weeks ago, not just when it got down to the bitter end. I went back on the live feeds from 8/3, I'll just type some of the major points as it's a long feed. 1."Will tells Karen that he will tell Marvin that he has his back and not make any promises. Karen agrees and she doesn't want him to know about her and Will. " 2. "Will said he has to do damage control with Jase and tell him that it was a last minute decision by Diane to have Scott evicted." 3."Will said if Marvin gets the next HOH, then he would ask Jase who to put up and that would be Adria, so they will be safe. Karen says she feel like losing the HOH comp.on purpose so that Jase would win and get Adria out and Will agreed." They did throw that comp., Karen walked off early on and Will walked off towards the end, securing that he was safe. I remember this last HOH Karen and WIll discussing throwing this one too. In fact Marvin was supposed to win it(most of that alliance had agree to throw it) and K&W knew the twins would be Marvins target. So, no they didn't personally put them on the block but they certainly plotted to get them there so they could keep thier hands clean. In retrospect, I don't think Adrias noms were all that smart. Diane was the one that suggested A put up Will, she also told A WIll was gunning to get her out. A put him up as a pawn and to also see what his reaction would be. I guess she did expose the W/K/N alliance, but I think I may have done it different. She WAS smart to get rid of WIll.

twinpoweractivate 20 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"

08-20-04, 11:08 PM (EST)
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39. "RE: Will....bah!!!"

>I know that W/K/Nak were plotting
>against the twins early on
>but has anyone considered that
>it was when it came
>down to when they had
>too not before Drew and
>CB were out (the remaining
>4 horseman that made everyone's
>life a living he!!). But
>I see no condemantion for
>Drew who in my opinion
>in the most spineless, wimpiest
>contender ever on BB.

well you know what Adria beat him to the punch, why wait around hoping you might get HOH again before will and his girls do? Unfontunetly it didnt work out well for Adria since she or Natalie will be gone next week, Let's just hope neither of them act like a big 'ol baby


vixie 727 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

08-21-04, 00:17 AM (EST)
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40. "RE: Will....bah!!!"
DAng this is fun! It's like watching a tennis match on crack. I go back and forth in my opinions, I love em, I hate em, no...wait, I love em. GIVE ME MORE, I SAY, MORE~!
No really, I just love you guys.
And there's little I like more than an intelligent discussion from multiple points of view and not offending one another (or biting) Whether I'm in it personally, or reading I just love IT!
Okay, so there are a few things I like more.


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