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"Survivor China: Episode #1 Insider Clips"
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michel 10958 desperate attention whore postings
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09-21-07, 12:48 PM (EST)
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"Survivor China: Episode #1 Insider Clips"
LAST EDITED ON 09-21-07 AT 02:16 PM (EST)

Tribal Council: Zhan Hu cast their votes during the first TC:

Frosti (Votes Chicken): "It's all about harmony, man."

Ashley (P.g.): "I'm voting for P.g. because I think the group already has a leader and that's Dave. And I think Chicken's the wrong choice because we need the strength of a man to build a shelter right now."

Erik (Chicken): "Sorry, man. There's too much information going on in the tribe and they say you're aligned. I didn't know who to believe so I'll go with the numbers."

Sherea (Chicken): "I'm voting for you because you act like you're not playing the game but you really are."

Chicken (Ashley): "Just bad luck. Wrong time, wrong place."

Jaime (The chicken man) "You kept lying way too much."

Dave (Ashley): I'd like to see you actually applying more of what we've read."

Peih-Gee (Chicken): "Chicken, you get my vote because you lived up to your name and you were too afraid, too shrewd to step up to anything. And we don't need that right now."

My impression is that Dave knew what was going on but sent a message vote to Ashley rather than put Chicken's name down. He had a bond with Chicken but I think Dave is still in the loop.

Here are the other clips. Thanks to James Barber at Sucks for the transcription of these clips:

Dave on his Tribe

Dave describes what's going on with his new Zhan Hu tribe. What would he change about it? Find out now.

"I'm trying my best to provide suggestions that might be better than what's going on, or to provide some direction. The way things are happening aren't necessarily how I would do them, but I'm not the leader of this tribe. I don't want to be the leader of this tribe. I've already taken enough initiative as it is, and I'm a little concerned it might already be too much. At the same time, we've got a very young tribe, and there's a lot of chitty-chatty going on. I'm not gonna blow the whistle, I'm gonna keep working, I'm gonna make stuff happen, try to find a way to govern my mouth and my actions (laughs) and only let the positive and the productive come through."


"I've been to China before."


"And I've been looking forward to this experience, to have another facet of China, one that I would not do on my own. I would not put my time or energy forth to come here. I only have so much of it, and I've got things to do. It's just not in my curriculum to go on vacay here. I was beautiful seeing the bamboo forests on the way up to the temple. I saw some unusual patterns in the mountains, wondering what it was, then I found out wow man, that's that massive giant bamboo. How cool. I've always wanted to cruise through a giant bamboo forest. Got to see one, haven't got to go through one yet, but I'm sure I might get the opportunity. Other notes: I'm pretty happy with my tribe. It isn't the ideal tribe that I would've picked if I had the choice. Half of it is and half of it will have to do. You make do with what you have. Youth and the girly chitty-chat's definitely not getting us anywhere, but like I said before, I'm not the one to blow the whistle or be the mom or pop to this whole team, so I'm just gonna roll with it."


"I think the two blondes, Ashley and Jaime, and this is gonna sound crappy, but you get one girl start chatting and WHAM! it's a coffee clatch. Sherea is kind of on it. I think Jaime needs some more focus and so does Ashley. I think Peih-Gee can go both ways. At the same time, we're not nearly as productive as we could be."


"And that's just something I think comes from the newness, from youth. I probably used to be that way back 15 years, still am on occasion, but we've got stuff to do. Sun's moving, it's gonna get dark."


"The tribe is thoroughly unfocused. Chicken's 47, I'm 37, seems like everyone else is in their mid-early 20's. I have perhaps on my side the youthfulness of me and the goofiness of me that tends to break the ice or lighten things up. Maybe Chicken's just 20 years down the road or not able to bridge that gap, but Chicken and I get along and I get along with everyone else there. I've got a lot of tolerance and patience. I mean, look at me! (laughs hysterically as he points out that his chest and arms are covered in mud) I'm actually kind of a pig in poop right now, you know? How prudent can you get? It's not cold, haven't gotten accosted by anything, haven't cut myself or tweaked myself hard."


