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"I've had enough of these hypocrites"
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FesterFan1 5947 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

09-08-03, 11:09 AM (EST)
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"I've had enough of these hypocrites"
OK, I get that they've been cooped up in the house for over 2 months, but can these people hear themselves talking? Ali talking about "liars", Jun hating Erika for trying to cut a deal, give me a friggen break.

Hey Ali, ya know who's a bigger liar than you? Nobody, that's who. Don't get me wrong, it's called "playing the game", but don't go throwing stones, hon. Your house is made entirely of glass.

And Jun? You don't get to be pissed that Erika is trying to play Robert. Remember Jee? Remember working that angle to death? Just because it's Erika's turn now doesn't give you the right to be playa hatin'.

I'm about sick of these 4 whining and moaning. And could they wait more than 5 seconds after someone has left the room to start talking about how much they "hate" that person? They are the fakest human beings on the planet, and Ali is their ringmaster. She never fully grew out of 12-year-old girl mode, did she? She was a cheerleader? Shocking.

I wouldn't believe one single word out of any of their mouths at this point. If Donny takes her back, he's the biggest idiot in the entire world. OK, the second biggest. Nathan is the biggest for using wasting his veto on her lame ass.

Kill me now.


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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: I've had enough of these hypocr... managerr 09-08-03 1
 RE: I've had enough of these hypocr... strid333 09-08-03 2
 RE: I've had enough of these hypocr... Joyful 09-08-03 3
 I hate Alison the most AMAI 09-10-03 4
   RE: I hate Alison the most tamarama 09-10-03 5
       RE: I hate Alison the most AMAI 09-11-03 7
   RE: I hate Alison the most Violet Nyte 09-15-03 11
 RE: I've had enough of these hypocr... whoami 09-10-03 6
 RE: I've had enough of these hypocr... Tilwee 09-12-03 8
   RE: I've had enough of these hypocr... tamarama 09-15-03 9
       RE: I've had enough of these hypocr... Tilwee 09-15-03 10
 RE: I've had enough of these hypocr... tamarama 09-17-03 12
   RE: I've had enough of these hypocr... Deonna 09-17-03 13

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managerr 1959 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

09-08-03, 11:23 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: I've had enough of these hypocrites"
It's gotten to the point where it's silly. In the early Big Brother's demonizing your opponent to try to get other people to vote them out seemed to work a lot. But as other players have caught on, everyone demonizes everyone else--but at the same time no one takes anything seriously anymore because they all trash talk about each other--and know that they are all trash talking each other.

strid333 2928 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

09-08-03, 01:53 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: I've had enough of these hypocrites"
I totally agree. I hate them all. I understand that you have to tell some lies and do some scheming, but trash talking every two seconds about something that you are doing yourself (lieing or switching sides) gets very annoying, very quickly.

These girls especially are so shallow with high school mentality of being popular and cute and being mean to the unpopular. They are the kinds of people I just steer away from. I personally like hanging out with guys more (and not in a flirty manner either) just to avoid the cattiness and b#(%*iness of shallow girls.

The depressing thing is that I think that I want Robert to win. Ugh.

Three is the perfect number.


Joyful 232 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

09-08-03, 02:49 PM (EST)
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3. "RE: I've had enough of these hypocrites"
I agree!

I can't stand Ali and Jun. And I am shocked at myself actually hoping for a Robert/Erika finale. I'm not even really looking forward to the finale, the only thing I can't wait to see is Ali getting the boot out of that house without the 500 grand OR the 50 grand second place prize.
I'm not even watching the show on Tuesday because I'd rather eat glass then see that obnoxious toothy smile Ali puts on everytime she has some power.

Ali wants to go to the final with Robert, she has said that a couple of times. I only hope that she gets rid of Jun this time so she doesn't risk making Robert mad just in case he wins the next HOH as well. But I'm afraid as soon as Ali won the veto Erika might as well have just packed her bags.

Everyone who hates Ali, do the unthinkable, hope that Robert wins the next HOH as well, that's the only way Ali will get the boot she so richly deserves!!!


AMAI 1254 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

09-10-03, 02:12 PM (EST)
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4. "I hate Alison the most"
Well said everyone. The hypocracy IS sickening, and I felt really embarrassed for Jun doing it too - Alisnot we know is a contemptible pig, but I've been liking Jun quite a bit and find it a little harder to forgive.

The bit in Tues. night's show that REALLY made me ill, was Ali snotting in the DR after Erika put on the show of "save me save me" after Ali won the DPOV. Good christ, doesn't Ali ever get a joke? Can she ever say something that acknowledges she understands how people deal with situations?

I loathe her so much, that Alisnot, that when she's onscreen I make noises so I don't have to listen to her wank and quack. The thought that that idiot is going to become a lawyer absolutely turns my stomach.


tamarama 1785 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

09-10-03, 02:54 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: I hate Alison the most"
I agree (almost) completely...

Except that I'm still willing to give Jun a bit more credit. Her most horrible snits are when she's WITH Ali--she's mirroring Ali's behavior.