"We've got a lot of resources if we can just put the imagination and focus together and just get it done. Although what do you expect from a bunch of people who've never done this before? Chicken and I are probably the closest people have come to doing this kind of stuff. Me doing the stuff in Africa and him being from Virginia and camping and fishing and hunting stuff. The two of us can't carry a tribe of eight. Everyone else is very inexperienced with this stuff, and what do you expect for day one? I think we're doing great. Could be worse!" (laughs hysterically again)


Soon after having his torch extinguished, Chicken gives his final words. Find out how he really feels about being the outcast of his tribe.

"It was kind of a shock that the young group didn't come together. I don't think they ever will. They're not playing the game by category or whatever, they're just playing by the seat of their pants. I put a lot of thought into it, but I never got nowhere. If it'd been a group of older people and one younger person, it would've been the same situation. The outcast would've went first, I think. When I drew my buff at the temple I knew eight out of ten that if I was up for it I'd be out (?), without a doubt."


"I always said it takes a lotta luck to win this game. It takes a lotta damn luck to just stay in the game. I always said if you had the horse (?) you'd always be in the game, but mine just dropped out, so I guess I'm history. There's no one more proud that's ever been in this position. I've been such a small, small part of one big adventure. It's truly an honor to be here, without a doubt."

Courtney Vents

Listen in as Courtney tells us how she feels about the first few days at her new camp.

"I know I come across as abrasive and really super-opinionated, and a female being really outspoken and being kind of like, if you're not overly chirpy-chirpy, everyone's overly suspicious and like, 'What's her problem? Why are you being so negative?' I'm not being negative, I'm just not being ridiculous like you. (!!!) I'm not going to dance around with a handful of daisies while we have nothing to eat, nothing to drink, nowhere to live. This isn't like let's all go out and...the first day we were here, the majority of the really positive people in the group wanted to sit down eight different times to have a pow-pow. I was like what are you talking about, we haven't done anything. Then it was like, 'Who is good at relay races? Raise your hand!' and I was like (makes embarrassed face) You know what, guys, why don't we figure out where the water is kept here? There's a well, we have a map.You wanna look at that? No? No? We're going to talk about being positive? Alright."


"It's weird though, because I actually do kind of make friends easy, but I can't deal with people being completely fake upfront. Todd, for example, the first day here, was like (mocking voice), 'Let's have a pow-wow, let's talk about strengths and weaknesses, and why did everyone want to be on Survivor.' Are we in a Girl Scout camp? What is going on now? Can't we just have these discussions as they come up? Do we have to sit down together by the fireplace with no fire in it and talk about all of it. It's so contrived and weird. It seemed like the first day was everyone's vying for their platform to be like (fake voice), 'Look at how great and positive I am, I'm so great. Let me pretend to be interested in you so I can tell you about myself.'"


"No, I don't think I'm easy to get along with. (laughs) I think eventually people can just wear me down and I'll find something I like about you and make you feel comfortable. It's hard. If I think you're stupid and I don't want to talk to you, I have a hard time being, I'm not a good bubbly faker."


"The thing I noticed with the teams today, seeing them all together and being with my team, I kind of thought I got the bunk team a little bit, a lot of misfits and not a lot of personality people - which I still think - but anyway, we have like such a dichotomy, we have some of the really big people and the really small people, so we have more options for different kinds of things. The other team seems homogenized, young, Southern, and just like, 'Yeah, let's go!' They only have Chicken as the older guy."


"My gameplay right now is I'm still not sure about anybody in this tribe right now. Everyone seems to be too into it, and too committed, and too guarded. They're all a bunch of Survivor junkies and have spent years plotting and planning about what they're going to do when they're on Survivor. Now they're here and I'm like, 'Oh man.' I've had a couple of people be like (fake whispering) with me already, but you can't trust that. Who knows what they're trying to pull, you know what I mean? It's not been enough time, it's been two and a half days of miserableness, which has kind of bonded us together. We all literally have to huddle together like dogs at nighttime to not die. I'm shaking now, I'm cold, I weigh seven pounds." (laughs)