Why do I think that's more of an act than when she's with the others? Because her DR comments aren't as juvenile & vicious as Ali's are.

I'm not saying she's being truthful when she's with R/E -- I fully believe she wants F2 with Ali and will tell whatever lies she needs to in order to get there. I just think that the worst of her vitriol is staged to keep Ali with her.

We've seen how paranoid Ali is -- if Jun didn't participate whole heartedly in the "I hate" sessions, Ali would get even more suspicious.


AMAI 1254 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"

09-11-03, 07:40 AM (EST)
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7. "RE: I hate Alison the most"
Good point, tamarama. At least now I can go back to rooting for Jun to win this.

What is very interesting is that these F3 seem to have forgotten that everything that goes on in the LFs is being transcribed. Do they not think (esp Robert, who is hoping to have some kind of relationship after the show with Erika) that she won't find out what was said in the house after her departure?

I did enjoy Wed.'s show, partly I think because Erika was so happy to leave, that I was happy for her.

Of course, once I go back to reading the LFs I go back to being pissed off, but the Wed show did perk my spirits up a good deal. It's just too bad that the rest of the season is going to be mostly sickening thanks to Alisnot.


Violet Nyte 165 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

09-15-03, 07:02 PM (EST)
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11. "RE: I hate Alison the most"
Right on.

Ali sickens me. I thought what Erika did was funny. I would have laughed. These HGs are too serious, too fake and too disgusting.

However, I've been rooting for Jun since nearly day one, so I really hope she pulls it off.


whoami 2936 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

09-10-03, 08:24 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: I've had enough of these hypocrites"
I agree. It is like the saying "it is ok for me to do it but not for you". How much worse can Ali get? Why won't she just go away. Jun was real bad this week also. Is her true side coming out now that Jee has left? Maybe. Well it will all be over in a couple of weeks, won't it?? I am trying to figure out why I am still watching the show. I have been hoping for Erika and Robert in the final two. I would not like to have any of these people as friends, if they act this way in the "GAME". It is hard for me to believe that they learned how to do all this lieing, backstabing, minipulating, playing mind games and be this good at it in just the time they have been on the show. They must be at least partly this way in real life.

The way you play a game is how you are in real life when push comes to shove.


Tilwee 143 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

09-12-03, 10:47 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: I've had enough of these hypocrites"
""I wouldn't believe one single word out of any of their mouths at this point. If Donny takes her back, he's the biggest idiot in the entire world. OK, the second biggest. Nathan is the biggest for using wasting his veto on her lame ass.""

Yep.. right on the money there, Fester !

I would love to be a fly on the wall when she gets back to town and sees Donnie. Remember her under the covers with Justin ?? That would be enough for me, if I were him, to give her the boot.If he has half a brain, he would have had to lose all trust in the girl.
How do you bring her home to mama after all her slutty behavior?? You know they must be talking up a storm in her home town. I wonder if anybody has gone up to him and said " Hey, by the way, she was acting like that with me at the last party ??" I think a person's true character comes out after two months !! You can run, but you can't hide.


tamarama 1785 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

09-15-03, 01:45 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: I've had enough of these hypocrites"
>>Remember her under the covers with Justin ??<<

Excellent point!! If Donny's developmentally delayed, she may have been able to convince him she was just flirting for strategy, but that particular incident blows it. It's not hard to figure out what she was doing -- by where her hands went & by Justin's reaction. So how was that integral to her strategy?

>>I wonder if anybody has gone up to him and said " Hey, by the way, she was acting like that with me at the last party ??"<<

I wouldn't be surprised by this at all. I'd also like to hear what his teammates are saying in the lockerroom.


Tilwee 143 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

09-15-03, 04:05 PM (EST)
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10. "RE: I've had enough of these hypocrites"
You bet cha !!
I would think at this piont he would almost HAVE to give her the boot in order to save face with his buds.
Or like someone else already mentioned, he could hang around for the money if she won. And boy, would I milk that if I were him.
Well, on seceond thought, I wouldn't, but maybe he would !!!!!!!
Doesn't she seem to be the kind of girl that NEEDS a guy around all the time ??
As soon as there wasn't anyone around that she had to come on to, she was wailing for Donnie.

tamarama 1785 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Herbal Healing Drugs Endorser"

09-17-03, 04:33 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: I've had enough of these hypocrites"
>>The three HGs are in the kitchen and are discussing the show and how popular it and they are. Allie said it may be the #1 show, it is bigger that Survivor. Rob was talking about people stopping them on the outside to ask questions like on the chat. How exciting this year was compared to other years. On and on<<

From Clubhouse.

Hysterical. How Ali can figure this is bigger than Survivor.



Deonna 2425 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

09-17-03, 05:12 PM (EST)
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13. "RE: I've had enough of these hypocrites"
Do you remenber JaiME-ME from BB1? She too thought that they were bigger than Survivor. She found out the truth the hard way. So will Ali.


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