"Anything I can deal with but the rain, the constant rain, and not having any place dry to put anything, not having anything dry to change into, not having any towels to dry off on, any place to get warm. It's horrible. (laughs) I'm small. I shake. On top of it we have not really drinking water yet, not really food yet. I can starve and lay out in the sun and be like, 'I don't care.' Today, as hot as it got, fine. But the constant monsooning rain every day is demoralizing and miserable. All our feet are turning into dead people feet, cadavers. We all have trench foot. We have no floor. We live in a mud puddle. Everything is squished, we sink four feet below the ground. Everywhere we go. In our camp, by the lake, over here, everywhere we go it's just mud. You can't walk in your bare feet. You can't put on your tennis shoes. They have not been dry since the first day we got here. My socks were white I believe at one point, now they're just black. It's just a horrible, horrible way to live."

Chicken, the Day After

The day after being ousted from his tribe, Chicken puts his short-lived game experience into perspective. What mistakes did he make and what could he have done differently?

"I didn't know when I was coming into the game, I thought about this game in so many different ways, I put myself in every possible position before I got here. It just basically took over three or four weeks before I got here; you're thinking the game 24/7. I was really excited to get here. I haven't seen anybody yet who was as excited as I was to get here."


"Going into the game, I was going to be myself. I didn't have no game plan, I was going to be myself, right or wrong. What's great about this game is it can change a million different ways and while it's changing in that million ways it can change in another million. The chemistry of the game speaks for itself. Sometimes it's forgiving and sometimes it's not, but that the element of it, it's the greatest game in the world. It's great potential."


"I think going on in as myself was not enough strategy. I didn't even sit back and think for just a few minutes about ways to fit in. I was just being myself. We can be wrong, we don't know how it would have laid out or whatever, but if I didn't go the first night, I would have went the second. Their chemistry came together really quick. Before we got to the boat, these are young people, they click very well. They're all on the same communication level, they're all on the same educational level. It's just like taking a bunch of guys at the feed store, a bunch of farmers. We're sitting around talking about farming, and a young guy comes in. He's not going to stand there and listen to anything about farming. That's just an example, but I couldn't relate to the people. I tried, but (laughs) I'm out of their generation big time."


"You got the pretty ones, the smart ones, the young ones. They're all young. You've got all these different characters, then you've got me. It's really strange, the chemistry of the game. They all bonded really quick, as soon as we got on the boat, they more or less bonded a little bit. They was having fun, no arguing, no screaming at one another. When we got to camp they bonded together; I didn't."


"You've just got to come together to go in this game. It's not just coming together at camp, it's coming together in the challenges, it's coming together 24/7. It's not a day game, or a night game, or a week game. You've got to come together to win this game."


"If I started over playing Survivor, when we got on that boat, I would've insisted on we need to choose a leader. We all need to agree on a leader, and listen to the leader. No arguing with what he says. It's really simple. When you got a job, and you got a flipping boss who comes and tells you to do something, you don't stand there and argue with him. He comes and tells you what's to do, he's the damn boss, he knows what needs to be done, that's the reason they're paying him for what he does. My first thing would be get a leader, get some organization. Whether it's right or wrong, if a leader tells you to go jump in a lake, you go jump in the lake. It would have been great. You've got the young people, you've got the strong people, you've got the fast people, and we had all the chemistry, all the elements to build one of the greatest tribes that ever was. It just didn't come together."


"One thing that did come together, the one thing that did get organized, one thing, to vote my ##### out. I couldn't believe it. That they did get organized enough to do that. I couldn't believe it. When I came out of the game first, I said it flipping amazed me that four people had enough sense to write my name down. That is amazing. That's just the way I look at it."

Secret Scene: Chicken

Chicken struggles to sleep at night as his rambunctious tribe makes some noise.

(Night 1; various people chatter as they get ready to sleep; Ashley laughs and talks about how they're roughing it)

CHICKEN (solo): There's no common sense among these people. I'm trying to get along. (more scenes of Ashley and others laughing) Everybody keeps talking. So I just got up.

(Chicken leaves and says he's not that tired)

CHICKEN: They won't sleep none tonight. I may just stay down here. (Frosti does some tricks) I made all the suggestions I can make. I'm just being really, really cautious. I don't want to rub anybody's rhubarb or you know pee in their corn flakes. I'm just going to try and slide by. You know, that's all I can do.



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